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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I'd vote for the Destroid Cheyenne from Macross Zero if it were up there, because: a) It's badass and b) It's very similar to the Macross Frontier destroids.
  2. Futuristic wi-fi and cybernetic implants? I'm actually serious that it's a wireless connection, since we see Brera controlling it from outside of the cockpit.
  3. I have Macross Zero and Macross Frontier compartmentalized in my head, with some crossing over areas. In addition to Arkan, I have the alternate Aimo now to choose from.
  4. As far as i know they're the same, but I don't own either of them, so I wouldn't be able to say for certain. They certainly look the same except for color.
  5. I want the toy to look as close as possible to what is depicted in the anime. I'm more lenient on things that were hand animated, like the valkyries up to Macross 7. From Macross Zero onwards, I'm much more exacting as there are digital models to get the proportions more correct and parts in the right spots. What matters is the essence of the design when brought to toy form. The VF-1s by Yamato have progressively gotten better in my eyes. The YF-19, though skinny in battroid, and not perfect in fighter, still has the essence of the YF-19. The 1/60 VF-25 lacks the essence of the VF-25 in every single mode.
  6. VF-27 Purple-People-Eater!
  7. So I'm not the only one that thought of Ivalice-set Final Fantasy! There's in particular towards the end of OST1 track 17 "Tallyho!" a little while before the dramatic SMS theme. Reminded me of one of the themes from FFXII.
  8. If I could find the post where it was stated that it was Bandai's decision to go this chunky route, I'd post a link to it. It was a decision to go craptastic. Their target isn't the collector, but the newer fans with money. If they were targeting the collector, they would have had something to bring competition to Yamato. As it is, targeting newer less selective fans of Macross they stand to gain a lot of money. So what if the collector fans don't like it? They'll still be making a bunch of money from people who think it looks fine, or are desperate for a VF-25. Bandai is the only game in town for Macross Frontier stuff. You get the 1/60 porkchop, the 1/72 model kit, or the 1/100 partsformer. If you don't like any of them, you don't get a VF-25.
  9. Here's to hoping that either: a) Bandai does a V2 or decides to make a non-chogokin perfect-transformation VF-25 that actually looks good. b) Yamato gets the license some years from now. c) Another company that can make good transforming mecha comes along and picks up the license some years from now. Bandai is putting out their C-game for this toy. It's too bad they're not putting out their A-game.
  10. Don't forget to send a note in English and Japanese: "VF-25 = NOT A GUNDAM"
  11. Can't remember which episode it was (probably the DYRL remake with Basara and Mylene) they showed scenes that they would have liked to have had in DYRL but never animated, like Max and Miria's wedding, and the signing of a peace treaty or something like that.
  12. Sheryl. Layers of personality, strong drive, professional, good heart, mysterious tragic past... Followed by Michel, Klan Klan, and Ozma. Ranka dropped in my liking towards the end of the series, especially when she was being controlled by Grace and puppet-Brera. She didn't even have the excuse of being manipulated like Sara and her whole "KADUN!" routine.
  13. Completely forgot about Elma! Still even if we didn't see it, I have to wonder if they still have pouches, and how that would affect part-Zolans. Kind of like how Mink in Dragon-Half has a navel despite being hatched from an egg.
  14. Huh, have we seen a Zolan's bare belly before to see what the pouch looks like? Did Michel have a pouch or psuedo pouch?
  15. I went with the most memorable from each series, otherwise it would be dominated by Macross Frontier songs. I mean it's damned hard to beat Yoko Kanno.
  16. IIRC Bandai is targeting the general audience that watches Macross Frontier, the chogokin fans, and old school-chunky monkey lovers with this toy. It was a decision to design it like this, chunkish. Because of the target audience being more general, they didn't have to design something that looks as nice as the 1/72 model or something that Yamato would have likely put out. General new fans would be less exacting on how the toy should look in all modes, as being new to the Macross series, it's not like they'd be too familiar with the design or how good looking of a design Yamato can put out. Bandai can put out something that doesn't look so great that the non-hardcore fans will be likely to gobble up. Look at the number of people posting here who think that colorized versions of the test toy look much better. Those who are less exacting won't notice all the problems we've been complaining about. And it's probably a lot cheaper to go this route, while they'll make a lot of money without having to spend more to engineer something really fantastic. And Bandai knows they're the only game in town for years when it comes to Macross Frontier. We take what they put out or tough $hit. We do have the option of a model kit, which isn't much of an alternative to a toy considering all the downsides to a model. We'll be getting a partsforming VF-25 that so far appears to have many of the same problems as its big brother, with the exception that it looks thinner. Yamato has had and continues to have its fair share of problems. In QC Yamato still has a way to go. Design-wise they're currently kicking the crap out of Bandai, and they shouldn't be considering how long Bandai has been in the game of making mecha and toys.
