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Everything posted by Snail00

  1. your kidding Wow that's a twist. >just one of my Aoshima Harlock Arcadia's would weight 4 times the SOC/BPX Yamato's
  2. I feel the same way. The old popy looked to me a lot closer to the the old anime and this version celebrates the line art from the renewal anime. I also like the added features on my Popy version. I also second that the SOC Andromeda will be mine. So I will then complete my collection by having BPX-01 Yamato Aoshima Captain Harlock Movie and OVA Arcadia and Queen Emeraldas. I hope they also make the Blue Noah from Renewal
  3. Finally I got my Movie Version Cpt. Harlock Arcadia arrived This is the limited version and its blue instead of green but really in person is not so bright blue and I actually now prefer this color. Funny I still like the movie version arcadia more the OVA version. I guess its the bulk and the HUGE skull and cross bones. Now eagerly awaiting the SOC Andromeda
  4. Thanks im going to buy some from there My 1/100 Rare! Koto. Wildwurger came in before my 1/100 also rare Koto Alteisen so I started on it first. And Wow if you like MG gunpla I think this is a close first for Koto. I dont like too many of the designs from the SRW genre but the two I have are awesome in every way. Hopefully they make a 1/100 cyblaster This kit is essentially armored and non armored. You have the option of going back and forth Hey Renaud Get out of my way! Armored coming shortly
  5. What the hell! Where did you get those decals? anyway Saw this and instantly ordered mine from HLJ
  6. wow on both i just dont think i would want to try to attempt that for a 70 dollar kit I would cry if I ruined it with a bad paint job. The decal application is AMAZING. I just finished my MG Wing Ka and I hated the decals
  7. I envy you Americans. You have good paying jobs and Nicely Priced awesome cars.
  8. Yes I would like her to mutate fully like in District 9 and become a permanent member of the crew in that state. !
  9. YES! And back to topic Hope this movie rocks! Notice on the alien ships they have vectoring thrusters on one of the fly by seens. AWESOME
  10. The one thing about SMS Resin Kits is because they are so heavy parts break easy. Its nothing more than a Pretty statue. Posablilty is near 0. Then you have the headache of priming painting priming some more than decaling than top coating. If you can stand to do it SMS is great. If you want to know more here is a review of the SMS 1/100 Kystria review
  11. I didnt check the prices on this things wow 400 bucks eh! With Shipping and the exchange rate the thing would cost me around 600 bucks. Thats a bit much for a kit even colored. I mean with the GFFMC which require no assembly they are still a fair price. I know production wise there is many runs which brings up the price point. Hopefully they become enough of mainstream that it will become an affordable alternative to MG and PG. I although like the design style of these kits because it takes it from a realistic perspective with all the real detail of a mech like that ie thrusters, vacuum hosing, fuel lines, data ports and inner mechanics. Its just simply an extra step in detail from the MGs and PGs. Here are my real wants in terms of MGs/PGs MG Kystria maybe making 1/120 scale since at 1/100 it would be huge. Hy-Cogg-ugly mech but yet appealing???? Asshimar Stark Jegan Hi-Zack Palace Athene Methuss Gaplant TR-5 Hrairoo Fullarmor Gundam 7th Geara Zulu Geara Doga Loto Geara Zulu Angelo Saufer Delta Plus Some of the mechs above are just stupid not to move forward to MG'fication. I know, I know they are not "Hero" Gundam's But unlike many there are a lot of Hero mechs I just cant stand. The mechs above are very nice to look at and could use some of the more sophisticated engineering in the MG line. I know I have to wait for a while for any of these to be made, cause we have all of the Wing Hero gundams on the way of course all of the 00 Movie line which im really not enthralled by. As for PGs its a crap shoot and I think I agree with members here that we will probably get more recycled versions of the Seed frames and 00 Gundams. Come on give me some of the evil guys man! A sinanju would be nice!
  12. I haven't had time to take the photos yet but I'm shocked that so many people hate the design of the 25. Its a pretty bird. So when I hear it needs to be totally redesigned from the ground up care to share your thoughts? I do agree the 27 is a nicer build in terms of fit and I didnt know the two teams. Why oh Why did bandai let Tamishi make them I have no idea cause in general outside of the GFFMC I dont think they make anything nice. I hope they give the brand to FLEX full time. But when I try to transform my Yammy Valks they seem more delicate and you need to be extra careful with them NOT to break the plastic around the pegs. Bandai had the right idea in mind when they used Metal for the joints. So far I have transformed my VF 25 Valks more often with no visible stress fractures KNOCK ON WOOD. One thing I would like them to improve is the landing gear and have some sort of slide shield or attachment to protect the canopy. As for flaking off the decals I have no issues with those either as I have added a very thin coat of Nail-polish on one of them and Clear Coat UV protector on the others. The VF 27 was a big improvement I agree. As for the High Metal armpit gaps ok but I dont like part formers that much. Although I am getting giddi over the VF-19 Fire Valk Yamato Release. When's it due?
