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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Gitssac for sure. Followed by gitssac 2nd gig.
  2. Holy crap this rocked!
  3. But it's from the people that brought us "warera rori konda" and Sammy looked more like one. And Mylene was pretty young and boobless. And Emma was more or less there. And Mao. I seriously won't be surprised to see another young girl in Macross. I don't really care as long as there's another Emilia-ish character who is badass, female, and hot. Not a guy with big man-boobs that looks like a woman only to be revealed to be a man.
  4. I'm not going to get excited about possible future valkryie toys from the new series until I see what's going to be in the series. And if Bandai gets a license for awesome valkryries from the new series, and produces more M7 type chunky-monkeys, my money goes elsewhere.
  5. Other thing to consider is that with the Max and Miria FP valkyries, the VF-1 line in the 1/60 and 1/48 scale have been milked to death (okay 1/48 more than 1/60), The initial development cost has paid off and they can afford to drop the price a bit. VF-0s and SV-51s give you a very limited number of official paint schemes people will be willing to buy. Even less selection with the YF-19, since the only alternate scheme is the VF-19A. Plus the newer valks may not necessarily have the same number of fans as the classic VF-1. Still, the price is still over the top. I can see why it's somewhat more expensive, but the point it's at now... Yeesh. With the way prices are now, I'm limiting my spending to only one valk per model type. One 19, one 21/22. I may make an exception on the VF-11 though, if they come out with some awesome custom schemes. I'm a sucker for the VF-11.
  6. I guess they tried to appeal to the mecha fan and booby fans with a horrible twist when they created Mylene's valkyrie. Just have some character awesomeness like Miria or Emilia. Mmmmmmmmmm, Emilia... Leave out or kill off the Mylene-ish characters that are so damned annoying. What I don't want to see is some "Valkyrie Ultimate Tournament" thing with a bunch of pilots sponsored by big corporations, battling it out on outer colonies for money and glory, with all sorts of clownish paint schemes. Add in the angsty main character pilot, his rival/friend, the pretty boy pilot, and the badass pilot. Then have after a bunch of the tournament: dun-dun-dun! Holy crap it's some big Anti-UN recruiting thing or something else that's big and bad and run by some evil organization that the heroes must take down and risk everything. My brain hurts from all the cliches I dumped there.
  7. Sumdumgai

    VF mode

    Fighter mode has the advantage with speed and maneuverability. Someone or something following your ass? Drop the legs or go to gerwalk and stop mid-air, then come up behind your target that bypassed you and blow them away. Of course if it's cqb inside the Macross or in a city environment, I'd go with battroid, but overall in most situations I go with fighter mode. Addition: Yes I display my valks like that, thinking of that because of the games. Plus they don't fall over when in fighter mode when there are earthquakes (or me hitting my knee against my desk).
  8. Shura's awesome, except his crossed eyes, unless they corrected it after the initial release. This is one pose I like: Although I usually just pose him with his right arm crossed in front of his chest with his arm pointed at an angle upwards, with the hand for Excalibur. I can't wait for a Surplice Capricorn Shura! The awesome dark Capricorn Cloth with a newer type body for Shura (better poseability with the arms, since the shoulders stick out more from the armor, and the tilt wrists that the old Shura lacks). And an even better head and fair sculpt! He should look like this:
  9. Ouch, brings back memories of my crushed Q-rau. I don't hate those two 2007 valks that badly to want them destroyed... I just really really don't like them.
  10. They were playing the same characters, except Tarantino. Highlight to read a spoiler, sort of: Death Proof happens before Planet Terror chronologically. They take place in the same universe.
