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Everything posted by mecha2241

  1. All I'm saying is I have a hard time seeing Disney just let a very big competitor to their Orlando parks get bigger with the help of their newest acquisition, but the again I think Universal Studios Orlando still has some Marvel based rides so I'm probably wrong.
  2. Just last month Legoland in Orlando just anounced the a big Star Wars expansion to their new park there so maybe Lego is also in Disney's sights. Who knows at this point?
  3. Well, unfortunately your theater wasn't alone in this, looks like this movie's officially a bomb: http://movies.yahoo.com/news/watch-house-curve-land-photo-finish-165611838.html?_esi=1 Too bad, I thought it looked pretty good...
  4. Well, this should make people hate this remake even more: http://blastr.com/2012/08/peek-at-new-robocop-scrip.php
  5. So wait, it tweets? What's running this thing, Skynet?
  6. Here's some more info on this very bad idea. I like where one reporter asks “You know what Battle Royale is about, right? I mean, you aren’t really going to have a show at this moment in the media landscape that’s about high school kids killing other high school kids, are you?” Anyway, here's the article from EW.com: http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/07/30/the-cw-battle-royale/
  7. I'm still trying to figure out how a GASOLINE ENGINE runs on DIESEL fuel...
  8. Maybe someone turned on the lights?
  9. I work right by where this happened and I can tell you that there have been many close calls with this sort of thing over the years.
  10. I moved away from the Detroit area about 15 years ago and yeah, that sounds like same place lived near growing up. I do miss the Devil's Night news coverage though...
  11. Phineas and Ferb FTW!
  12. Don't look for this show to be around too long... (you'll have to scroll down a little) http://blastr.com/20...-starts-low.php
  13. The "David" video was a great combination of creepy yet fascinating.
  14. After watching this trailer here: http://blastr.com/2012/04/see-creepy-caves-and-stas.php, I thought the engines pivoted just right.
  15. Agreed, after reading the series I subscribed to HBO just for this show. I got my mom to read the books and I'm letting my parents piggyback my HBO Go account so they could watch the series on their iPads. My wife likes the show too, just have to make sure the kiddies are in bed when it's on.
  16. While there is no date for a release yet it does appear that there will be a 90 minute pilot movie and then it will be a web series. http://blastr.com/2012/03/battlestar-blood-chrome-w.php
  17. Fan boy rage at it finest. First people complain that the show broke too far away from the comic. Now people complain because it's too close to the comic. You guys should be proud.
  18. So wait, we've reached the point where trailers need trailers, really?
  19. Not just daughters, my 4 year old son loves Ponyo also.
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