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Everything posted by stillmad

  1. So here I am someone who grew up as the kid who though Go Bots and Transformers sucked because I watched Robo Tech. I loved it. Loved the imagery, and I thought the story was good until I discovered Battletech. Battletech let me play games and has given me over 100 novels for Giant Mechs with human pilots. There is no denying that Robotech begot Battletech, but frankly that's where it ends. The robotech story lines in my opinion are like chewing gum compared to a fine fillet medium cooked 12 oz steak of Battletech. I used to enjoy both but it has come to a point where I need need to decide which I prefer for one time and all. I can no longer support Harmony Gold, Its derivative products, Manga, Anime, Novels or the in extension the Paladium Robotech Role Play game. It is time for Harmony Gold to simply go Bankrupt and I'm going to do my part to not support anything they do any longer. The faster the imagery and story become public domain license the better.
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