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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. Have any of the companies in Japan tried suing the creators of this show. I sure would like to see so. I mean besides stealing jobs and superficially becoming a world power they should not be allowed with copying EVERYTHING when people are being put in jail for pirating movies, (NOT STEALING THE IDEA MERELY COPYING). It seems to be a two faced policy by the international community. There are legal discussions by the Japanese to sue the chinese for the brown and orange gundam they built??? Why not Astro Plan In Toy Wars a book about Mattel and Hasbro the two ended up in court over the similarities of bust size from the Barbi and Cindy line. Astro plan is really a blatant ripoff. But I can call it both ways too. Hollywood ripped off an AWESOME HK show called Mugando and got praises for the Departed. To me Mugando was WAY BETTER than the Departed and yet Hollywood let them get away with it. So i guess until there is fairness who gives a Sh&$
  2. I have a strong feeling this may push Wave to counter with a TV anime version Which would be ! Sweet!
  3. Sorry man tried reading your comment over and over again I dont get it
  4. JFC man. I hope your single.
  5. One thing tho The top half of the chest reminds me of this
  6. Nope. It screams bad ass as in or
  7. PG Review Yup Im going to get it.
  8. I'm surprised you haven't been off shored. Most of the PMs and CPAs or CMAs have been outsourced to Argentina, India, Philippines or god knows some hut in Afghanistan. But That setup is SWEEEEEEEEEET. I have 2 kids and I thought that after my first was born I thought that would be the end of my collecting but really if your responsible its manageable
  9. So you want a shrinking and expanding gun that another robot holds. I m glad they didnt do that.....
  10. Ya but your trying to make sense out of bays universe which is so poorly written and designed with loop holes galore, with lines that can border on the offensive and as metallic sentient beings requiring gonads! Making sense and logic out of a bay movie, you might as well let michael bay soap you down to wash his car while he detonates your head. ..... If you separate the toys design from the movie i think its great. Why cant transformers be old jalopies. As long as the alt mode looks like realistic enough to modern day vehicles and retains a fairly nice robot aesthetic its A+ for me
  11. oh come on man give it a rest Its a huge HUGE improvement over the Shards of Tinfoil with an alt mode with an exposed head. And the arm cannon looks like it expands to form a large G1 like gun. I really like the cape. Gives some character.
  12. Finally a Nice megatron! Apologies if it was posted Love the Gundam Exia Repair mode feel to it!!! Score A++++ Looking forward to the figure. Good to see Designers give some respoect to the greatest leader the decipticons ever had
  13. i have been on the HLJ website on and off looking at the SDF 1. The bridge detail paint apps looks sloppy to me for its size. Yamato is foolish not to allow G-Man to review it because I m holding back to see whats it like before I pre-order
