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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. I have been thinking of getting the HSOD girls. I never bought these things. Do they need painting or or they complete (sans assembly) and painted?
  2. Your Hilarious. I like a lot of members here and I dislike you. Rant. That's funny. I had several people come into a thread and whine about how they dont like me posting for the benefit of others. And then try to bring up poor reasoning in regards to that. I mentioned the irony of those statements and Im ranting what I would call trolling. And fine they posted their opinion and I posted mine. I never called anyone stupid for buying anything, nice try there GB. I suppose you can twist anything I say. And I am sorry your off your meds but please get back on them if you think I edited my post because I had some super power premonition that you would respond. Although I did go back to edit my post to clarify my point in case member like you would go and twist the context of my thought. Again twist US. So you somehow magically through the ether mr GB construed that I MEANT EVERY SINGLE PERSON?? WoW and yes YOUR ANTAGONISTIC! But whatever I know the insecure in you cant wait for me to respond so you can get into another meaningless flame war
  3. or you can stay clear out of my thread and not respond ! with an idiotic and antagonistic way!
  4. I already have the Naomi Special but the flying one....forgot the name WICKED as I used to say in my early childhood days. Will Get
  5. I am sure its cool but I like the graphic novel in Western comic format. I checked out the Blech Mangas and I just cant get into black and white. Although I am sure it is a fantastic read for some but I think the story is rich enough for someone to tackle in either anime format or live action film. As for the movies it was like 10 years ago. I had 2 dvds so I guess it was part one and part 2 of the movie. I really Really liked it. Now I am trying to find those DVDs and bubkiss nowhere to be found even through legit means ANNNNNND I cant wait for Bandai to release their Mini SOC FSS mecha whawhawhaaat You dont like the mecha designs ....they are the most beautiful mecha ever designed,outside of the Guymeleth Escaflowne
  6. well I better report the members here to the various manufacturers of toys. Since people post reviews before initial stock is sold. Otherwise since looking at pictures of the SDF-1 I decided not to buy it. Heck we might as well shut down youtube. Gotta call Josh at CDX and let him know to shut down the website. And what were they thinking. I mean I saw this trailer and decided not to see the movie because of it. Stupid Stupid People. I wasnt going to say anything but I never been to a board with so many sorry bunch of whiners. AND I really question the bias of those whiners. Threads are like the stations of the radio. If it hurts your sensitivities don't dial in. Ridiculous HURT SALES I see mags on shelves from 2 months ago and because me
  7. Or you can just read my comment "Also MW has a buyers Black List. Check it out. I have and added users from ebay. I like to buy from Toysonline, HobbyLocus, AnimeKing, A_E productions and figure house. All in my Buyer list. Sometimes you can deal with them offline " So, if I see the item in my Sellers list, I dont spend an hour to review. But I guess 2 min in my time is 1 hour in yours
  8. RT movie??
  9. To date I have made 300 purchases on Ebay. About 98% of them have had no issues and I recieved in 3-5 days from overseas vendors. Granted you need to do your research. 1. Do not buy pre-orders. Dont know why Ebay allows this because it conflicts with the dispute resolution policy in terms of lead time to put in a claim. 2. Check the Ad. Some ebay vendors open multiple accounts because of their poor feedback. 3. Make sure you look at their current bidders. You can tell the SELLER is bidding up the item if they have new bidders with virtually no bid history in the last thirty days 4. Even if the Auction has information just ask. CYA. By asking over again ie Is the item brand New unopened official Yamato 1/3000 Super Dimensional Fortress Always use full names. Does shipping include tracking, and insurance blah blah. Now your protected. Overall my experience in terms of Pricing/Shipping has been great. Also MW has a buyers Black List. Check it out. I have and added users from ebay. I like to buy from Toysonline, HobbyLocus, AnimeKing, A_E productions and figure house. All in my Buyer list. Sometimes you can deal with them offline
  10. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/love/ Another The Fountain like movie
  11. Easy on the criticism. First time. Unscripted and raw and figuring out my camera at the same time.. enjoy
  12. this is good news if its a new anime but from what I am understanding is its a new Manga series which sucks since I dont read manga. I saw 2 or 3 anime shows on this series and it was very nicely animated, story was fantastic. I dont know why it would be hard to understand. Basically it has the similar plot lines of any Scifi story with multiple habitable planets colonized from previous generations of humans.
  13. I am getting this MG Figurise. Looks neat This will be mine next month!
  14. The Mag has been out for a month. Ample time. G-Man already had it when I posted the Jan issue. So I do keep that in mind. I bet the March issue is already out. And trust me, Bandai isnt loosing any money. I cant scan every page. Its a thick Mag and I get tired standing next to the scanner waiting to scan the next page. Then uploading the images.
  15. Loads for me fine. But I guess 10 seconds is too long to wait these days If you guys dont want me to do this. Then please tell me. Bottalk appreciates me doing this time consuming effort which is for the members that cant get the magazine or just want to look at nice mechs. And its only one page......
  16. Feb Issue For the forth straight issue sigh PG SF. I think sales are not going well. And really not much. to look at but Im posting anyway [
  17. Of all the places I still find Ebay to the best for import toys and models. Price is good. Shipping is fast, and you a have a feedback system
  18. I have the Chogokin Max Factory Dragonar 1 in transit. I know it doesnt even come close to the Love Bandai gives to its SOC line but its nice none the less and the design is very admirable. Here is the mini Alteisen and my V2
  19. Here is the some Construction pictures of the red frame. Some words: Not very impressed. Had a small amount of runners for a PG. Some of my MG kits had more runners. I felt very underwhelmed. I know they re-used the PG Strike frame and I was in awe when I built that but MG technology has come so far that Bandai really needs to do something more with their PG. Right now the Legs and arms are the only things that really impressed me with this kit. The big disappointment with this kit is that I had to use camera shading stickers !!!! ALL of the previous PGs including the Strike the Camera eyes came with the eye-shadowing pre--colored/molded. Also, the Sword as nice as it is and my love for Shogun Robots I felt the MG Red Frames Swords were molded better. This was a bit of a cop out for Bandai reusing the frame. At the end of the build I was left with a mountain of plastic. I thought I would be impressed after the Disaster the 00 Raiser was. Granted their 12 inches of gundam goodness that do have a lot of neat features. But with MG getting better and better and Now RG raising the Bar, the PG SF better not disappoint. Otherwise the next PG I will have to pass on. Their is torsion mechanics in the femur part of the leg. Although once the armor is one its becomes non functional. Next Arm bits
  20. Here is the SOUL OF CHOGOKIN SPEC Dragonar 1. This is the original I wanted from Opening Silhouette. Much nicer. Other other one I have was supposed to the limited special release but it turned out this was the popular one so it for a while before Bandai did a re-release was selling for 200 plus dollars.
  21. :lol: BTW i know how much you hate the wave but I too see the spacing through the body on the yamato. Or is that wall texture/color on the ship??
  22. yoohoo patience is virtue and this is how im going to get my Yamato DRYL just got this badboy 1/60 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo w/Armor Parts
  23. Without the panel lining its so so. Why even put weathering on it when it clearly looks like dull plastic. So in with the old and out with the new
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