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Everything posted by MastaEgg

  1. For all your Hikaru and Misa demands I recommend the following blogs/fansites (courtesy of our fellow japanese fans): http://yuba.homeip.net/m/nicky.html http://blog.livedoor.jp/macroswing1 http://risa835.cocolog-nifty.com/wing http://kyoto.cool.ne.jp/megaroad3/english.html
  2. What in the heck is this thing? I've never seen that color scheme in Macross. HG taking creative freedom with their merchandising?
  3. Hoe Hoe Hoe! Merry Christmas Sheryl!
  4. So there was a time when Macross and Robotech fans held hands in harmonious joy and complemented each other work? That's scary.
  5. Oh boy, did the factory satelight screw up on this one I still can't figure out how this thing goes from guardian to battloid (or whatever the Robotech people call the configuration). And then... there's THIS
  6. I dunno. Part of me actually wanted the Sentinels to have happened, because it's inevitable failure would have made HG realize that maybe, JUST MAYBE, they weren't soley responsible for the success of the original show.
  8. That's why she was so wet.
  9. If you step back, it looks like it's boobs are part of its face!
  10. I'm surprised Godwin's Law hasn't taken effect here yet. Especially given all the terrible things that Harmony Gold has done.
  11. There's a contest going on where you can win either the DVD or a set of keychains by completing some sort of challenge in one of the mobile games.
  12. Why do these Robotech fans attack us in such small skirmishes? Why don't they all attack us at once? We could have a final battle right here and now. The glorious (and hopefully last) 4th Robotech war!
  13. Oh I get it... She went out for a morning swim!
  14. Why are they going after your dub in particular? There's lots of subbed instances of ep 1 on youtube and they've been up for a while.
  15. I love how they trademarked "Shadow Rising" but they have to keep asking for extensions to keep it
  16. That court case between HG and FASA concerns Macross merchandising rights, not Macross intellectual property rights. They should of mentioned it, because there's a BIG difference. It's probably why people are so confused by it.
  17. Has there ever been a character sheet on Claudia? I'm curious if there's a relation between her and that really awesome dude from Macross Zero (I'm talking about Edgar, not Roy of course )
  18. ...And when she's not drawn by Animefriend.
  19. Wow, look at Steve wield that banhammer! Now if only he bellowed out "YOU BAN!!" after the name of everyone he hit with it....that...that would of been golden.
  20. Well, I didn't go to filmschool or anything, but I did take a film class in college!
  21. Well, they both had equal stakes right? I don't think it was like "I'll do these scenes and you do the other ones and then we'll just edit them together!". You'd get a movie that wouldn't have a clear focus. They probably acted as a single body with each checking the other.
  22. What's worse? Getting beat up by a girl or looking like one?
  23. He co-directed DYRL? alongside Ishiguro. I think he works better when he works alongside another director (like he also did with Macross Plus). Mostly just to keep him in line. Otherwise you get planning sessions like this
  24. I think the benefit of using CG, especially for mechanical objects is that the proportions are always maintained during the animation. It's probably why you don't see arguments like "so how big is the Macross Quarter?". And yeah it does cut costs, especially when your trying to animate huge objects with a lot of detail, but there's still of lot of work in making them blend in with the 2D stuff, otherwise it really sticks out (see Shadow Chronicles). As for character design, I guess the reason why Mikimoto wasn't brought on was his characters don't appeal to that Yaoi craze that plagues today's anime.
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