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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. She's got a website with a gallery, but it was hacked recently and is down for now. She's going to re-open it soon though. If you can't make out the address in the pic, it's: http://www.sagakure.net Meanwhile there's always her deviant art gallery that doesn't have all her stuff (primarily Saint Seiya based). It's http://sagakure.deviantart.com
  2. Hell yeah! Super Atragon main theme! -Voices (M+) -opening to GITSAC -opening to Otaku no Video -Gekiganger 3 song in Nadesico -Piece of Love (ending to Ranma 1/2 movie 2) -Macross II opening theme -Pegasus Fantasy (Saint Seiya) -opening to the Hades Arc: Sanctuary Chapter of Saint Seiya -Sora Mimi Keiki (Azumanga Daioh opening) -Rinbu Revolution (Utena) and a lot more
  3. My wife drew me this Miria to use as my avatar, but here's the full sized picture. She drew her in more of a cutesy style, because her normal style isn't really that "chibi-fied". She draws doujinshi for Japanese conventions like comike and some others. Uh, no you guys probably wouldn't be interested in the doujinshi she does (yaoi mostly)... lol I don't know if any of you saw or got them, but my wife did some Macross character sketches at the Macross Panel at AX a couple years ago (not officially, but just while it was going on she was sketching), and gave away a few sketches.
  4. Oh, but when I think "hot pics of Miria" it's for 18 and over audiences. lol But now that you mention it, it wouldn't exactly be off topic either. Hmmmm... Maybe I should ask my wife to draw some hot pics of Miria... She's a doujinshi artist that publishes stuff at comike and other conventions.
  5. Balance, because I want the toy to look good in all modes.
  6. Yeah, recasting fan made stuff tends to be frowned upon on the rpf, since the original creator spent lots of time and effort, only to have someone else make a profit off their hard work. Which is a bit different from say recasting a valkyrie part from a toy that is prone to breaking with no replacements supplied by any companies...
  7. Hot pics of Miria thread... oh wait no, we're kiddy safe sort of. lol
  8. Heil Illpallazo! German guns are awesome though. Man I feel like playing DoD, too bad I uninstalled it before it went public and you had to buy it. I loved using the MG-42. Set up in a nice position, lay down, set-up the bipod, and mow down everything that moves.
  9. Maybe they'll get Shatner and digitally de-age him like in X-men 3.
  10. They may be reporting it as Jin-Roh, but it sure as hell looks like WWII Nazis, what with the swastikas and all, and the European looking battlefields. Doesn't look at all related to the Jin-roh anime.
  11. Groovy. This thing looks awesome already! Can't wait to see more pics as they come out. 1/48 VF-11 or 1/60 VF-11, please!
  12. Avoid Hobbysearch and YesAsia, they're both robbers. Have you tried a deputy shopper to get the figures you need off of Yahoo Japan auctions or some other Japanese shops? Avoid Celga by the way.
  13. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, did someone mention Jenius girls? As long as they're not as bad as or worse than Mylene on the annoying female-dog level, then it's cool. I'd like to see the goings on of the 2020s or 2030s.
  14. This is funny. I'm not sure if it would be as funny or funnier if they had gotten 4kids/fox, since that Escaflowne TV release sucked ass.
  15. This VF-0A looks a bit plain, but man it looks so good. I didn't like the A style head that much in the anime, but it looks pretty good on the toy. A must get for me.
  16. "Splatter zone". Groovy. I hate musicals though.
  17. Hot diggity damn that VF-0A looks nice! A bit plain, but still really nice. I love A style heads.
  18. Hot diggity damn that VF-0A looks nice! A bit plain, but still really nice. I love A style heads.
  19. Like Monty Python's Life of Brian, the Judean Liberation Front guy that wants to have a baby, then after getting shot down because he couldn't , they decide they will fight for the RIGHT for men to have babies.
  20. If you go to Japan, go to Akihabara for toys and doujinshi. There's a number of toy shops there, as well as a Mandarake, Toranoana, and I think a Melon Books. Don't eat at restaurants where you order from a vending machine, the food sucks. Combinis rule. And you'll maybe hear the cicidas. Man they really sound like in anime, and they're so damned loud!
  21. My wife introduced me to Saint Seiya. I will get a Siren Sorento. I know the series better through the Hades Arc:Sanctuary Chapter and the manga and PS2 fighting game, rather than the anime itself. I would recommend getting Saint Cloth Myth figures from Japan through a deputy shopper if you know a good one. If you live in France you can pick them up at local toy shops, although the prices vary on the shops. And if you decide you want to get one, if your favorite character is one of the ones more recently released get him. The older ones like the version 2 armor Bronze saints, horrible sculpts, and the early gold saints had meh sculpts. The sculpts started getting really good with Seiya armor v3 and Aries Mu.
  22. All pics I got off the whitezeta forums. Minos: Shun V3 (I'm only posting one pic, there's a few more on the site): Siegfried (more pics on the site):
  23. I saw your thread on the rpf B-52 GUNNER, those pics are what I was thinking of from that one thread.
  24. I'll try to post tomorrow if no one else posts them before then, but there's pics of Siegfried, Minos, Shun V3, and Bear Geki around and about. addition: dunno what the Shun comes with
  25. I recognize your avatar, aren't you on the rpf? Have you tried searching around there? I think there was a thread about some props being auctioned off and there was some discussion about what guns the props were made from I think it included Luke's rifle.
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