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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. Last nights episode was great. I really enjoyed what was the sort of staple storey line of Lost. The attachment to the island and general feeling of mankind being "lost" regardless of where they lived. We now see how Jacob and his brother are really not that different in terms of empathy, jealeously and deciet. Interesting how Dead is Really Dead as the weasel stated. Jacobs brother (Able??) really was born from a Well of Light into what his heart was at the point of being betrayed a Smoke monster. Kinda of hard to figure out the timeline. I think its fairly modern era with Metal weapons being so good and refined as they are and the fact they can install a wheel/lever with connections to the light source. No explanation of what civilization they came from. What were the origins of the Women guarding the light. I wish the writers would have at least gone to the very beggining to understand things more. Now the women is a mystery. How strange to protect the island from the evils of man that they would commit murder to protect such virtue. Twisted. To me at least, Jacobs brother was the purer soul of the two.
  2. Just got this Not worth the $110 Price tag but its neat
  4. I know this isnt exactly a gundam but its a gunpla The PG Eva 01 Special Coating version Thoughts???
  5. bah the best PG Build in my opinion
  6. All I can say the contruction for Modern MGs is the best I have seen It ranks either 1st or second to Zaku V2, RX-78V2, Hi-Nu, Seed Gundams in design and engineering. It was an awesome build. because their is so much inner frame it has heft and strong joints and all without poly caps.. Because its a tit version you can leave the stickers in the manual, but I will say the gold leaf on the armor plates takes a lot of patience. I am very happy with it unlike the Unicorn which I love the mech but still fails me! I would also suggest the GNX and new Wing Gundam OVA version It seems the MG is the new PG while the PG is the new HY2M
  7. I have mentioned this numerous times but that never translated well into the KIT. IT really falls short of a PG. Its a good candidate for Breakage if handled alot unlike my strike, GP02, and RX-78-2. You will see when you get it and you start swearing it off because a lot more could have been done. I have the PG Zeta. Its Pretty good. A little chunky for my liking. THe MG V2 has nicer dimensions and lines with the same engineering as the PG. Has issues holding the rifle and standing as well. Definitely need panel lining, Stickers and a good layer of MR Top Coat Flat! to make it stand out. Its a worthy piece in a collection much more worthy then 00 Raiser. For WHAT to Get Quesitons on MG. Of the latest releases, I say get the GNX Great Kit, holds up well to to many action poses. The feet are a little bit of a problem if you have his Bean Rifle rather than Beam Gun. But so much more the exia. That and the new Wing Gundam OVA version which i havent finished building. Its pretty nice and so far more sturdier than other versions of MG wing releases. Hope that helps
  8. No real improvements trust me. Dont waste your money. When GFFMC goes on Sale go for that instead!
  9. Nice. Dam I need to get more bases. Sucks I still need to buy a separate base for Unicorn to get that Exploding from the retaining cage effect. I have been to most Asian Toy stores in my area and it seems Stands for MGs are in very short supply. All they seem to have are the Gundam 00 Stand which I dont want. I want to get a couple of clear ones, The Sinanju, and Unicorn and two more for spares. Dammit Now i have to use Ebay.
  10. Can you explain please Whats a Type III
  11. Never bought into the hype. Trust me Stone Wash denim will also make a short comeback too. Things always get recycled. Im fine with entertainment as is. I forget its 2D if the story is good and never really think about the viewing experience while immersed in the story. I really have enough gadgets around my work place and home for self deception. Someone here mentioned even with HD our eyes do not view the world like that. This is so true. I notice a lot of the things my dad says about this new technology. We walk past a sony store and he says I dont need to see every pore in someones face it just not normal. Or the 1080P with Lite Bright screens when he says they are blinding. I notice this too. Or when he criticized me on my desire to get a samsung vs a Sony flat panel tv. The comment revolved around the molding. The samsung is beautiful to look at but the gloss reflects like a mirror and you notice your environment basically noticing two realities, it got annoying. The fact we keep trying to invent ways to entertain ourselves more says where we are as a race Just my viewpoint thats all
  12. I feel for ya. I did that with the Clear Parts Hyaku-Shiki arm and a small piece on my second build of Unicorn Here a few picks of a few builds
  13. I remember how much I got blasted for saying how bad avatar was before seeing the movie. Sometimes you can tell by the promos and trailers how bad a film will be. The feeling I get now is that people are slowly recognizing the movie really lacks. I dont think 3d was promoted now and with every film for the sake of making the viewing experience better. I think its a gimmick to bring more revenue because modern man is gimmick driven. And also it prevents piracy which studios claim creates a drop in revenues ( yeah right they still live in multi million dollar mansions). I had the same problem when I talked how shitty ROTF would be. And now the famous board Mod and owner saw it the other day and said it was the worst movie he EVER saw. His board is devoted to the franchise yet he is a true fan that can admit when something is bad. Being a fan of something should not diminish your senses. Was Avatar absolute poo. No it wasnt. But its a movie you can see once and never again. It was definitely better the ROTF but worse than a lot of other summer blockbusters. Seeing the trailers for Iron Man 2 I get the same feeling all fluff and no substance. Maybe hollywood forgot how to make good stories and jumped on the hard drive band wagon. If Avatar 2 does come out it will be more of the same because the studio would want the same format that generated the revenues from the first one. Too Bad because its the public that decides what movies are to be made. A friend the other day told me that Samsung or some other company did a study on the effects of 3d on the brain and it said it was very harmful. Because our eyeballs are never stay fixed and are constantly moving in micro millimeters the over stimulation can cause mild seisures over time
  14. Well that said Sayid is one of my favourite characters along with Miles Charlie, Eko and Sawyer and well they got Bitch slapped. Except for Sawyer of course. Go Ud Zillllllaaaaaaaaaa
  15. Noir AWESOME KIT!!!!! The Blue Frame is the same bot in different colors. So its like having the same build same kit. Go with the NOIR!
