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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. All I remember are the main ones. Diamond Force, Emerald Force, Sound Force... We see the Pink Pecker squad.
  2. LOL now i have to go look for one. Looks like I'm going out tomorrow.
  3. Not to just piss on it, but a serious question. Has anyone's 1/100 taken a big spill yet? How durable are these things? I mean, I don't expect someone to toss their 1/100 off the top of a building like what happened with samurai_m and his Elint, but just what kind of abuse can these things take?
  4. The FXs light up going from hilt to tip of the blade (unless you find an old one like Luke ESB, Anakin AOTC, or a first release Luke ROTJ), they make sound when you swing, they make sound when you hit stuff, and the hilts are close to the movie size hilts. Newer releases require less batteries, with the Darth Maul taking AAA instead of AA if I'm not mistaken. You won't be cutting your way into cars to steal radios, but that's pretty obvious. lol They sure beat the hell out of a flashlight with a hollow plastic rod. Awesome about the stormtrooper armor. While I prefer the clonetroopers, that's pretty cool to be getting. I guess you're not waiting for the MR stormtrooper helmets, judging that you already have one. Who's the maker on that? It looks good.
  5. Oh man seeing the silhouhettes almost made me lose my sanity! Ohmanohmanohmanohman! I can't wait to see clear pics!
  6. Dead horses are for eating. That's damn good meat man! But we've waited this long for a good rendition of a 19, it might as well be really really good.
  7. Singing whales. It was funny. And I've always wanted to see what it looked like to have whales in a giant power blender!
  8. Yeah, but we want them to get the 19 to be as perfect as can be.
  9. Gepelnitch also did the voice of Kanuka Clancy in Patlabor, and Ran for a bit in Urusei Yatsura.
  10. Yeah but the protodevlin pair has that oh so annoying laugh that's worse than metal scraping against metal, or nails on a chalkboard (which doesn't really bug me, but I know it drives other people insane). Best thing out of Macross 7: Emilia. She's hotter than Miria. That's good breeding! lol
  11. Oh yes, death to the protodevlin pair! Death to those laughing freaks! Most annoying Macross characters ever.
  12. Finally sat through and watched the whole series. Docker was a douchebag, I don't see what anyone else saw in him. Gamlin was an overall good guy, although I cringed at what happened to Miria's valkyrie, and I don't understand why he likes Mylene. I liked it overall, with a fair share of raised eyebrows and things to dislike. I hated how they treated the VF-11s and how there was so much recycled animation.
  13. Looks the same to me from the battroid pic. But it's not a good angle to see a great view of the fast packs on the legs.
  14. Love the Millenium Falcon studio scale! Awesome that there is a signature edition version!
  15. Wait to see how the VF-0A is, then make your decision. By then the second run of VF-0S should be out with the fixes.
  16. I don't expect good taste from the masses, which goes to show why Dragon Ball Z is rated so high...
  17. Aw, no way! Man he had such a distinctive voice and could play real cool and badass characters like Saito Hajime in RK and Shiryu from Saint Seiya. That sucks hard.
  18. Dragon Half! Craziest series I've seen until I ran into Excel Saga. Always great for laughs. Especially Damuramu, voiced by the same seiyuu as Snake from the MGS series!
  19. Sumdumgai

    M+ Valks

    That HUGE f-off gunpod is awesome! Just I could see a problem in getting the toy to hold it in any position other than barrel down... lol I'd still get it anyway. lol
  20. Huh. A Banpresto looks like it would be perfect to modify into a stampeed valkyrie, shapewise and all.
  21. 1/48 for all three modes. The details win it for me. I like the little red and blue lights in front of the rear landing gear (orange for low vis v1). lol
  22. Sumdumgai

    M+ Valks

    I keep looking at the YF-21 in fighter mode then at its other modes with the arms out. David was right about the panel thing, I sat there for a while today looking at the lineart in the Macross Design Works book, and cannot figure out whatsoever how it goes from sleek and somewhat flat to rounded when the arms pull out. Especially how the shoulder goes from flat to big and round with dots on it... I know anime magic, but still... Oh hell, if Yamato made the full armor for the VF-11 (since it was in VFX2) I would have to buy it!
  23. Bannou Bunka Nekomusume (All Cultural Cat Girl Nukunuku) the original OVA. Loved it since I first saw it. Didn't like anyof the later series though. I couldnt bear to watch the tv series, and the ova with superhero Nukunuku I couldn't watch past the first episode.
  24. I think the last four were Garuda Aiocos, Lyre Orpheus, and Wolf Nachi at the same time as Lionet Ban. There's only a couple characters I've been waiting for, so I haven't been keeping up to date with the news. Although I read that Kraken Isaac is going to be the first Marina to be made, but I can't confirm that info.
  25. Damn meatbags getting the focus. WTF is the point of a transformers movie if its focused on people and not the transforming robot characters?
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