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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Well hell if it is a 1/60 VF-4 then the price better be far less than the VF-0 and YF-19. That beauty is going to be really small.
  2. Something about he disobeyed orders and shot someone down, so he gets the hammer. I didn't feel like watching the trailer again and was just going off of memory.
  3. Huh. I might eventually watch it for the dogfights and plane action, but oterwise, damn it looks stupid.
  4. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Well if we didn't get these teasers like this and Yamato let Graham tell us everything that was in the works for the next few years, we'd have no more pleasant surprises. If we immediately got all the pictures of prototypes and final production versions right away, without having the info release spaced out, we wouldn't get as excited as we do necessarily. And as others have pointed out, it would be a pissed to have found out something like: "We're making the VF-4!" Only to have it be cancelled later after we've been drooling over it.
  5. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Yamato probably sent Graham a message: "Torture and tease your forumers, for they nitpick too much, and it hurts our feelings and makes us cry. "
  6. WTF. I remember reading about it a while back, but forgot about it completely. Looks like Nabeshin from Excel Saga, except grittier.
  7. Either that or teach him how to kick heads in. Hell, if he turns out to be a big kid, I'll take back saying ""ESPN" is playground speak for 'beat me up'", since even kids have a sense of self preservation (even if they make make you doubt that ).
  8. If I were back in California without too much stuff to do, I would suggest that we gather as many guys together as possible and meet up, then run around as a giant group of Axe Gang members, and act like freaks with plastic hatchets. I love Kung Fu Hustle.
  9. I am going to be dressed as a homocidal maniac... In other words I've got too much stuff to do. Besides I was accused of looking like a serial killer anyway, in a psychology class.
  10. I in general dislike cosplayers because if they're passionate enough to cosplay, you would think they would be passionate enough to spend time on making their costumes look good. But most of the time the costumes are thrown together with tape, cloth, and some crap. I really like seeing well thought out, designed, and implemented cosplays. The best cosplayer I ever saw was this young asian person (couldn't tell if it was a man or woman) dressed as Shizumaru Hisame from Samurai Spirits, at the Anime Expo that was held at the Disneyland Hotel. I swear it looked like that person stepped right out of the arcade screen. And I didn't have my camera... "Espn" as a name is "beat me up" in playground speak unfortunately. God kids are so naturally cruel. Parents more so when they name their kids something they think is really cool...
  11. I count 21 underscores. Does it mean something? Or is he trying to be all tricksy like and throw us off?
  12. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    I wear man-panties, and I say the Monster would be awesome. And big. Very big. But Godzilla may have a point...
  13. Holy crap, definitely something to take my wife to the theater for! If she doesn't drag me there first. lol MACHETE! addition: Plus I haven't seen Michael Biehn in anything since Tombstone.
  14. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Yeah, I was going to guess on the 1/60 Monster having life breathed back into it. Otherwise I guess the YF-21 (which I believe is the biggest valkyrie besides the Koenig Monster), or Glaug.
  15. or "Solid Snake in a Box on a Plane... Full of Zombie Snakes and People"
  16. Sucks to be in Canada then doesn't it?
  17. And it lights up. Seriously though, I can't wait to seea production version that's colored.
  18. Argh, Graham is like how my wife is when she gets me gifts for Christmas or birthday. Constantly hinting, but not letting me know for certain what it is. Maybe he's referring to the codpiece?
  19. If Toulousians are anything like Parisians, I would hope you have really thick skin, and not mind the anarchism. On the bright side, you'd probably be able to go on strike at the drop of a hat.
  20. I can safely say I'm not an undercover Yamato agent! Or am I? *sigh* no I'm not
  21. Well you know how it works in reality. If it's too big, it won't fit or look right. Take that any way you want, it works on many levels.
  22. Gunpod fits into fighter the way it does on the VF-1 and VF-0, handle sandwhiched between the arms.
  23. Holy crap, no kidding about that doll! Can't sleep, doll will eat me! Pinball huh. I never could get into it.
  24. Better than the live-action movie!
  25. Only if we get to have laser beam emitters attached to our heads. And I want to carry a bigass trident instead of a pitchfork.
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