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Everything posted by mecha2241

  1. Well I have no problem saying I like the mecha designs and the story sounds pretty entertaining.
  2. I'm surprised Battle Royale hasn't been mentioned.
  3. It's also the end of the series, it's been cancelled after this season...
  4. Just heard this band mentioned on the radio: http://www.destroid.com/
  5. I got my $10, saved me from having to buy a Sony card. I already had $5 left over from other stuff I bought, so I was able to get the Omega pack for Mass Effect 3.
  6. Yeah, that was Reccoa, not Sayla.
  7. I just finished ZZ not too long ago. Like said above it doesn't get good until over 20 episodes in. It's a shame because the first half of the series had been as good as the second it might have rivaled Zeta Gundam as one if the best Gundam series.
  8. A, B, and E didn't exactly have the most pleasant service lives either. 1701-A was kind of a piece of junk in 5 (bad movie aside) and was trashed to the point it had to be decommissioned at the end of 6. 1701-B was trashed it's first day out of Spacedock. 1701-E was almost assimilated in First Contact, had to eject it's warp core in Insurrection, and was pretty well trashed before it had to ram the Scimitar in Nemesis. It just seems like the name was really bad luck for a Starship.
  9. Yes it was. Best use of bullet-time EVER!!!
  10. "Hey, let's slap the wings from Firefox and some canards onto this F-35 mock up and call it our new stealth fight." "Okay, done."
  11. I actually thought the same thing, but I still like the toy itself.
  12. Disney didn't make any of the Spider-Man movies.
  13. No thanks, I'm willing wait and pay for this.
  14. I like Kup in bot mode, he does a neat thing with the hood of his truck mode that brings it around his head, shoulders and chest, it helps make him seem beefy.
  15. I recently got Prime Rumble also, along with Kup, Knockout, Ultra Magnus, and a Vehicon. The first thing I thought if when I was Runble's chest was Gurren Lagann.
  16. If the paint cover the word kerosene and if the word isn't molded in the plastic you should be fine.
  17. I wasn't clear about legal containers. I didn't mean to imply plastic cans are illegal, I should have said that putting gas in a can marked kerosene could be illegal. Metal cans, I think, are considered easier to ground/bond making them safer than plastic, but I'm honestly guessing a little there, I'd have to look into it next time I work.
  18. As I said I work in a fuel terminal and I can assure that we are not allowed to use any kind of plastic containers to store gasoline or diesel due to static electricity dangers. That all said I do have plastic cans at home because that's about all they sell in stores. But trust me metal cans are safer for the reasons I said above. They just cost way too much. Also for work we ordered them from Grainger, again not cheap. (Sorry, trying to be helpful, hope I'm not making you mad.)
  19. Technically it is illegal to use that can for gasoline, there are warning signs at gas stations that say something to the effect of only using proper containers for fuel. Also, plastic cans are a bad idea for use anyway due to static electricity, I work in a fuel terminal and we only have metal fuel cans that must be grounded for static and have flame arrestors to keep a flame from shooting out of the can and burning people, you don't want to know how much these things cost...
  20. This is one of the first times I'm really going to try to avoid spoilers.
  21. I remember having that Enterprise looking one and space shuttle looking one.
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