  11. That's BS what he's trying to pull on you. Good luck on getting either your stuff, or your money back!
  12. Fighter mode all the way for display. Looks sleekest. Non-FPed.
  13. Mikimoto is among my favorite character designers. I like the style he's developed from the 80s into what he has now. He can draw a wide range of characters and do it well. For the most part I've enjoyed most of his character designs, even for the series I haven't watched but just seen the characters in commercials or on covers. To be honest, although I love the women that Masamune Shirow draws, they're all the same. They all have more or less the same faces, with different hair styles. The man colors really well too! Nobuteru Yuki is another favorite of mine, although his designs are hit and miss for me. Loved Lodoss War, was alright with X the movie, hated Escaflowne TV, loved Escaflowne the Movie, hated Heat Guy J (didn't even bother to watch it). I wouldn't mind seeing a new Macross series with character designs by him, as long as he leaves out the deadly pointy noses and sheepy-curly hair. He's already worked with Kawamori to boot.
  14. Just saw it with my wife and we loved it. I enjoyed Planet Terror much more than Death Proof, as eriku mentioned Tarantino's movie is pretty wordy. It was good to see Michael Biehn in a movie again! Loved the trailer for Machete. I would have gone to see that had Rodriguez made it into a movie. Thanksgiving trailer had me hurting in a certain spot...
  15. So has anyone seen it yet? Edit: I mean the movie, obviously.
  16. Loved Valis IV for the SNES. Half naked anime chicks with swords ruled, and they still do!
  17. No crashing here on Windows XP Pro (French version) sp2. Runs just fine despite one of the fans on my motherboard crapping out on me and causing other problems.
  18. Heh, you have no idea how much she's into Saint Seiya. She's had doujinshi published in Japan. She's a BIG Gemini fan. I know what you mean about most of the favorite characters being out. I have most of my favorites already. Although, I'm waiting on Surplice Aries Shion (need that armor!). I'm waiting eagerly for Siren Sorrento, one of my favorite characters and one of my favorite armors. After those two it's just a matter of getting Ophiucus Shaina, Eagle Marine, and Chameleon June (I hope they go easy on the clown-ish colors from the anime for June, I'd prefer all silver like the Sacred Saga Chinese fan-art). I also hope their bodies are well done, unlike the craptastic body that Pandora has. The version 1 body that Shaka has is horrible. I can't count the number of times his legs have popped off because of the cross-legged lotus position we'd pose him in. Then again I accidentally ripped v2-body Seiya's arm off while posing him... Turned it too far in one direction and POP. Went back in just fine thankfully. Still poseable as hell too.
  19. Voted Vader. He's still a badass for me, despite "Little Ani" in TPM and "Angsty Teen With Smouldering Looks" in AOTC. Anakin in ROTS was okay enough for me. Too bad there wasn't a Clonetrooper stamp, I would have maybe voted that instead.
  20. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Agreed, keep it 1/60. Keep things in scale. And can I get a "HELL YEAH!" for the VF-4? To be honest, I was surprised that Graham didn't pull an April Fools joke on us and change his signature to something else that has nothing to do with the next release, but makes us go all Freudien and read all sorts of things into it.
  21. Lately they've been releasing once a month or every two months. I think. Next up is Surplice Aries Shion, with Siren Sorrento supposedly in June. But since I haven't seen pics of Sorrento, I'm not holding my breath, since Ophiucus Shaina (Silver Saint Amazon) was supposed to be released in november two years ago, but got replaced by Jabu and Ichi. Krakken Isaac kicks ass, but as mpchi said, Sea Dragon Kanon is more important, plus he gets more screen time. And you can put the Gemini Cloth on him. I think? Haven't tried it yet. Kanon and Saga belong to my wife and I don't dare touch them. Either that or you can exchange heads.
  22. A Macross sidestory as a movie could be cool, placed anywhere from Space War I up through VFX2, without the main characters from Macross. No need to redesign valkyries. With so much story to explore in that time frame, why rehash what's already been done?
  23. Huh, I don't remember any special schemes in M+ for the Space Armistice Ceremony and Sharon's concert. I though they were the same old grey VF-11s...
  24. Looks too advanced and complicated for what turns into the original Enterprise. I like those battleship turrets though. Either that or happy April's fools.
  25. Thank you to the mod who changed the title of this thread.
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