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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Oh I liked Summer Glau because she's creepy looking. I didn't like T3 because it felt like a fan-film and didn't have Brad Fiedel doing the music. Can't have a Terminator movie without the terminator theme somewhere in the film besides the credits. I liked some things in T3, like the dark ending, and Nick Stahl as John Connor.
  2. The one that shall not be named got perma-banned. Wow, that trailer was awesome simply for the pure violence. I loved it! Dunno if I'll go see the movie though.
  3. River the Terminator. Actually I want to see the pilot episode just to see Summer Glau kicking more ass.
  4. I'm getting a Siren Sorrento. Period.
  5. Oh man it is true they're doing a tv series. ' _ ' It could be good, but I'm a pessimist. I have a bad feeling about this.
  6. Well MR could try to pump out a Qui-gon and Obi-wan TPM FX lightsabers, but it's not very likely. They're trying to get out the Studio-Scale X-wing before their license is up. If you check Rebelscum they have a summary of what's definitely going to be made before 2008. There was a big Q&A on the MR forums, it's summarized on the Rebelscum front-page.
  7. I am hoping that the Joker will be very dark, very violent, and have a very twisted sense of humor. I am hoping Rachel Dawes will be killed off so we don't have to endure her through another film, and it can give Batman another reason to go "rawr" at criminals. For now, I'm looking forward to this movie. Can't say I've been looking forward to a lot of movies.
  8. I was under the impression that Arnold was model 101, or "appearance 101". While the terminator we see in Kyle Reese's dream from the first movie could have been just a creation in his dream, they probably wouldn't have needed all the dogs looking out for terminators if they all had the same human appearance. I liked how the future looked so dark and bleak in Terminator. In T2 it was cool because we were probably watching the final battle when they got to the time machine and sent Reese back in time, followed by the reprogrammed Governator. But out of that final battle and show of force, I'd have expected it to be more low key, stealth kind of missions like in the first movie. Sneaking around, blowing stuff up, trying to avoid detection.
  9. That's what a lot of collectors are worried about Darthtodd. Whether it be re-hashes that "drop the value" of their MR prop replicas, or re-hashes replacing the newer things that were coming out (wookie bowcaster, scout trooper blaster, possibly council sabers- ki adi mundi in particular). There's a lot of anger going around with people attempting to assign blame to have something to focus their anger on. It's not pretty. Especially since it's pre-order day for Commander Gree's helmet and the servers are all crashed.
  10. No Qui-gon or Obi-wan AOTC/TPM FX lightsabers. No Obi-wan TPM mini lightsaber. MR was trying to work out a way to make a Dooku FX lightsaber, supposedly, but we won't be seeing that now. Lots of people are sad that there won't be a Commander Cody helmet now also.
  11. The story on Rebelscum Well, thought that those of you who collect Star Wars prop replicas and the scaled line from Master Replicas might want to know about that. That LFL is already looking for new licensees is kind of like the axe falling towards the back of the neck, it's over. This sucks, because I was looking forward to their scaled helmets, in particular the clonetrooper helmet, and I don't know if it'll even come out now.
  12. Oh hey, I'm like that when I get really tired and people try to keep me up and not let me sleep. Complete with bloodshot eyes and everything except the vomitting blood.
  13. I'm not holding my breath on this new trilogy. I'm not going to pitchfork and torch it yet, but I don't have a good feeling about it.
  14. Or the sequel to Macross Dynamite 7, with the main character: Pukey- the radioactive space whale, as it travels from planet to planet, attempting to sing like that freak human, and barfing onto the planet. But the radiation keeps killing everything on the planet surfaces, so the whale thinks it must put more effort into singing and travels to more planets and kills everything on the surface of those too. I'd be happy seeing a series about one of the Jenius daughters as a pilot. Maybe Muse and Therese, twins.
  15. Spoilers: It sucked that they killed Doyle, he was awesome. Although, I knew from the commercials in seeing him wink, he was destined to die. The family was stupid, it's their fault everyone got screwed. The kids sneaking out into the infected zone, the dad kissing the quarantined mom, the sister taking the infected brother to the mainland and spreading it to the rest of Europe... I don't remember infected being able to see in the dark in the first movie. I thought it was kind of bs the way the dad was all over the place all the time, and being all ninja-like and vanishing. Plus the whole beating the medic to death with her rifle. I don't remember the infected using anything as a basic melee weapon in the first movie. I did like the movie overall. Especially the "oh crap" feeling when the infected start invading the house and the dad ditches his wife. And the military trying to shoot the infected and avoid hitting non-infected, before switching to kill them all. The helicopter killing the infected scene had me going "oh crap! The helicopter is going to go down!" :end spoilers
  16. hmmm maybe I should start playing with my food like that... Looks like fun!