  16. As far as I understood the 0 Gundam will be an exclusive in any color format. Hard to swallow is the 199 Price Tag. What makes the price more acceptable is the fact its an exclusive unlike Unicorn.
  17. I agree with you that Sayid really wasnt doing all that for redemption and that was a "meh" moment for him and what the fcuk might as well die hard and fast rather than drown. And yes Dammit I forgot the weasel Ben. I think he will pay for all the murders he has commited!. But I dont like Alternate Realities. Although Scientifically, String theory does suggest that they could exist but travel between two would be Most Improbable with current scientific methods. And then there are the island whisperers. Should we see them in an alternate reality? I dont buy into the conscience being shared into alternate universes. I have trouble enough dealing with one reality. I want to see a happy ending for Jin, Sun, Sawyer, Kate, Miles, Richard, Juliet, Ana, Frank, Locke, Jack, Hugo, Charlie, Ecko, Daniel, Sayid, the jap dude, the flight attendant, the fat dude (i liked him he was funny) and Libby in the original reality. This is the reality I have been dealing with for 5 seasons. I could be more accepting if I got introduced into another alternate universe earlier on in say season 3 but not in the last season as a cheap way of writing yourself a finish! With the introduction of The White King and Black King I really hate both characters no matter the way in which they sacrifice the lambs for good or bad they are just plain uncaring and lack any empathy unless to the benefit of their immediate need. I think that reality should swallow them in some black hole vortex where they no longer are able to do any damage. At this rate its getting so bizarre that im willing to accept Godzilla along with Mothra coming to kill smokey and end of storey with Jack the only left and seeing him in the sunset ontop of godzilla back to civilization
  18. IIRC Desmond could be dead since Sayid was supposed to shoot him. Or if he didnt he is still stuck in a well and unless he can grow wings he is going no where so does it matter???? I dont know
  19. so everyone is practically dead, seems black smoke is the smartest thing on the island. Why dont people just give up! I feel so bad for Sun and Jin. One should have left for the child to have a parent. So we kate the eight :lol: Kate Hurley Sawyer Jack Miles Witmore Claire and Richard So the Pool begins on whose going to kick the bucket next My Picks are; Claire Miles Richard Whitemore
  20. The guy in the blue shirt looks like he had WAAAAAAAAY too many gundam pancakes
  21. having gotten almost every Modern MG I started looking for the limited versions. Recently I bought the New Pearl Coating MG Wing Custom 0 and Special Coating MG Force Impulse. Right now I am trying to figure out which version I get for the 2.0 RX 78 2...the Titanium version or Smoke Clear Version
  22. i just pre-ordered the GFFMC O Gundam After a while I may get the Unicorn GFFMC at a reduced price. Stay away from the Cage Unicorn. Still the same poo as the original MG. They could have improved it in many more ways. They may come out with the Dark Unicorn GFFMC as well.
  23. Is that the Metal Composite or regular GFF?
  24. exlusive armor packs too me are a waste. I dont mind an exlusive figure but pieces of things....not cool I made the mistake of getting the SOC BIG O cause i thought it came with all advertised extra misslie and associated affects. It did cheapen my purchase and left a bad feeling with me that I dont buy anything I even get a wiff of exclusive as this stuff eventually will be sold on the common market if they cant sell enough of.
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