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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Yeah, I'd prefer a VF-22 over the YF-21 as well. I'll still get a YF-21 when they release one, since I don't have much faith they'll do a VF-22 anyway. But hell, if they do, I'd get it too!
  2. Holy crap, that baby looks awesome! I will resist and not get one, because I don't like the SV-51, but damn if Yamato doesn't make it tempting anyway...
  3. I like ghostryder's improvement on my idea. I like it a lot! Actually, the way the VF-11 transforms, there's no need for a swing bar. I don't have a reference pic to show from the Macross Design Works book, but it doesn't need a swing bar like the VF-1 or VF-0. I just hope that they can do a design that doesn't have the shoulder bars like on the 1/72 VF-11. I really hate those things, it spoils the look of battroid.
  4. Nice mod PsYcHoDyNaMiX! That looks pretty cool.
  5. I hope we don't have any purple valkyries in the new TV series, since that 25th anniversary 19 is purple...
  6. I hope for no scenes of Shinji jacking off. Once is far too much.
  7. That animation kicks so much ass. I would like to see a new Macross Movie animated with that quality of animation. I'm going to have to watch that movie now just to see the animation.
  8. I don't like the new TF designs, despite liking the movie. The designs were too busy with too much crap that made it difficult for me to recognize the characters. I recognized them more by color than by any distinguishing characteristics. I didn't even notice the Transformers Theme in the movie! Yeah, it would have kicked ass if they had gone with the style of the old '86 movie theme (since they couldn't exactly re-use it without a Unicron being in the movie).
  9. Mother Focker, that is an awesome custom! I want to get a 19 so badly. Must resist and wait for a new color scheme (and I don't mean purple).
  10. Gotta agree that it doesn't interest me much if it's not for PC. I'm not dishing out several hundred dollars for one of the latest gaming systems. The force powers seem way over the top. That "apprentice" makes Yoda, Palpatine, and Vader look like noobs when it comes to force powers. Hell, if anyone, I could have seen Anakin doing stuff like that in the prequel trilogy and losing the ability to use that much of the force when he got "disarmed" (haha, funny! ... ... ). And it did make me feel more like I was watching something like a modification of the Matrix with Star Wars skins. Seems morel like they're going for a Clone Wars approach to the way Force Powers are handled. In which case, I would like to see a force crush power, like what Mace Windu pulled on General Grievous in the last episode of Clone Wars. I want to squeeze the chests of people until they pop!
  11. My fav is the Low Visibility version 1, with Macross Zero pilot. Second is DYRL Max VF-1A. The rest are "whatever" for me. Except the stealth, which I think looks cool now, but haven't bought.
  12. Well if it's a Japanese giant monster, with tentacles... I say mainstream US isn't ready for Japanese tentacles yet.
  13. Wow, that looked pretty cool. Eva never looked so nice. Even background stuff like traffic, signal lights, and all that stuff no one ever pays attention to.
  14. Aw damn, it just figures that Eva-04 is before the generation 2 revoltechs. Still love mine. Berserk head, Eva-sized mp5 in right hand, uber-giant ballistic shield in other hand. Looks cool.
  15. I dunno yet. The trailer was interesting. Was kind of reminding me of parts of War of the Worlds. My wife thinks it's a second attempt at a Godzilla remake.
  16. I take back my saying it would suck, I went and watched it since a lot of people said it actually turned out good, and I had a good time. I can rip the hell out of a lot of stuff in the movie, but it was mostly fun. Although some of the "humorous" scenes had me cringing in my seat.
  17. I never got around to watching Maps when it came out here. Never was on my priority list. Ah the 80's and some of their wacky one-shots or short series.
  18. Hey, isn't tisinc the shop that sucks and rips people off? I avoided even looking at stuff at their booth, since I could swear they were the ones that screwed over a number of MW members. Sucks to hear that your 19 had some qc problems superhobo (love the name by the way XD ).
  19. I saw the toynami booth and took a nice long look at the Beta TREAD. I was surprised to see it in battloid, especially since I last remember reading they were doing it as a fighter only.
  20. I was having troubles with that (using firefox as well), but it seems to be working fine for me for now. Heh, just because I wrote that, it's going to not stay logged in tomorrow.
  21. It's the Samuel L Jackson color schemed YF-19! These 25th anniversary valks don't look that great to me if they're official.
  22. I went this year, didn't run into any of you (at least I didn't notice anyone), had some fun. Like people already said, the lines were stupidly long and badly organized. The staff were as clueless as ever. I didn't have problems with staffpro, but I didn't go anywhere but the dealer's room. That sucks about your friend Ishimaru. God, I felt so sorry for the artist's alley people. They were stuck in that long glass hall, with a tiny path between the tables, and the sun beating down on them all day. I'm so glad I didn't hold a table for my wife there. It's been a couple years since I went to AX, but my impression was that the dealer's room was smaller. I more or less avoided the booths of the companies. I wanted to strangle the people that set up that horrible contest stuff by the Digital Manga and Square-Enix booths. The off-key singing drove me insane while I was looking at merchandise in that particular area. I had very little luck with my gashapon/trading figure hunting. Although I did eventually find a SNK Heroines Asamiya Athena on my final try. Also got a sun-dress Asuka Soryu Langley trading figure on my first try. Heh, managed to pick up a Rurouni Kenshin Shinsengumi Saito Hajime for $2. That was awesome, and it was one of the last two at that booth. I even managed to resist getting a 1/60 YF-19, since I'm waiting for a different color scheme. I did finally pick up a revoltech figure which I was slightly disappointed with, since I was expecting a better system of articulation (I prefer more ball joints so the posing is less restrictive). I did have the misfortune of walking by MF while he was posing and pulling his shorts up his buttcrack and feeling up one of his hairy buttcheeks. [insert vomitting smilie here] Went to the LACC for Star Wars Celebration IV. I really didn't like the area, and won't go to AX next year most likely.
  23. Very suggestive phallus-like finger on the q-rau. And to put it as Evangelion Redeath put it (which I never get tired of watching on youtube). "Hey, what's a phallus?" "It means penis." "Oh." Nice sized figure and very well sculpted. I'm actually a bit disappointed with the articulation of the figure, then again I'm kind of spoiled by the poseability of the Saint Cloth Myth figures. I recently bought the Revoltech Eva-04... Hmmm, maybe I should see if it fits in my Q-rau...
  24. My 1/48 Miria had the backpack hinge snap from it being too stressed from putting on and removing the fast packs. It sucks I only took them off twice. Once to display it without fast packs, and once so that I could pack it away safely for moving. Then when I tried to put the fast packs back on. *SNAP* I blame Gamlin. I keep popping into this thread to read up on how well everyone's 19s are holding together, in waiting for them to release a non-cannon paint scheme like Low Vis or Stealth.
  25. Thanks Hurin, I wasn't sure if it was just a problem on my side or what. It was frustrating me because I couldn't remember which password it was and I kept having to wait 14 minutes for my account to be unlocked when I'd test out other passwords since I couldn't use the pw recovery system.
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