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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I hate long flights. I hate transfer flights more though. But, man, it's an 11-12 hour flight to get to California from Paris, France and it sucks so hard. I only watch the movies because they're there, and most of the time they show crappy movies. I'm with the white drew carey, give me comfortable seating in cattle class, and screw the crappy films and radio.
  2. Nice FX lightsaber. Ah, I didn't know you were a member there meh_cd. Which section of Rebelscum do you hang out in? I mainly watch the MR prop section.
  3. Added myself, but I'm not going to be at this location for very long... MWAHAHA!!
  4. Two-seater VF-1s don't do much for me. Now a VF-0D gets my attention. Although a Minmay Guard would be interesting in VF-1D form...
  5. Ah, Jerry works under Amy. He also sometimes posts on the Rebelscum Forums when Amy can't make it.
  6. When confronted about it, Kawamori is going to stare blankly into space for a few minutes. When reminded of the question, he's going to mumble: "All pilot suits and helmets are the same, regardless of what you saw in the anime. Except Focker. I hate Shin, he doesn't get a distinctive valkyrie or helmet." Man, I can't wait to get one of these.
  7. Congrats meh_cd. Who handled your case? Was it Amy Blanchard?
  8. Hell yeah, in that nice dark grey that those deep space forces were using.
  9. Wedding-night Millia.
  10. Personally Ladic I wouldn't go the e-bay route, but I'm paranoid. If you think it's a good deal and you won't be burned, go for it. meh_cd, definitely contact MR customer service, the LED connections might be faulty or the LEDs themselves might be messed up. It shouldn't be crapping out on you straight out of the box, that's a QC problem.
  11. You can try contacting Master Replicas customer service and explain the problem. They might repair it for you or replace it (or in worst case they'll do nothing). I dunno why it would have those LEDs die like that. Usually it happens from people whacking stuff too often, while having the lightsaber on too long. If you have it on the original stand, you'll probably want to rotate the lightsaber every so often so the blade doesnt sag due to the pull of gravity.
  12. Holy crap, that is awesome!
  13. No problem. I don't know which is the brightest looking from seeing in person. Naturally the blue blades will look brighter than the red ones. So probably the new Obi-wan ROTS lightsaber will look brightest, along with the Anakin ROTS FX. For red lightsaber blades, the Darth Maul is supposed to be the brightest.
  14. Damn, too bad I haven't moved back to CA yet. Man, if I had, and knew she was going to be there, my wife and I would have gone.
  15. Don't forget that there's a Hello Kitty personal massager made by Sanrio, that looks like a dildo.
  16. Just a heads up for those in Europe, the new Saint Seiya fighting game is out now, depending on the country the title is "Saint Seiya Hades". It covers the Hades Arc: Sanctuary Chapter all the way to the end of the recent OVA. Funny thing is that as far as I know, it's not out in Japan yet. It's coming out either at the end of this year or sometime next year.
  17. I got my Anakin ROTS FX last year from The Saber Vault. You'd have to check the FX lightsaber status page to see what he's got in stock and what's on backorder, but JD is an awesome guy with superb customer service. Plus it's $100 with free shipping in the US. Otherwise depending on where you are you could try checking your local Borders or Best Buy. Unless you know someone really dependable on Ebay, I'd avoid ebay just for the hassles that could occur. If you get it from JD or a chain like Best Buy, you should be able to get a replacement or repair if it comes out of the box with problems. If you go ebay, you're usually up the creek. A single Darth Maul lightsaber FX should cost as much as any of the normal FX lightsabers, if you go by JD at the Saber Vault, that's $100. If you go at like Best Buy or wherever, I think it's like $120. If you buy a single Darth Maul lightsaber, you can buy a second one at a later time and combine them together to make his double-bladed lightsaber, since each single Darth Maul FX comes with an alternate pommel that will allow you to connect two Darth Maul handles.
  18. -EPIV ANH Vader is an older model, takes 6AA batteries, and the handle is slightly oversized compared to the original. -The Darth Vader EPV ESB is closer in scale to the original lightsaber prop handle, it holds 3AA batteries, and has an improved sound system. Overall it's better than the EPIV version. -The Darth Maul single lightsaber (the cut in half version), takes 3AAA batteries, has an improved sound system I think, has brighter lights, and size-wise is pretty much spot-on the same size as the original prop. And should cost less than the double-blade package. I've been hearing that if you want a real good representation of a Sith lightsaber in FX form, the Darth Maul is the way to go, otherwise go for the EPV Vader.
  19. Well my wife and I didn't have to kick the crap out of any gangs of kids when we were in Japan. Probably because my wife towers over the Japanese, while I was on the average to taller side (HAHA! I felt tall for once!). Great that those punks got arrested.
  20. Looks like a Low Vis pilot is in the cockpit, but it's hard to tell.
  21. Woohoo, I can't wait for pics and reviews
  22. I was merely insulting the character Docker, not eroticising.
  23. Harmony Gold and Uwe Boll should get together.
  24. I dunno, I figured that the retracting feet would be standard like on the VF-1 and VF-0. The VF-0 does have retracting feet, right?
  25. Pretty cool! I don't have the patience to learn how to sculpt. I get frustrated after a while, and mash whatever I'm sculpting after cursing at it a while.
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