The FXs light up going from hilt to tip of the blade (unless you find an old one like Luke ESB, Anakin AOTC, or a first release Luke ROTJ), they make sound when you swing, they make sound when you hit stuff, and the hilts are close to the movie size hilts. Newer releases require less batteries, with the Darth Maul taking AAA instead of AA if I'm not mistaken.
You won't be cutting your way into cars to steal radios, but that's pretty obvious. lol They sure beat the hell out of a flashlight with a hollow plastic rod.
Awesome about the stormtrooper armor. While I prefer the clonetroopers, that's pretty cool to be getting. I guess you're not waiting for the MR stormtrooper helmets, judging that you already have one. Who's the maker on that? It looks good.