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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I think that's why Mitsymasa Kido died. His balls ran dry trying to make an army and his body couldn't take any more of the strain. Either that or he got aids. I'd like to see Saint Seiya Lost Canvas animated. Even though it's the previous incarnations of the Gold Saints (Shion and Dohko being the exceptions), so they look the same with different names, it's been interesting. I prefer the new artist's style over Kurumada's.
  2. I'm curious about it. Not thrilled yet, not feeling like my youth has been brutally raped (or gently raped), I'm more... Indifferent.
  3. Minmay found a mature understanding partner in Misa, and Misa found a needy clingy partner in Minmay. They dumped Hikaru in a blackhole, engineered the whole thing to make it look like Megaroad01 went in the black hole, and went off somewhere in the galaxy, eventually instating a females only program. They wiped out the men and procreated through cloning. Wait this is starting to sound like a "beginning" story for Gall Force...
  4. I generally hate filler story and characters. The only character I like from filler is Dubhe/Dudhe? Siegfried, and I didn't even watch all the way through that arc because I was getting annoyed. It helps that he's badass, has a cool armor, and is voiced by Akira Kamiya.
  5. I liked it too. While I do agree it should have been darker, you have to keep in mind the huge kiddie crowd that it was being aimed at as well as long time fans. They couldn't go too dark. Although to be honest, I would have loved a really dark spiderman movie. The action scenes were impressive enough, and elicited more than one "Oooooooh!" with the thought: "That's gotta hurt!".
  6. It's not a real-deal Bandai Athena. Believe me, we would have heard far in advance, and everything about it looks wrong (besides the inaccurate sculpt, the use of metal pins in the arms). Well the reason Crystal Saint gets written off that way (he's killed by Hyoga after he get's mind controlled and is turned evil), is because when the writers for the tv series created him as filler, they had no idea that Aquarius Camus was going to be his master. So they kind of wrote themselves into a hole, which they wrote themselves out of later by overwriting his existance and setting things closer to the manga storyline. From my understanding, the Steel Saints were gimmicks brought about through the urgings of Bandai, so they could try to sell more toys. But the Steel Saints were so unpopular and lame, they hurriedly dropped them (especially because they were ridiculously overpowered and didn't fit in with the tone of the series). To be honest, I would have preferred their deaths myself. Very unimportan, unimpressive, painful deaths. I really didn't like them. It pissed me off that they wasted space in the first Saint Seiya PS2 fighting game by putting them as hidden characters. They could have put in more Silver Saints.
  7. Well I like how they write him off later in the series. Hyoga calls Camus "the master of my master, therefore you're my master", then later moves it to "my master". Then later in the series he isn't brought up again, and Camus is shown as having been his master in the flashbacks. I love even more how the Steel Saints are written out of the series. They get on the plane to go to Sanctuary with the Bronzes and Athena. Then they never get off the plane and are never brought up ever again. Athena's Bronzes ate the Steel Saints, and there was much rejoicing. "Yaaay" Zeo-Mare you bet your butt we'll see an Athena figure some day. Pandora has set a precedent in Bandai's ability to release female figures. They can't not release a figure of Athena. Most likely with her kamui. That's gonna be badass. I'll bet it'll be a send away figure, like you were saying. I hope it won't be, that would suck. The good thing with Pope Shion is that he comes with twelve stands. They come in handy.
  8. "Help! The suit's too heavy! I can't move!" That looks pretty damned cool, and I'm not an Iron Man fan.
  9. I'm happily married to a wonderful woman that isn't battyy, doesn't suck my soul away (or drain the bank), and doesn't view me as an object. She's awesome, and I never have a moments regret of marrying her. Guess some of you have bad luck when it comes to the opposite sex. Then again, with attitudes like that, no wonder.