  14. Thanks for that! I saw it on HLJ for 238 Yen. Does that sound good? Is yamato going to limit the release of the SDF in case I want to wait a bit maybe until the summer So many things my wallet is getting multiple concussions from the Fans Project Rodimus Trailer, MP Rodimus, Alter Linebarrel and (straight copy and paste from HLJ account) BAN961146 Soul of Chogokin GX-58 Earth Defense Flagship Andromeda (Yamato / Star Blazers) 1 Feb. Release Feb. Release 02454907 BAN965428 Formania Gunship (Nausicaa) 1 Feb. Release Feb. Release 02454907 BAN966570 Metal Build 00 Gundam Seven Sword (Gundam 00 (Double O)) 1 Mar. Release Mar. Release 02458449
  15. edit 2010年12月28日 発売予定 予価  34,440 円(税込)(本体価格:32,800 円) I think its going to be around 400 bucks
  16. DOH! Send the pics to me. I promise not to share it with anyone else. !!! BTW Translation please やまとマクロスシリーズ最大サイズにして、真の主役的存在である「マクロス艦」。 これまで“やまと”が手掛けてきたバルキリーやデストロイドとは一線を画す圧倒的な存在感を放つこのアイテムは、どのように開発が進行してきたのか? 1/2000の試作モデルからH.D.Pキット、それを踏まえての1/3000での仕様再検討までをご紹介! 開発STEP1 サイズ検討用モックアップ 「マクロス艦」の開発の際、真っ先に挙げられたのがスケールの設定という問題です。 手にしたときのボリューム感と保管場所などのバランスを考慮して、まずは1/2000というスケール設定で外観試作を製作しました。 この試作は各部のギミックや形状・ディテールを作りこむ前のもので、2009年2月22日に行われた 「マクロス進宙式」にて、商品化発表とともに展示されたのち、工場での製造検討に使用されました。 開発STEP1 サイズ検討用モックアップ ギミックや形状の設計を進める一方、工場での検討と交渉を重ねた結果、このサイズでの完成品化は品質基準や価格の面からも現実的でないという結論に。 しかしながらこの破格なサイズの魅力と、少しでも早く手にしたいという声に後押しされ、試作モデルのレプリカという、業界初の仕様で1/2000モデルが実現。 試作を依頼している業者で、職人さんがひとつひとつのパーツを検品・調整してお届けする特殊受注生産方式は月産5~10セットというプレミア品です。 終的な完成品のサイズは、様々な検討の結果1/3000に決定しました。それでもやまとマクロスシリーズでは、これまで最高だった「1/60完全変形SV-51γ」の340mmを超える、全長400mm!完成品の最大サイズ更新です。 とはいえ1/2000の設計を、単に1/3000に縮小しても成型品としては成り立たないので、もちろんサイズに合わせた再設計は必要。 ここで“やまと”が行ったのは「機構の再設計」だけではなく、「より1/3000にふさわしい外観形状と、塗装済み完成品としてのバリュー」をもう一度見直すことでした。 左の画像は、2010年7月に行われたワンダーフェスティバル2010[夏]で掲示していたもの。 1/2000で実現していた「脚部居住区」や保持用の磁石ギミックなどを省略せずにそのまま採用したうえで、スケールエフェクトを考慮した外観形状の微修正はもちろん、関節ギミックの追加まで盛り込んでいます。
  17. HURRRRRRY UP WITH THE PHOTOS G-MAN!!!! Its easy Point Click Post.... :P
  18. I know its not "macross related" but it does have something to do with HLJ. Its not exactly on Sale but with their parred pricing with the American Dollar the Alter Linebarrel dropped in price. I have been eye-balling this beautifully detailed mech from the day it was announced but didnt want to drop that kind of cash for such a small figure. But since it was discontinued and RARE! I broke down in Fear I wont see it again and bought it. DAM YOU HLJ DAM YOU!! :lol:
  19. Absolutely. Be care with the Rezel. The Fit of some parts are very tight and therefore it takes extra care to build. And thanks to Anime52k8 I am waiting for my Decals to arrive. Sadly I dont have the painting prowess so I will highlight paint some bits, panel line, decal and Flat Coat it. Anime52k58 Are you getting the commander type??
  20. Peter only Builds MGs. And Pics of my B. Frame Cheers PS Sniff Since the price drop on the Alter Linebarrel I bought that and now I have to put off my purchse of the PG Red Frame until at least March
  21. Just gone mine this past Wednesday and I unboxed it today. Should have got the regular version. Not worth the extra money on the dinner plate display base. The Toy itself is amazing. Has a lot of heft to it. Joints are much tighter than the yamato version. Although it was my intent to getting rid of the Yamato version I have decided to keep both and display one in flight mode and the other in Monster format
  22. wow I'm glad I posted. I honestly didn't expect so many positive posts. I have re-done my display cases. Didn't know I would have so many left overs I would need to store. Will have pics ups soon. Decided to get the another display case to make it look more neat and dispersed.
  23. so why cant u get your PG fix?? the PG S. Freedom is out
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