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Everything posted by MastaEgg

  1. Bay: This scene needs more N2 bombs! Weta: But they won't have any effect on the angel... Bay: I don't care! More explosions! F*@K YEAH!
  2. So anyone else going to catch the dub's premier tonight?
  3. Reminds me of when square killed off that chrono trigger rom hack that fans work on for 5 years... and they were about to release it. Maybe HG's upset that this looks better than SC
  4. lol Robotech styled "e"s in the title...
  5. How can you compress Eva's plot into 2 hours without COMPLETELY MISSING THE POINT? They should just give the money to Gainax so they can actually finish their rebuild movies.
  6. James Cameron's version of the pineapple salad scene.
  7. "That's the future of anime! Where you get... western storytellers exploiting Asian talent!" -Macek on where he thinks the anime industry is heading. I didn't listen to his interview on ANW, but apparently he's pissed at all the negative comments left afterward. If it's full of stupid quotes like the one above, then I'm not surprised.
  8. They should have a seperate site for Macross. They already have one for DYRL?, but the way it's worded, it sounds like it's related to Robotech. They even have a fricken Macross to Robotech comparison table so you wouldn't get confused. But as a normal anime fan visting the site, I'd be more confused as to why they don't provide a link to where I can buy this mysterious movie.
  9. I'd like to see another animation studio's take on the franchise. Satellite's good at animating mecha but I find their character animation rather dull.
  10. Any chance you can rip them? I'm curious what this stuff looks like at DVD quality.
  11. The stuff in SC looked more like an Itano Dog and Pony Show compared to a real circus.
  12. It was a really good movie. Someone from 4chan was showing the RAW on live stream yesterday (seriously, it was ripped HOURS after it hit the shelves.) There's also news of an OVA due out this spring.
  13. I don't see any problem going to their panel, just don't buy any of their crap- especially the stuff that comes out of their mouth. This is also a rare time that Mari Iijima makes an convention appearance near the east coast, so take advantage of it if you can.
  14. It's not like the international market for anime is what holds it up in Japan. I think the best way to combat piracy is to offer your anime streaming for free with ads. That's how I watched this show on youtube. On a side note, I take it back what I said about the movie. It's not that bad. If you like the show you should definently watch it- just don't expect a lot of differences (aside from the last 20 minutes or so).
  15. Macek appears on this week's ANNCast
  16. The original ending was that Simon would go on to become the spiral nemesis, as shown in the prologue in ep 1. But Gainax had a change of heart for him. Man that would of really been the bomb wouldn't it?
  17. You don't have to go through all that trouble. Sometimes there's a hyperlink after their post that leads to more illustrations. And that's were all the naughty ones are at That person should seriously think about making a Megaroad 01 doujinshi. That will show Kawamori to not leave the fans hanging!
  18. I didn't have problem with him turning down being da leader (he really hated the job anyway), it's just that the epilouge was so ambigious. I mean his whole motivation for digging was to find treasure. He like to discover things. Wandering around doing random acts of kindness really didn't fit his profile. The first movie is really awful by the way. Probably one of the laziest cut and paste jobs I've ever watched, with new animation just to justify getting the story arc done in less than 2 hours. Seriously why do they make movies like that instead of doing an original story? The TV show was already too fast paced enough as it was.
  19. Well damn, it took me this long to bother watching the show on account of watching other anime. Stupid Macross! -The mecha were all hand drawn- no CGI at all! -The show kinda reminded me of Trigun. Similar setting that starts out really silly and simple that evolves into something way more complex and dark as it went on. -Ending was a bit lame. They might as well had Simon go off in his own a blaze of glory rather than mope around the desert and dig holes rest of his life. It's funny going through the earlier comments in this thread when you were all complaining that it was going to be an awful show that was cliche' and full of fanservice nonsense, and then after a few episodes you'll like OMG!! Bestest Anime EVA!!!!
  20. I stoped reading the colony drop review after that.
  21. The only thing left to cash in on is a Blu-ray release for ROBOTECH. I don't know if the show could benefit from Blu-ray quality rise, but HG would probably say it would anyway even if the difference from the DVDs is neligible.
  22. http://www.microfilmmaker.com/tipstrick/Is...4/codirect.html
  23. My avatar donning a SDF Macross flight suit (still kind of a WIP with respect to matching up some textures, but pretty much done): Any Second Life users here by any chance? It's kind of cool to roam around in but the building tools kinda suck.
  24. Well, at least I tryed to make an educated guess. I never saw any Itano Circus in the orginal MSG. Never saw the compilation movies though (if that's what you're refering to, then I may be wrong). I believe Space Runaway Ideon was the first time he used the technique, but Macross is what made it popular.
  25. You have to have an account to view the videos on that site.
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