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Everything posted by mecha2241

  1. To add on to that, I'd rather be able to sit on my couch in front of my 60" with my surround sound cranked up playing in comfort.
  2. Troll is as troll does...
  3. Appeantly the voice command doesn't work all that great either. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/11/08/xbox-can-hear-me-now-xbox/?intcmp=trending
  4. Yeah, and I suppose Apocalypse Now got the idea from Macross as well, oh wait...
  5. I hope we start seeing more stuff like Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill. They're a nice change of pace from what has been coming out the last few years.
  6. Yeah, that's been done... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSaqvhvnAgI
  7. For that figure to accurate to the manga she needs to dripping with sweat.
  8. Considering the main phaser arrays were on the saucer it make sense to keep them combined. I doubt the Galaxy-class ships fight in the Dominion War had any civvies on them anyway.
  9. This isn't something new. How many of the other movies or TV episodes is it the case where the Enterprise is the only ship in the area? That's been going since the original series, even when the story takes place near Earth. It's pretty lazy to use that for an exscuse for what's wrong with the new movies.
  10. Never, ever, buy into any hype from HG, you have live a happier life that way...
  11. The Miyzaki info is more relevant and interesting than anything you've ever posted...
  12. This conversation belongs more in the old, dead Robotech and HG threads, not really in this current LLA thread...
  13. Considering how often I hear and see Whitesnake mocked nowadays I found it to be perfectly acceptable form me to post that I like them in this thread.
  14. My wife saw two SWs at our local TRU. She claims she didn't get one, but I know she did, my birthday is in a couple of weeks and there's very large gift rapped box in her office, also she forgot to throw out the giant TRU bag... She said both boxes were wrapped in a anti-theft spider thing. Anyone else see that at their TRUs?
  15. JT does a great podcast. The first episode really show his enthuasim. Give it a shot if you like the novels!
  16. Nope, Mospeada is C R A P. I made through the first five episodes on a rewatch and I can't take anymore.
  17. I'll take Orguss coming back over Mospeada...
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