  17. It's a VF-19P. I don't know of any VF-19P toy existing, but maybe a more knowledgeable member may be able to tell you. As for models, I think garage kits exist of it. I'd pick up a Yamato VF-19P if they made one.
  18. Saw 28 Weeks Later this morning (boy that sounds strange ). I liked it but had problems with some stuff in it. I liked 28 Days Later more, but I liked some stuff from the new one. In particular the chase that we saw part of in the trailers. There was a lot of stuff that really pissed me off in the movie, but that was the way the characters were written (and I play too much Zombie Infection mod Counterstrike Source, so stupid people piss me off easily with zombie-ish stuff).
  19. I still didn't want to know who died before I watched the movie. Although I admit that I was really happy with that character's death.
  20. Raised by both parents in a happy home, both compromise, and both are weirdos. That's where my collecting things come from. Very good points Jasonc and Sundown. Just so we can get an idea here, for those of you that see women as sex objects who either put up, shut up, or leave, what are your criteria that makes someone a man? Please give examples with your criteria and tell us what culture you're from. Since not all cultures agree on the criteria for manliness. And what does a man look for? A relationship? As much sex with no responsibility or ties attached as possible? And say you're living with a guy roomate that's a friend and you split the rent. You want to set up things in the apartment one way, your friend wants to set it up another way. Same situation as with a woman, but it's a guy instead, and he's adamant about doing things his way. Does compromising make you less of a man? Do you tell them "my way or the highway?" Do you get into a no-holds brawl, anything-goes fist-fight, with the winner being the manlier man? A good man doesn't need to make everything about himself. Nor does he need to make everything a tribute to his manliness. A good man isn't a misogynist either. And it's much better if a man can understand and articulate his feelings, versus being limited to: Happy, Mad, Sad, Bored, Really Mad, Smug, Mad and not sure why. There were some nice studies (that I can't remember the names of or who did them), showing that men who were raised to understand their feelings and talk about things more, rather than to "shut-up", "take it", "not cry", "don't take crap from anyone", and "be a man", were much healthier, balanced, and had a far lower rate of mental instability. They also had more success with their love lives and a lower rate of bad relationships. And you don't have to be a man to like and appreciate Macross. My wife loves Macross, and Max and Miria. Hell she bought me my VF-11B, Q-rau, and helped me get my VF-0A. added additional info
  21. Rumor is that in September two of the four Appendixes will be released. You know how there's Greek letters on the top and bottom front of the Myth Cloth boxes? Well it's a code that announces in riddles what the upcoming figures are going to be. Sea Dragon Kanon's box announced Aries Shion. Phoenix Ikki's was something like "A light and shadow that comes early" or something like that. A lot of people on the French forums speculate that it's Cyd and Bud (whatever their names are), the twins from the Asgard arc. Rumor is, from a guy that sometimes had good info leads, sometimes duds, that it's going to be Pegasus Seiya V1 armor with Black Pegasus. Again, it's just rumor. But a rumor that I think is more likely, considering the V1 Pegasus Cloth is similar to the Pegasus Cloth in Lost Canvas, so that type of Pegasus design is being featured a lot more again.
  22. That's why I never read the thread about a movie that I want to see until I've seen the movie. Then again you get spoiled in some of the places you'd least expect it, like in a thread about Star Wars being spoiled about who dies in X-men 3. Yeah, that really got me mad.
  23. I'd sing some Fire Bomber songs if they had lyrics in romaji. Particularly Angel Voice, the one on the Fukyama CD.
  24. Actually the Lost Canvas artist is a woman who has done a lot of Saint Seiya doujinshi and is a really big fan of the original series. At least we know she puts love in her art. Yeah, missed out on getting that bust. I think it wasn't bandai that made it though, I think it was another company. I only saw a few pics of it. I wasn't all that impressed either.
  25. If they do an Episode G Aioria head, I hope it's in the style of that particular artist and not just Aioria in Kurumada's style with red hair.
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