  10. Isn't there already a thread about the toynami alpha and beta in the Anime or Science Fiction thread?
  11. I display all of them. Well the ones I brought to the US and didn't store away in France. Which means I only brought 5 (Dragon Shiryu v3, Aries Mu, Capricorn Shura, Pisces Aphrodite, and Pope Shion). Although, to be honest, I need to find the stands for them. It gets really annoying having them fall over whenever I slam my chair into my desk by accident. Addition: I left the objects in France. The only object I have is Seiya's since I just got him, and it stays in the box, because I don't care for the objects. The characters look better wearing their armor.
  12. Wait a sec, the suit isn't going to be totally cg the entire time? ' __ ' Robert Downey Jr. is actually going to wear a suit of Iron Man armor? Woah.
  13. Go for a compromise. My wife and I agreed, the toys and stuff are to be displayed only in the bedroom, where visitors don't go. It was after a discussion about other guys, their collections, and those guys that have life-sized Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, and Boba Fett costumes displayed on mannequins in their living room. No I don't have one of those.
  14. The bracelet is something he gets at the very end of the series. If you plan on reading or watching through it, I won't spoil you. It is important.
  15. Damn, that sucks donkey balls. I just got in some Appendixes today that I ordered a while back (took forever for them to arrive). Well okay, I got Seiya, the wife got Saga/Kanon and Radamanthys. My Seiya is fine. My wife's Saga head has the nose and chin messed up, like the face got smashed into something, or like it got pressed into something before the paint could dry. Radamanthys is fine. I feel for you mpchi man. Argh, that sucks.
  16. Welll that sucks for Eureka Seven fans who watch it on tv. God, I freaking hated the US tv butchering of Escaflowne. Switching the music track around, new crappy sfx, cutting scenes, skipping episodes. GAH! I almost blew a blood vessel remembering all that. Hate when stuff gets butchered and cut.
  17. Well my wife and I have all the Gold Saints except Dohko, and the only ones we've had problems with are Aiolos, Shura, and Shaka. Aiolos' little piece to secure the wings to his back didn't fit right and I wound up scraping a bunch of gold paint off the little plastic piece by wedging it into place. Shura, the cross-eyed thing(or was it eyes going too far apart?). Shaka's legs kept popping off. The only Bronzes I've had problems with are Cygnus Hyoga v2 and Dragon Shiryu v3. The old Hyoga was from when these first came out and there were a number of qc issues that would pop up. Namely his armor had some trouble fitting. Shiryu v3, well the hair keeps popping apart, and they used paint that rubs off too damned easily. This is just personal experience. I don't know if this line has a lot of QC problems or what.
  18. No, "kamui" is correct. That's too bad about your luck with the Bronzes mpuchi! My Shiryu v3's hair keeps going splodey and it annoys me. I also have the paint that comes off too damned easily. When I draw Saint Seiya stuff, I use whatever I can find for reference pics. Anime screencaps, manga, the Saint Seiya Encyclopedia (in Japanese), even the myth cloth figures. There are armor references in the backs of a lot of the Saint Seiya manga volumes.
  19. Force Lightning was my favorite ability in KOTOR1 and 2. Force lightning the crap out of everything around you until they drop, while you scream at your monitor: "POWAAAAA! UN-LIMITED... POWAAAA!."
  20. Looks the same to me. Then again I was never really into the eva designs. The new nerv logo does look like ass though.
  21. I've seen what World of Warcrack has done to many a man, and it ain't pretty. I have yet to play a MMORPG. Not Ultima Online, not Everquest, not WoW. I refuse to start up with a Star Wars MMORPG!
  22. Naw, it'll be valkyries versus microns for microns (super tiny, like lilliputan) in mini valkyries. Or valkyries versus normal sized people that can fly and hit things really hard.
  23. Oh man, whoever mentioned that before is right. It does look like a smaller jet humping a valkyrie. And their offspring shall be the VF-9!
  24. I hated the jamming birds. I liked the heavier armored look of the VF-11D customs, but I hated the jamming birds a lot. Not as much as I hate Mylene though. I wished so much she would be sucked into the air intake of her valkyrie, or someone else's valkyrie.
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