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Everything posted by MastaEgg

  1. The first 13 episodes are a test of faith. It gets much better after that.
  2. Why can't they kill off Luca instead this time? All he does is prey on Nanase - even when she's in a coma.
  3. They could just add another o to Macross to get around that. That might encourage them to pronounce it correctly too.
  4. ... in the US!
  5. What's this? Besides the obvious. Is it just the promo videos we've seen so far?
  6. I can't say I like the direction Kawamori has taken with the series post 80's era, although I suppose it would of been a hell of alot worse without him at the helm. I've been watching some older Gundam stuff lately and I'm impressed with the way Zeta Gundam continues from where original series left off- it's even better than the first show. You got new characters and story, but you've also got the original cast supporting them and they continuing to develop as well. Macross doesn't have sequels like that. The previous cast sent on their way never to be seen again (well except a few chacaters in Mac7) and then the story jumps another 20 or so years on to humanity's next colonization effort in space, following the same fomula. I'm not saying Macross should be like Gundam, but I would like to see each series feeling like its a smaller part of a bigger story, rather than a story that repeats itself in the future.
  7. He can probably do it, it's just Computer Science people are some of the laziest people on the planet.
  8. Type in the password and then the 2 digit number on the right. There might be a lot of congestion so keep trying.
  9. American children eat just about anything. That's why they're so fat.
  10. The Robotech OST wasn't bad, but those Minmei songs... oh..my...god... "Mac - ross" FAIL! "Mah cross" FAIL! "Ma - cro - ss" WIN!
  11. The thing I find most ironic is that they assigned a lot of stereotypical accents for a lot of the characters in Robotech, but Minmey doesn't sound Chinese... despite her ethnicity being the most established of the characters. And for the record I like the ADV voices better. I didn't care for them at first, but mostly because they were so different. You should give them a chance. Unless you actually prefer unempathic sounding characters.
  12. Well, one theory could be that the intro takes place after ep 27, but before ep 28. It's possible that they kept the macross in service for a bit before retiring it to the lake. The most glaring thing about the intro is that the macross is shown firing it's main gun- in cruiser mode. So they might of repaired it as well.
  13. When you act like a 13 year old, it's only fair you get treated like one.
  14. I kinda enjoyed too, but the dub was really awful. There were some nice ideas like the culture park and the use of destroids again. Kinda dissapointed the UN Spacy goes back to their old ways and hides stuff from the public, considering that it led their downfall in the original series. Anyone think that Hibiki's rather flamboyant friend may have been the inspiration for Bobby in Frontier? Considering that they're both hairdressers and all...
  15. They updated the site. Behind the scenes commentary on the commericals, a section about the exhibition, and an awesome wallpaper.
  16. They also have other bussiness ventures (like real estate) that keep them afloat. If Robotech were the only thing they had, they'd had bitten the dust a long time ago.
  17. From the link above: I think they need to revoke his "professional anime nerd" license for saying that.
  18. Hikaru and Misa adopt Komilia
  19. Or maybe they banned it, like cybernetic implants.
  20. I'm sure they have genetic therapy available.
  21. . Wow, it blows wind in your face. The most intense pachinko game experience yet!
  22. Was this unveiled at the crossover concert?
  23. Is it even normal for an oversees distributor to trademark a property that they were licensed?
  24. Yep, its a divx rip of the initial Macross broadcast special. So Bandai did not remove the film grain?
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