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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Yeah the M0 lyrics are in French. I've liked the music in all the series, including MII. Hell the music is one of the few things I like about MII. The M7 and Dynamite 7 music have really grown on me. Especially Angel Voice.
  2. I'm excited about the alternate 19 color schemes. I'd be all over the blue-and-white Super Nova color scheme, or even better a Low Vis v1 or a Stealth color scheme... Oh hell yeah, the stealth color scheme would be awesome!
  3. God, how I miss the Torrance Mandarake! That was the only walk-in shop I knew of in southern California that sold doujinshi. addition: Oh but winter comic market just finished, all the left-overs should be in the different Mandarake and Toranoana shops!
  4. Sumdumgai

    Please Read

    1) Gatillero PR. 2) Pierre. 3) prometheum 5. 4) UN Spacy. 5) Scream Man. 6) Master of Puppets. 7) Ghostryder. Magnus. 9) eugimon. 10) Kiririth. 11) Graham 12) Roy's Blues 13) sidearmsalpha 14) do not disturb 15) sumdumgai Added myself and do not disturb to the list. One of my VF-0A shoulders has stress marks and cracks.
  5. Got a Maul double-FX lightsaber for Christmas from my best friend, and I got him a Darth Vader ESB lightsaber. The clonetrooper helmet is fun to wear, I never get tired of wearing it. The MR website got a redesign, they put in a forum, and they've got a new Collectors Society set-up for 2007 with a Qui-gon mini that comes with membership. They've eliminated the coupon system, instead all CS members get 10% off of everything. There's also going to be a Luke ESB blaster and a 212th Attack Battalion clonetrooper helmet (Orange stripe Utapau clonetroopers). And there's going to be a Yoda FX lightsaber this year.
  6. I'm hoping for a 19A Excalibur, or a low vis v1 scheme. A stealth scheme that's black and daaaaark grey, with red visor and nose sensors would look badass... Damn, why'd I have to think of that. Now I want one.
  7. If you think crooked skulls on tailfins are bad, wait until the panel lines aren't between the panels but on the panels due to some misalignment. I love the Yamato valkyries, but they're hit and miss.
  8. I'm interested depending on the price. Good to know that nb4m has a good reputation!
  9. No. Less they can screw up on.
  10. Sumdumgai

    Please Read

    God damnit, 0A left shoudler stressed and cracked. What a pisser. After seeing this thread I had a sinking feeling and had to check her out. Damn, that sucks. Now I'm really glad on waiting for a second run YF-19. Hell, maybe I should wait for a third run... Nah, can't wait thaaaat long. Still, it's depressing knowing my baby has a messed up shoulder.
  11. 19. I've been waiting for a good rendition of the 19 in toy form since I saw M+ around 94 or 95. Skipped out on the old Yamato one since I thought it didn't look good enough, and I had already bought a Bandai Fire Valkyrie which it only looked slightly better than. I'm hoping for a VF-11, YF-21, and VF-4 or VF-14 in 2007!
  12. I chose Basara because I like Gamlin, for a lot of the reasons SpaceyAce2012 brought up. I wouldn't want to wish Mylene on anyone nice. I actually dislike Mylene more than my occasional dislike for Basara. And Emilia... Awesomeness!
  13. Typo in the Macross Zero survey. VF-0S production should be VF-0A. Just a heads up.
  14. Yeah, I was under the impression that Graham macronized himself with the macro/micronization chamber, like I recall seeing a short scene of. Zolans are definitely marsupials... Kind of makes you wonder if the babies crawl out and into a belly pouch... Kind of a disturbing thought to picture...
  15. It's the way the lower belly and hips move into place that I can't figure out without lots of panels or anime magic. Also how the nose folds down and slides back when there's that fin under the cockpit.
  16. Hardy... Flow Princess... Got it. edit:typo
  17. The transformation of the VF-4 still boggles my mind. I mean we have those diagrams showing the transformation in the Design Works book, but damn... I actually like the battroid and gerwalk design, although my favorite is fighter. If there's no VF-4 released, then I hope for a VF-14 toy.
  18. But, M7 gave us the awesomeness that is Emilia and the rest of her sisters (Mylene can die though).
  19. Hot damn, those fighters look like a cross between the YF-19, VF-4, and a VF-0. But it's only that that's interesting me right now... I don't like the character design, and I'm not getting good vibes from that pic.
  20. I'm hoping they're going to do a strong Chinese accent on Chun-Li, like some friends' moms. Tiger uppercut! doo-doo-doo!
  21. It's been a great Christmas. My parents got me the Anakin ROTS LE without glue problems by the grips, and my wife got me a Clonetrooper ROTS LE. I wore the clonetrooper helmet all morning, even though it smelled funny because it was new.
  22. Heh, makes me think of the gunship from the hunt for Grievous from Clone Wars. Looks like it went through multiple sand storms, very cool!
  23. Well if they release a VFX2 VF-19A Excalibur with fixes before a YF-19, I'm sold. I prefer blue anyway.
  24. Sumdumgai

    VF-0A poll

    I like the dark grey stripes on the CF, and I don't like the white strips on the Shin. And it does look like a smaller plane humping a bigger one...
  25. If it makes it look better, I'm for a VF-11 with exchangeable canopy/heat-shield. Especially if it's a 1/60 VF-11. There are at least three color varients that Yamato could do: standard, deep space, and Ravens. And if they were to get the rights to M3... Plus they could make the fulll armor for the VF-11. Did I mention the VF-11 is one of my all time favorites? They just need to develop a transformation process without those god awful slider bars...
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