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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Sumdumgai

    Munny Custom Vf-11b

    Too cute! That's so awesome! VF-11 gets love!
  2. So when you take off the nose cone, you're Bobbit-izing it. My wife says "cool" but she's not really into the mecha. She likes Max and Miria though. Both of us wish someone would gag Mylene and throw her out an airlock though. My best friend thought that my valks were awesome, since he's a big Macross fan. So I got him a Roy valk for his birthday!
  3. Wow, it sounds like it's so crappy no one wants to distribute it.
  4. These things don't look all that much better than a banpresto. They look like they should be no more than $5, like Exo said. Do these come with a limited edition numbered plaque or something? Does it come in some super packaging? What's the extra $15-20 for?
  5. Heh they should show those old Dick Tracy cartoons. I loved them when they re-showed them when I was a kid. Of course every single minority group was up in arms with torches, and it was the loudest smallest part of the minority groups... Joe Jitsu was awesome!
  6. I'll wait to see what comes out on top to be the standard. No point in dumping buttloads of money into a format that won't continue to be supported.
  7. Things are fine the way they are now aren't they? We've got mods that aren't heavy on the hammer, a pretty wide range of freedom, the other anime and science fiction part of the forum, and a feedback section where we mostly piss and moan about wanting more.... It's not fair! Obi-wan is holding me back! It's worse he's overly critical and and... My avatar has a serious case of red eye... Besides you know people will start posting even more retarded topics like: "Does this look infected?" "Porn but not quite" "The super official sports mega thread" "Do you think I need to change my clothes?" "Applying real physics to anime, don't argue with me you know jack you retard!" "Do you jack off to watching mecha?" etc...
  8. While I cannot endorse that type of behavior on the field, that .gif is pretty damned funny. 414836[/snapback] Agreed. Funny how in fighting games a single hit turns into multiple hit combos. addition: Man, a number of French people are saying: "what he did was alright because he was team captain. And if he felt he needed to immediately attack someone, then he was in his right and it was perfectly fine." Freaking retarded. Although one of the sports newspapers ripped Zidane a new one in their articles, whiles other newspapers were less critical or praising.
  9. ...I think my wee-wee just started to grow! 414695[/snapback] Awwwwwwwwwwwww man! Trouser-snakes on a motherfu©king plane?! Or will among those snakes will there be Solid Snake on a motherfu©king plane?
  10. Awesome custom! Congrats on getting married! Good luck!
  11. You should have heard the screams, the howls, and stomping going on when Zidane was red carded. Then everyone went silent for a while. My god, I thought that the populace was going to rip each other apart and eat each other! I read that he's been red carded before for headbutting a guy. So it's not like it's a first time or anything.
  12. Zidane got a red card for headbutting an italien player in the chest on purpose. What a way to go out, in disgrace for being a dick. Go Italy! additon: ITALY WINS!!!! And my neighbors probably hate me for cheeering on the penalty kicks!
  13. I'll join you in crossing them there fingers!
  14. Oooh, neat. The MR booth at Comic Con will have Darth Maul FX Signature Edition lightsabers. Yeah, the FX Darth Maul lightsaber with a special plaque signed by Ray Park. I think it's limited to 500 pieces. There's also supposed to be some that will be made available to CS members on July 11th.
  15. Sumdumgai


    I haven't been keeping up with the game console scene, so let me screw my face into a look of horror. $600 for a console? Man, and I remember thinking that the Super Nintendo was expensive at $200 when it first came out. Definitely save that money for other stuff. Besides the first wave of consoles can have problems, not unlike the first wave of new anything (be it valkyrie toys or star wars helmets).
  16. Sumdumgai


    Wait for the price on the PS3 to drop, that's what I did on the PS2. Get the things that may become hard to get later first.
  17. Nice! You might want to rotate your FX sabers every few days to avoid blade sag, though.
  18. I think I'll skip on watching Italy vs France. I don't like either team.
  19. Maybe the mods will give those people a really retarded avatar and lock it, and change their member title to something like "pottymouth" or "Hikaru's butthuggers".
  20. Well those line art pics can be found in the Macross Plus Movie Edition book and probably the Macross Design Works book.
  21. Paris does have good food if you go to the right places. One of the things I like about the city. Ratatouille is a vegetable dish, not bad. Careful not to step in a dog turd on your way to find good food though. Paris is the dog crap capital of the world. edit: spelling
  22. Well the "15 minutes" should have been something like "15 seconds".
  23. Uhm... Go Italy? Portugal just got shot down.
  24. Macross Design Works was a more or less recent release with great stuff for valkyries. It certianly won't be as hard to find or as expensive as say.... The Gold Book.
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