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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. Both movies look good I hope Monsters isnt a POV like cloverfield and I like the poster for Skyline...another independence day? http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/universal/skyline/ http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/monsters/ i just thought of something. I guess we could work with the terrorists on this one and send human bombs as they get sucked in hahah
  2. Started watching Shangri-la I love the opening tune. Its a little weird but then again anything gonzo puts out is a little weird So this year seems to be a good year in anime again Zegapain Shangri-la Break Blade and Blade of the Immortal
  3. cant wait for the shenlong next to the death gundam my second fav is shenlong
  4. So I started watching that zombie anime show. Thanks guys! Now im all horney. What the hell! Zombie Hentai
  5. Cant admire the beautiful pictures of the SDF-1 cause your avatar is in my face drawing my attention
  6. Nobody liked the MPCs because they sucked nothing specifically with the light piping
  7. Snail00


    I wonder what goes through a womens head when she sees you guys play with your toys. Must go something like this "Geez I cant believe I married him" or "and I allowed him to penetrate me" or "dammit I knew I shouldnt have broken up with the dentist" or "I wish he'd grow up and buy me an LV, just smile just smile"
  8. If Yamato can improve on their quality I will be very happy. That said. I would like to see maybe light up boosters with sounds with hidden buttons like the SOP Yamato. Maybe some panels that can open up to reveal mechanics or removable armor. Maybe Lights where they should be on the plane. A light up control dash in the cockpit. All these things would be great. I would like to see metal joints. As plastics wear out.
  9. HFC!!!!!!!!! No I posted the Dengeki Magazine scans of the $2000 dollar model. Not the toy. Unless I am confused and this is the model??? but HFC!!! sweet. I kmow what i need to save for... THO it would have been OMFG HFC if it was the TV version! NICE! Now if DAM yamato would do the other destroids!!!! As those seem error and problem free!
  10. ??? Which Macross and which vf 19
  11. Didnt know where to stick this. The GL thread is locked. http://tomopop.com/tomopop-review-composite-ver-ka-gurren-lagann-by-bandai-13796.phtml The review for the Composite Ka. Ill pass on this. I think my Revoltech with the wings is still price wise the best GL out there. The Metal GL being the best but at 400 bucks I dont think its worth the price tag considering you get SOCs like Gunbuster/Dangouga for a lot less. Hope still exists for Bandai to put the Knightmare frame and GL under the new Smaller SOC Bandai line.
  12. First watch Gunbuster Which is awesome and you get a little lesson in Astro Physics. Then watch Diebuster and its a nice emotional ending to the series
  13. I just saw the first episode. I must say I like it. I like the concept that everyone is special and the hero is the unspecial one. Thats a good twist already BTW whats the name of the anime with the ballerina girl with the transforming motorcycle. Is it any good?
  14. BEHOLD the strike Freedom Perfect Grade More
  15. No mention of Escaflowne. That is some serious Kick Ass mecha movie with a Rare Great Story behind it.
  16. THis is now my favorite Toy collectable. REALLY This thing is awesome. I didnt want the new one not fond of the slimmer and cleaner paint apps and since they announced the Andromeda I opted out for the reissued cheaper first run version. It does after all get expensive collecting all these chokogin. If your wondering yes it has metal somewhere in the hull and the turrents. The rest is plastic. Some assembly required mostly the stand, and some antennas Losts of really great sound affects. Lighting affects. The front Hull has the torpedo room with working torpedo loader. The back has 3 hanger bays. THe engine compartment there is a switch and the turbines can move. All cleverly hidden within the design. I really dont know how much more they can improve the SOP design on the new SOC. Cant wait for what they have in store for the Andromeda If you havent already this is a MUST for your collection out of 5 i give this a 5++
  17. MG O review http://www.figure.fm/post/en/14863/MG+The+O+-+Review.html I feel bad that this figure didnt live up to it "On this kit the hip joints swing forward and back to help create a more dynamic pose when up on an action base (gigantic clip to fit the action base, mercifully included). At one point the legs were flopping around and I thought the piece had become loose. When I went to check on it, I found that the whole waist joint started to split down the middle. With all the pieces going on down there the only way was to get it all back together was some disassembly and reassembly. As I pulled them apart I forgot that that the bead tubes (there's another name for them, I'm sure, but I sure as hell can't think of it) connects at the front of the waist and the rear. All of a sudden they popped off and little red beads went flying everywhere. Thankfully Bandai was kind enough to include extras with the kit. No, not five or ten of the pieces, but ninety. Holy poo that's a lot left over. Keep in mind that kit only uses about forty of them. Perhaps they were originally meant to be used on the other beaded tubes, now molded as a single piece. Why they didn't just mold the waist tubes the same way is beyond me. It's also worth pointing out that the pre-molded tubes and the ones on the waist are actually different shades of red. All of my issues with this kit boil down to one point, the design of this kit was outright lazy. The O could have been an amazing kit, a wonder of design and detail. But at ¥12,000 (not including international shipping on a box this huge) I feel like I've been royally ripped off. The MG Ex-S, which costs a third less, can't pose for poo but looks farting amazing, can transform, and even comes with a base! For fart's sake, why only include two beam sabers? At least include a pink sticker for the monocle! " Another review confirms the aweful truth that Bandai once in a while tries to rip of its customers " 2 Value for money (you'll get a display piece that's poorly executed with no extras or incentive for the purchase) 2.4/5 Final Thoughts The product looks to part like the The-0. Aside from that, the build fails in most aspects that Bandai is known for pushing forward. This kit is fine as it replicates the original design well. But for what it's worth and the capacity of what Bandai can deliver nowadays, the final product felt dated, rushed and uninspired considering that a large majority of fans voted for the release of this figure." Check out the rest of the review at ...... http://gundam-eclipse.com/topic/3673841/1/
  18. They are bigger than the average SOC non Transforming stand alone figs. When on the horse its huge tho
  19. OH COME ON Man!!! I love the strike freedom but the lightining edition and MGs were good enough. What about the HiNugundam or Szabi! At least do some bad guys! Geez
  20. I dont think it would be 1000 dollars. The current 1/100s go between 120 and 220. A PG goes for 200-350. I doubt a 1/35 would go for more than 500-650.
  21. Ill take that over the new 1/60 Not sure if this falls under gunpla but thought I show off my new item
  22. Got this awhile but just got time to open it and start fussing with it More pics to follow Great Toy! Highly recommended
  23. :D
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