  13. Really as opposed to the Armpit Gap of Nothingness on the VF-1 which took almost a decade to figure out a perfect transformation? Give me a couple of hours to take a photo of my Armored Ozuma and My 1/48 VF-1 Anniversary armored and lets compare the two toys. I think a lot of people here a just too blindly loyal to Break-alot-yamato.
  14. Really as opposed to the Armpit Gap of Nothingness on the VF-1 which took almost a decade to figure out a perfect transformation? Give me a couple of hours to take a photo of my Armored Ozuma and My 1/48 VF-1 Anniversary armored and lets compare the two toys. I think a lot of people here a just too blindly loyal to Break-alot-yamato.
  15. WOW I am actually surprised I havent gotten further with my Career in terms of salary. I read a brief Biography of Glenn Beck and he makes 32Million in one year and that guy is a complete lunatic! I guess you just have to live in the states
  16. I Just CANT wait for more MGs and maybe PGs from this series But I just saw Unicorn Part 2. While the animation is still good I just feel they dropped the bar a lot!. Seeing that it comes out every 6 months you would think they can keep the level of animation quality up from the first episode. I guess I was spoiled by the MF series and Movie along with the new Evangelion Movies. The mecha just seem plain and amatuerish. Something I might find in an Car Robots Transformer Series. I might be wrong but that how I feel and my eyes perceive the quality
  17. WoW Nice collection. I like how you organized and displayed your collection. Very Nice. Can I ask what your occupation is?
  18. I'm kind of surprised to hear about issues for the Bandai Valks. Normally I hear about Yamato. Luckily I haven't had anything break on a yammmy other than the small needle like protrusion on the rear stabilizer on the 0 when I pulled it from the box and seam fit issues. But for the most part my MF valks have remained undamaged, except one which had oil, finger prints on the paint and a very yellow canopy but the seller refunded me and I was ok. I dont play with my collection but I do once in a while take them out of the display case and take careful steps NOT to break them. Yes out of frustration I threw one of my valks against a wall, but overall I had amazing luck with the MF valks. I wanted the G over any other variants but because of the price point I got the armored Ozuma and Alto and Luca. None of them have issues. Mind you I have only transformed them once. Also the Mac Quart. has no issues and my Monster is on the way which according to the MW members seems more solid than my yamato one . So if there are issues with MF valks what are they. DO they plaque the G only. I am considering this purchase because it includes both parts of the tornado pack
  19. For me now its a little expensive and I am trying to reduce my fix for plastic things. I want one. Like I wanted the Patlabor But I found that if your patient that eventually I get it for the money I am willing to part with. I am trying to thin out my collection to make room for some of the more nicer stuff. But if it means I need to spend full price on this SDF to get the TV version then I guess I will have to live with my Wave version which I like. Plus I already have a SDF variant the Bandai Mac Quarter. Also your argument while sound doesn't actually show that Yamato wont make variants if there is a price drop. Remember I am not buying it from Yamato. I am buying it it from retailers at the suggested retail Price. When the price dropped for the Patlabor which is a very well designed toy, Yamato still went ahead and made other versions.
  20. I have finally ordered mine
  21. This picture makes me really want the TV Version. I remember growing up with that version. Im fond of it. Of course the goofy Hero Gundam colors may distract from it but its true to the series. Also looks a lot more sleeker and I like how the control deck is off to the side
  22. Looks good Prices on the net are floating around 350 to 400. Same price like the Patlabor which dropped by half in a year and a Half so I will wait for the price drop As for better than the wave. I have the movie color version and I quite like it. I dont think its a fair comparison between the two. I would assume its better because the size and gimmicks.
  23. Thank you. I am checking out HobbyWave as we speak. I like HLJ but as of late the HLJ Logo plastered on all corners of the box really tips off customs and our tax rate here is 13 percent but I dont know why they charge like 23% to 30% actually its pretty arbitrary. I really dont care for their logo as the box goes into the blue bin the second I open it. Second they over pack and place small items in huge boxes. I made a complaint when I ordered an A3 size Tamiya Cutting Mat, tweezers, and some gundam panel markers. They were boxed in a HUGE box. I took a picture, sent an email and asked them about it. Customer service is soso. The order desk folks are pretty friendly and accommodating but other departments such as parts are not so customer oriented. And I have bought some more items from them during the sales and apparently they moved to a US based pricing plan but I recently purchased a Sale Item and even with the US based Pricing and a EMS discount the pricing with Ebay sellers still endend 3 to 6 dollars cheaper but when I have to pay in YEN rather than in US the price sky rockets!(since my home currency is CDN) SO I am looking at replacing my regular purchases with HLJ and BBTS. As for Gunpla G-System is just dam awesome. But I am not good at painting entire kits. I am sure I could learn how to do it, but with raising two kids, and entering into separation procedures with my wife I dont have the time nor the desire to pay so much needed attention to these kits. I am waiting and hoping Bandai will make a MG Kyshatria It would be a good complement to my MG The 0 and MG Ex-S. G-system should really start thinking about making color molded kits
  24. That Is so funny!!!!!
  25. is AmiAmi a good store to buy from? I noticed their prices are better than HLJ but I have never used them. Have any of you. Whats their shipping like to Canada
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