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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I eventually remembered my password, but when I was trying to get it through the "forgot your password?" thing, the verification image wouldn't load for me in Firefox or IE. Is it just me, or has anyone else had this problem?
  2. ARGHLAGHLEGAHLGHL! = Me needs one
  3. Wow. I may not like Tommy Yune on general principle because of Robotech, but I sure didn't wish something like that to happen to him. Man, what a dick thing to do.
  4. Remember to be very careful with Shiryu's Cloth. That paint rubs off really easily. In fact if you put the head-piece on him, I suggest not taking it off... My Shiryu has a bluish-green paint smear on his face from where the paint rubbed off. Oh HELL YEAH! Sorrento!
  5. Gah, pictures make me like SV-51 more. Must resist urge to get one!
  6. I didn't like Avalon that much, didn't bother to watch GITS2, and I'll wait to watch a trailer that has stuff besides clouds...
  7. It's going to turn out that Misa divorced Hikaru for having an affair with Minmay. Hikaru and Misa's daughter becomes a hotshot pilot that secretly has a pop singer identity (completely from the piloting, so no singing pilots). In the case that Keith argued, they independently came up with a design that paralleled the evolution of valkyrie designs back in home space. They also discover Sara and Shin with their radioactive love child. ... Actually to be honest I really wouldn't be surprised if they did bring Sara and Shin back, or a child of theirs.
  8. Hikaru and company wouldn't have the modern valks because they lost contact with earth and everyone else and dropped off the space map. ... into a black hole. I would like to see Aegis Fokker and Suzie Newtlet make at least a cameo appearance if it takes place post MVFX2. I sure wouldn't mind seeing a Miria clone from one of the other fleets. Or as I've said many times before, one of the other Jenius daughters. Hell, it would be cool to see Chlore from M7 FOTW episode, as a flight instructor (UN Spacy, or being the enemy pilot in simulated dogfights).
  9. No wonder Jarjar sounded so convincingly teeth grindingly authentic. It was Ahmed Best. And here I thought they just got someone that could imitate the voice well.
  10. I was expecting it to be funnier, although I had a few good laughs. The Jar Jar one had me laughing really hard, feel sorry for Vader though.
  11. I think he gets one line or two in the manga, and he says "this is my first line in the series!" for the first line he says.
  12. My guess on the closed cockpit is that it has display systems not unlike the YF-19 (the displays taking up all of the cockpit that was not canopy or seat). On the plus side if this type of canopy is finalized, it means we don't have to worry about a heatshield or anything to cover the cockpit in battroid mode.
  13. Would maybe pick up a glaug, for old time's sake. But I agree with justvinnie, give me a Battle7 or Battle13. Or a VF-14 which is close enough to enemy mecha... Chlore's Q-rau from M7 could be cool as long as they include a well done figure of Chlore, and not the pos that was the included Miria figure...
  14. My 1/48 Miria's backpack hinge could so use some of that healing plastic... Damned bp8s.
  15. Hey, they can have a transforming capitol ship with not only one gunship, but two, so it can dual wield. Not only that, but the ship has extra ppb generators in the hands which can be launched as independently piloted rocket fists. If they actually do that, you guys can watch me pitchfork myself.
  16. Guld was only Half Zentraedi too. Since I tend to dislike the main character, it doesn't really matter whether it's a human, zentraedi, zolan, or a giant glob of primodial ooze. I'm hoping to like the main character though.
  17. Awesome, thanks Graham! I'm liking some of the fighter mode designs. Not too thrilled with the battroid designs, but of course am waiting to see what the final versions turn out to be. I'm liking some of the character designs, in particular the girls.
  18. Can I complain that the city looked too clean in the trailers to be Paris?
  19. The best sculpted of the golds are in this order: Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius. I'm especially glad I got Pisces Aphrodite ever since reading SS Lost Canvas and seeing his previous incarnation, Pisces Albafica. Total badass. Aries Mu is a good figure, you get two sets of over-the-shoulder horns for the anime or manga look, and you get a metal hammer and chisel. He actually looks good with or without the helmet. Sagittarius Aiolos is good primarily for the armor and being able to put it on Seiya. The figure doesn't look like Aiolos. You don't get a cape with him either, since he has wings. To get a cape you need to get the Pope Shion figure that comes with the 12 stands for the gold saints, and Aiolos' cape (which he can't use if he's got the wings). Scorpio Milo is sculpted pretty good. Some things are off, but he looks good. Lots of metal parts on his armor if I recall correctly. He's a good figure.
  20. Look on the bright side, it's not going to be a story about news reporters... Sorry MII fans, couldn't resist that pot shot. Seeing a UN Spacy training academy would actually be kind of cool. I just hope they keep the sentai parody to a minimum, leave it back in M7. I'm also hoping for a cool Jenius daughter to be in the series (as opposed to an annoyance like Mylene.)
  21. The Macross version of Police Academy. "Move it! Move it! Move it!" Well it would be going in a completely different direction. The teenage thing doesn't sound so good, but then again I'm not a teenager anymore and have had more than my fill of teenage angst. I just hope that if it is some UN Spacy Academy thing that there's not a lot of stereotypical crap.
  22. I want the Orguss 02 from the Orguss 02 anime. Fat chance of that. And the decimator that's a modified Orgroid with machine-guns replacing the head.
  23. I think this statue would have been better without the skin-tight suit under that jacket. She should be nekkid.
  24. I'm hoping the later batches were fixed, because I got mine around the same time as Scream Man. My Seiya doesn't seem to have any stress marks on the belly. Had me worried there... Oh and... SIREN SORRENTO! I would have preferred him with the manga colored hair, pink, rather than the blue-ish from the anime. But I'm still going to get him.
  25. That's the one that I originally thought I was ordering when I got the Megahouse one... I mixed them up. I'm happy with the Megahouse one, but I wanted the articulated Motoko figure...
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