  17. 1. Watashi no Kare wa Piloto 2. DYRL 3. Angel Paint 4. Voices 5. Information High 6. Try Again 7. Angel Voice 8. Iteza Goku Kuji Don't Be Late 9. Diamond Crevasse 10. Seikan Hikou 11. Nyan Nyan Service Medley 12. Aimo (Ranshe Mae/Vajra Queen version)
  18. In addition to what Gubaba mentions, we saw Raramia macronized at the end of Episode 4 when Klan Klan got out of her Q-rea and sauntered over to her teammates.
  19. For head location, I view it as being that the designers realized "hey if we mount an anti-aircraft laser on the top back of the valkyrie, they can shoot down enemies that come from behind. Plus if we stick the head on the top we can simplify the steps in the transformation." To me all the valks are complicated. To say that the valks that came after the VF-1 are more complicated doesn't really seem that way to me. For me, it's that we're so used to the VF-1 that the transformations of the others seem more complicated (some of us have had a decade of the VF-1 before we were introduced to the VF-11, YF-19, and YF-21).
  20. Huh, I've never had any problems with any of my landing bay doors on any of my Yamato valkyries, including the ones you mentioned anime528k. All of mine remain nice and tight. Hopefully, for the people still getting the VF-25 toy, Bandai will have put some better landing gear on it. At least they didn't do like what they did on the VF-19kai toy, which had the hatch that supports the nosecone in battroid mode double as the front landing gear... We have yet to see how the quality on these toys are too.
  21. I love the comparison pictures in similar poses. The toy is thick, slouchy, and squat. And yes the landing bay door hinges are an eye-sore as well. The essence of the VF-25 just isn't there. It's as if Bandai just went through the motions of making a VF-25 toy. It's nowhere near as bad as the old 1/65 M7 toys, but I can see more in common with those than what it should have turned out to be. They could have done a whole lot more. That it's where Yamato was almost ten years ago is really really sad on Bandai's part (whether it be through them not caring or whether it be through a choice to purposefully make it this way). I would have liked somewhat it if it had retained some leanness to it and had the hips/crotch emplacement done correctly to not make it so dumpy. I think the gullet on the VF-25 is still larger than on the Yamato YF-19 (the YF-19's isn't large enough to bother me). It's like Ranka's bulge at Sheryl's concert, disturbing... Don't like the Ozma head either. response to Graham's post ahead: The VF-25 is supposed to have a large gullet, but damn the one on the toy is HUGE!
  22. Max has pure genius skill backing him up. Older Max has pure genius skill with plenty of combat experience, making him even more dangerous in battle. Young Max would probably win in a VF-1. Older Max would definitely win in a VF-1. Give him a VF-22 or VF-19, and he'll wipe the floor with the VF-25 team. Put him in a VF-25 and the 25-team doesn't have a prayer. Addition: It would be interesting to see Miria vs Klan Klan. I seriously wonder who would win, as Klan Klan has the advantage with the addition of the shoulder cannon that Miria's Q-rau would be lacking, and Klan Klan is damned deadly with that thing.
  23. Ewww, it's just got color now, it's the same as the craptastic prototype. Nothing got fixed except now there's color and a black background. -Legs are still not fitted the way they should be in fighter mode with a big gap. -Chunky legs that hang too low. -It has way more of a gullet than the Yamato YF-19. -Nasty spread-leg stance in gerwalk. -Still has the large gap between the shield and arm. -Overly long and extended ankles (that won't make up for the squatness). -Still slump shouldered. -Still overly large chest. -Hip/crotch placement still making it look squat. -Gunpod still looks too thin. -Stickered nose sensors = lame.
  24. I certainly hope so, adrianop. The DYRL VF-1A Max is what I've been waiting for from the 1/60 v2 line.
  25. One thing in favor of the later New Macross Class vessels is the improvement in barrier technology. It's not arms, but it's something to think about, particularly with big fleet to fleet battles (and probably what saved Battle Galaxy from having a big hole from the Quarter's gunship firing to clear away the giant Ranka illusion).
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