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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. I dont think its such a disaster. It has a lot of things going for it. Sure its not posable but its an older MG. I like the look of it a lot. It has a decent amount of inner frame. Great detailing and design features all in all its not that bad
  2. wow I wanted to take a break from collecting but that thing is screaming at me and do I see lineart for another zoid tiger type?
  3. RG Kinda of disappointed. I was hoping something UC and if something not UC something from Double 0. Sigh. Even me, for some of you who know I like seed gundams, I am getting sick of all the seed gundams. Another MG KA wing WTF less decals? and a base adapter? What?? Why do I need a MG Wing V.Ka with base adapters. There has to be something more to it. Maybe some fixes? Anyway a regular stand works just fine
  4. So I expect the mod to lock this thread like my Aquarium Hobby thread was locked
  5. It would be cool to see a video game much like Destiny Warriors Gundam but with Capital ships. Who would win in a face off. Both have huge cannons. Both have a beam weapon with massive capacity for destruction
  6. "Out-of-stock items are displayed with squares (in-stock items with circles). The colors are based on how long customers who have ordered the item have been waiting to get it. Yellow squares indicate items for which customers have been waiting 60 days or less. Depending on the item, we reorder merchandise anywhere from twice a week to once a month. Because of this reorder cycle, items that have been out-of-stock for 60 days or less may still be in stock at the manufacturer due to the time it takes for our orders to reach them, and for them to fill the order. While this is no guarantee of availability, the chances of getting items like this in the short-term are better than for items with red squares. " Also I just looked for the 1/60 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo w/Armor Parts on ebay and found it for 130-150 US with shipping around 50-60US Still ends up cheaper for me as our Dollar is killing the american as of late. But if I buy from HLJ the Yen is so strong, that it ends up around 170 US now with it being on back order i canceled my purchase and bought the one on ebay. You still cant beat Ebay for pricing speed of shipping and no Killer customs fees
  7. The only person I recognize the white queen who is everyone else?
  8. whoa the hostility. I personally like the plane. Any decent design from Macross with a decent robot/plane mode is a win for me. I never found arguing over the minutia of line art which often changes depending what part of anime sequence your watching affects the toy in the end as it just ends up in designer interpretation ie 3 versions of Dragonar. I'm glad they are expanding from the plethora of VF-1 out there. I do wish Yamato or Bandai will do the one fighter listed in Grahams Scans dating back around 2000 or 1999. That was a beautiful bird. I think it was the YF-X
  9. That is very NICE. Wow Amazing what a little panel lining and some paint accents can do. Getting harder to resist getting one.
  10. so what would this guy be Spinosaurus or is it a Dragon Would like to see Koto Do a PK Version of this bad boy
  11. I love macross but I love robots more

  12. I have just some of my many many zoids. Both the Mad Thunder or a King Gojulas reissue are very very hard to find making them expensive. The original King Gojulas had a had a bad mold that was never fixed and was released with a warped leg armor plate. I would suggest the Elphander, Seismosaurus, Deathasaur, and the scorpian, forgot its name.Really look good on display
  13. I got two kids my daughter who is 4 and my son 19 months and they love nerfing around the house with me here is the arsenal we have 2 NERF N-STRIKE CLEAR MAVERICK REV-6 NERF N-STRIKE NITE FINDER EX-3 NERF N-STRIKE RAIDER RAPID FIRE CS-35 NERF N-STRIKE VULCAN EBF-25 NERF N-STRIKE LONGSHOT CS-6 NERF N-STRIKE RECON CS-6 Special Edition I am thinking of picking up the NERF N-STRIKE BARRICADE RV-10 seems better than the maverick My son loves these things runnng around of course he needs me to engage the nite finder but he's just laughing having a good time around the house. ok that looks too cool must get. The vulcan I have gets stuck a lot and the eats the batteries very quickly
  14. Nice review Pete I see you finished the red frame too. What do you use to panel line it
  15. that was the one I was going to get as it was cheaper than the original white one. I have the original white when I saw it on ebay for $150 US and I jumped on it. The mold is the BEST thing yamato ever did! and im a little unhappy with HLJ seemingly outdated order system. With the V2 sale I ordered the; VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo w/Armor Parts Transformable (Macross) 1 Backordered <div class=Usually ships within 4 to 6 weeks"> Backordered As you can clearly see it says "backordered" when in fact I KNOW 100% it was in stock when I ordered. I called customer service or emailed you cant really call and Corky Nice girl, said that day a lot of people were ordering and the system is not setup to update the website with real time stock levels DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT to anyone of you who beat me out of the Que. Just kidding
  16. Relax Yamato will milk the mold. I used to think of that on their 1/48, 1/60 v2 armored etc etc. I think 50% of their production line is geared to Macross so dont worry mate
  17. Drool
  18. I have it in transit and I will post pics. But its bigger than both the Tomy and Koto zoids. The core block is a thing of beauty Also the gun sniper I must warn you is very very flimsy and Pieces fall of easy because of the weight. I see the problem hyperbolized in this version due to the added weight from the extra beam weapons
  19. For a thoughtful and artful movie about humans on the edge of survival I found Sunshine amazing!
  20. I am a big zoids fan and I am going to pick one up. The detail is incredibly. The only thing that bothers me that Yamato could have done to make this an absolute masterpiece is give the koto style claws. Those Panda claws do induce menacing.
  21. Anyone here into Aquariums? I have a question for some real pros I have usually kept large predatory fish. I kept the tank empty very clean with a couple of Large Silver Arowana and a red tail Catfish. Never a problem. I have a 100G tank. I have UV filter, Penguin biowheel 350, Fluval 405, Powerhead 802 Undergravel (on the other end I have I have larger powerhead feeding the UV filter and intake from undergravel, Rena Filstar XP4, a hydor Aerator, and a hydor KORALIA MAGNUM powerhead My fairly new African Cichlid setup the Fish keep dying. why? 1. Filtration Check 2. Water change Check 3. PH check 4 temperature check 5. appropriate environment for species check 6. water change check 7. No overstock check Fish show NO signs of external infection or illness. 2 weeks ago I lost my electric Blue Frontosa. forgive me my nomenclature of African Species names is pretty bad but I think its compressiceps first showed signs of going pale and not eating. I noticed its fecal matter was white instead of brown. It gasped for breath more than other fish but showed no nervous behavior and it didn't hide. When I finally fed the fish blood worms he ate and looked he was better. All of a sudden I saw him today with the infamous floater symtoms as if the bladder were infected by parasites or bacteria. I had put him in an isolation tank today added some salt (not a lot) and added Pimafix and metafix. He is alive but lost total control of the bladder. He is now swimming upside down but has more life to him. Anyone know what this could be. This has me perplexed. I mean I have a Male Sunshine Peacock that lost his eye due to territorial battles and still living healthy after one year with one eye!??? WTF man! 2 large perfectly health fish the Frontosa and compressiceps and they just die. Any Aquarist know what I am doing wrong?
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