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Zero Enna

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Everything posted by Zero Enna

  1. there's something about VAB-2 on Desing works?
  2. But it's nothing compared with the Bf-109's cockpit ... that thing is really small!!! I fell sad about the tomcat, I ever thinked it as the most wonderfull thing who could fly over the ocean.
  3. Sorry, but it was used by spaceships, and in a Zentradi mecha. In VF's, the only with stealth systems (due to desing or avionics) who appeares were those used by VF-0, VF-17, Excalibur and Sturmvogel.
  4. The VF-0 looks like a prototype for SW-AX-1 (also the Vf-0 have a stealth system listed in compendium entry). But the SW-AX-1 was surely one of the influences on VF-0 desing.
  5. VF-17S, it looks like Brainiac head...
  6. No, it's not overtechnology. It's actually a Macross-world implementation of a eye-movement targeting system which carries some minor yet significant similarities to the AH-64 Apache's helmet/sensor control system. It's probably Northrop Grumman's Integrated Helmet Display and Sighting Subsystem, since Grumman is one of VF-0 developers.
  7. Boeing's Joint Helmet Mounted Cuening System.
  8. Thanks, I will try to draw it based on others flightsuits. I'm start planning to scratchbuild Komillia and Moaramia during my december vacations.
  9. They're used in USAF Command Pilot Wings. I will use the Saturn's rings and also the symbol in astronaut wings. http://militarybest.net/militarybest/arasba3de.html
  10. Any pic of the rear of this Macross 2036 flight suit? Also need the rear of M3 flight suit.
  11. Good Job! What you think about Milia dressed as her Red VF-1J with Santa's cap?
  12. Thanks Guy!
  13. Wonderful work!
  14. Where's Komillia by the time of M3? She was only 3 years old, and can't be leaved behind when Max & Milia were assigned to Algenicus.
  15. Anyone can help me to find images of Komillia when child and adult?
  16. I ever thinked the Anti-UN like gundam's AEUG in organization and using the same ways to get vessels and combat units (Fighters, VF's and Powered Armors).
  17. Macross Compendium: Shinsei Industry YF-19 Macross Compendium: Shinsei Industry VF-19 Excalibur The changes aren't external , they're internal, and the compendium only say one significative change between the YF-19 2nd prototype and the VF-19a: - The main engine: YF-19: Two 42700 kg [x g] class (maximum instantaneous thrust in atmosphere; 67500 [64700] kg [x g] class in space) Shinnakasu Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2500E thermonuclear turbine engines replacing two 56500 kg [x g] class (maximum instantaneous thrust in space) Shinsei Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2200B engines in beginning specifications. VF-19a: Two 56500 kg [x g] class Shinsei Industry/P&W/Roice FF-22s00 thermonuclear turbine engines in VF-19A. )
  18. Here's type 3. I tried to find something to put in anchor's place (I guess spaceships don't use anchors ) If you have any suggestions, let me know.
  19. Updated Wings:
  20. I will use them to reference with the USAF Wings.
  21. Zero Enna

    UNS Wings

    I ever imaginated how they are...so I draw it.
  22. Vitória, Espirito Santo (state at North of Rio de Janeiro), Brazil
  23. But...there's some chances of -0B become a official, there's a model of him. It happened with the VF-3000 (anyway, this toy it was a prototype for nova project).
  24. A UN Spacy Flight Team can use Officers ans NCO at same time? Like: Sergeant 2nd Lieutenant (Team Leader) Sergeant Or a team can be composed only by Officers or only by NCO?
  25. I think it isn't all bad, finally we can see the destroid's full potential and the most amazing dogfight since the YF-19 vs. YF-21 and YF-21 vs. Ghost. But I want more info! WTH happened with the other mayans? How they explained the death of the entirely crew of 3 frigates? And the Austerstäd? Haven't anyone thinked about using the monster to shoot at it or launch a VF-0 equiped with one of that monster bombs to explode the anti-un big toy? By he way....maybe Edgar was that afro-american pilot who appear on SDF Macross (The only black pilot who appeared only one time).
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