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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WnHHjVPwMk&feature=player_embedded
  2. hsha Pete I finished mine first haha. Just kidding Still need to flat coat ad more decals
  3. IM glad this is selling well Here's hoping to A TRU TV version of the SDF-1. Still waiting on the rest of the destroids G-Man. Did you ever ask your contacts at yamato if they would ever do a commander type Zentradi POD. That would be My WHITE Whale. As a kid I really loved that thing
  4. From one Peter to another.... I hate HGs. Build quality makes me feel its for 2 year olds. MGs/PGs/RGs and Kotobukiya AC/Zoids kits have spoiled me. On that note the RG are really challenging and fun! All the MG goodness rolled out in a smaller 1/44 package. You have to get the 2 kits available right now. I am really curios if they will attempt the Zeta? But you should at least try one PG. May I suggest the RX - 178
  5. I always find Detolfs by using Craigs list. Of 6 that I have I bought 4 of them on craigs list for around 20 bucks each. Which reminds me I need to get two more
  6. could not finish the uploads as i have to wait but there is more nothing special but i think bandai is really pushing the PG 2 issues and basically the same pic but it worked because I bought it I have this on pre-order
  7. The Green one looks like ass. But I really like the Strike attachments. I have my PG SF on its way along with the red frame. I think the weakest of the PGs are Zeta and OO Raiser
  9. Feb 2011 I can understand Jan is out but Feb? REally Sigh
  10. Hey comon! Scirroco was de coolest enemy next to Zechs Merquise, and Anavel Gato!~ And Jupiter is an evil place. Outside its our solar systems garbage collector it and the space around it is extremely hostile. the Braves really stole the mech action in the movie YES! and I always viewed the Gundam space emigration and Newtype manifest destiny a bit idiotic no. I feel it would only be natural for animosity to arise between gifted and regular folk. We are an insecure species, we fought wars over color of skin! And immigration to space, it will happen as long as profilgating consumerists US expect insane growth rates in GDP of 20+% we wont have a place to live without wearing a HAZMAT suit, so space is the next frontier. As for Gundam becoming stale. I dont think so. With UC ie MS08th, Stardust, and even Unicorn we are getting different perspectives from around the same time. I must repeat here that I really liked 00 season 1 and slightly 2 but focus on story started loosing out to pew pew pew. And the MF movie although a retelling of the OVA in condensed format was still a pleasure to watch.
  11. it sure does look nice BTW like your monitor PSBTW I took my $300 X-Mas $$ and put it to towards the purchase the of the PG Strike Freedom. Sigh I guess IM not such a macross lover !
  12. huh never noticed that. I dont mind if its slightly different than the line art. There is only so much you can do but my biggest concern is the price tag
  13. I too live in Toronto and as I have mentioned before, in another thread our tax on imports is rather arbitrary. Now the toy is too rich for my blood and I can understand Americans having the cash but people in toronto??? Like I say a river of gold runs under this city. Ok back to topic. Mr Graham... with your confirmation from Yamato on sales of this beast going well and me just checking internet retailers seeing short stock/Restock notifications will Yamato make the TV version and will it be the same price as the Movie version?
  14. If Yamato makes the VF-4, They would have gained a special place in my heart! and a TV SDF 1 of course
  15. wow
  16. Toy of the Year??? A nice toy yes but not toy of the year You have the Alter Linebarrel, PG SF, RG, Mac Quarter, CM GaoGaiGar V.2 GFFMC Unicorn, MP Movie Starscream, Hot Toys Iron Man and more with a lot more paint apps, articulation, transformation and highly collectible. I Understand its Macross but just because it is doesnt make it toy of the year I think we need an new etymology to describe collectible toys. These are not toys as you would not give a 400 toy to your child to play with as they are not that hardy. I like to call them Pop Cultural Collectibles or something more fitting to indicate we as adults don't collect toys but something more valuable than a child's plaything
  17. Thats awesome Im glad to hear that. Hope that I will be able to buy a 1/3000 TV Version which I am holding out on.
  18. wow and I thought I had an addictive personality :lol: Relax, even if they run out of stock I am sure Yamato will make more
  19. well judging from the posts AmiAmi is pretty popular maybe 20-25 sold just by members here and then counting how many others. Maybe a run of 2000. So if they sell half that is that what Yamato considers successful??? Graham might know. Would be interested to know within the first week how sales are.
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