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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. The YF-21 is a valk version of a Q-rau, what's not to like. Unless, of course, you don't like the Q-rau.
  2. Awesome appendix indeed! Makes me wish I didn't leave Aioria behind when I moved. Then again I didn't know they'd do Appendixes... For the Casual Cloth Appendixes (new figures of the Bronze Saints with cloth casual clothing), the Pandora boxes they come with are supposed to be made of metal according to what I was reading on the Whitezeta forums. Heh, they have shoes, and Shiryu has the dragon tatoo on his back.
  3. Oh I'm not making my decision based on the look of the YF-21, I have total faith that it's going to kick the living sh!t out of the old YF-21 and all previous versions made. I'm just feeling a bit burned about the VF-0A's shoulder problem. I waited past the VF-0S because of the complaints of loose joints, and there were such positive reviews on the VF-0A I went ahead and happily bought it. But that was before the shoulder problems really started coming to light. But, in light of the overall good job on the YF-19 (crooked gunpod and landing gear issues aside), I'm much more liable to go with a first release YF-21 if the overall reviews are good, after a reasonable waiting period.
  4. *joins St. Eugimon in sending coercive waves towards Yamato: "Let Graham publish what he's written."
  5. Wow! To make my point I have to use a quote I heard coming out of watching Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones in an analogy. The Revoltech VF-1J is to the Toynami super-poseable as "Yoda made Jet Li look like Mike Tyson".
  6. Nope, it can fire forward. If you watch episode 2 when the 19 and 21 are doing test exercises, there's a scene where the 19 and 21 swoop down on ground targets at night while firing with gunpods and lasers (which appear as purple). I think the 21 also takes a laser shot at the 19 in episode 4 in the middle of the city, just after they smash the windows with their sonic booms, but I'm not positive on that.
  7. *Stands next to eugimon* *makes whooshing sounds while playing with VF-0A in fighter mode*
  8. There're images out of Aioria's Appendix Bust prototype out. I'm too lazy to post a pic right now. lol Yeah there's something kind of off about Milo's face, but he was one of the first of the newer sculpted saints (well when they started doing more accurate to the anime/manga). I kind of wish I didn't leave my Sagittarius Aiolos in France, I really want to put the Sagittarius armor on V3 Seiya. Pretty cool about Dohko. He's one of my least favorite Saints, but I'm glad that you like the one you got. He shows up a lot in Saint Seiya Lost Canvas, plus he looks a lot cooler too.
  9. I'll probably wait for second or third release, unless there are multiple good reviews for it and no one has any VF-0-ish problems. The version I get must come with two gunpods. No gunpods, I won't get it. So even if the reviews are good for 1st release, if there's no gunpods, I'll wait even if I have to get it with FPs which I don't care for anyway. Of course, either way I'll be drooling and having my eyes burning from not blinking while staring at pics of the YF-21...
  10. Actually he does ram it. He shoots at it with lasers after jettisoning the limbs, which is an mistake they made since the lasers are located in the arms he jettisoned. There were two YF-21s built. The one we saw, and one with a conventional control system. The macross compendium doesn't say whether or not they let it drift, but it definitely was beyong repair: "Irreparable damage of YF-21 prototype No. 2 with loss of pilot in subsequent battle with Ghost X-9 unmanned fighter over Macross City during the Sharon Apple Incident." Macross Compendium YF-21 entry Ouch, Dante that hurt man. I recently joined the club of VF-0 owners with "detacheable" arms. I hope that the YF-21 won't be engineered to have detacheable arms on purpose or by accident. LOL or they could make it like those old Crash Test Dummies toys, press a button and the arms and legs pop off. edit: just to clear things up, the pop-off limbs was a joke. I really don't want detacheable limbs. More stuff that can break.
  11. I so know what you mean Vermillion21, I'd love the VF-11B before the YF-21. But, on the other hand if the 21 is first, that means that they're going to have that much more experience they can use in doing the VF-11! As for how they could make the fighter mode sleek... I'm willing to bet there's going to be some ingenious thing they've worked out, not unlike the connection of the arms and legs of the YF-19 in fighter mode. Until we see a prototype, I'm not going to judge the proportions too harshly. I remember a lot of us were ragging on the YF-19 line-art, complaining about the gullet, that proportions were off, that it was too anorexic looking. The YF-19 came out looking good when we finally saw the prototype. So I'll wait for some pics of the prototype before I start griping.
  12. Quick, nuke the thread before the Yamato ninjas see it and usher in another news blackout!!!!
  13. WOO! YF-21! Awesome! My joy is just a slight bit dampened from my recent VF-0A shoulder break. Man, I really hope they don't have any engineering problems or major QC issue with this one. Bring on the VFX2 VF-22S and the VF-11! After a break for our wallets... Anyone have any ideas how the gunpods will attach without making either the valkyrie or the gunpods look funny?
  14. Thanks for the heads up Area88!
  15. Constructicons superior, Soundwave inferior. I mean Frenzy was more or less what Soundwave should have been. As much as I liked Grimlock for his simple-mindedness and proneness to violence, a T-rex won't do that well in staying inconspicuous (not that Megatron did as an alien jet). After rewatching Optimus Prime fighting his way to Megatron in the old cartoon movie, anyone else laugh their asses off and chant "HAX!"?
  16. Hide the nosecone, anyone?
  17. Oh god that box design makes me want a VF-11 even more! The M+ scheme and the Ravens scheme are fine with me. I don't want one from the Pink Pecker squad though... And I don't want one of those all white M7 VF-11 CFs that are made of explosives... Thanks Robodragon, but I sincerely hope that if/when Yamato does do a VF-4, they don't have such bright colors going on it. My box reminds me more of a multi-flavored popsicle or something.
  18. Eh, it's probably just marked that way until they order more and get more in stock. It's like that with some of their figures. Once they're sold out and if they don't have more confirmed to arrive, they usually put it as discontinued.
  19. I threw up in my mouth a little... Why did I click on that link and watch it against my better judgement!?
  20. I'd probably buy a Stampede VF-11. Hell, I'd buy the GBP-ish armor for the VF-11 if they made that as a stand-alone pack for the eventual 1/60 VF-11. I love that huge gunpod it carries.
  21. Wow, so that's what the foldildo looks like when lit up? Looks pretty cool. ... ... ... I will wait for a 19 with a different color scheme, but I have to admit that I'm tempted badly... Really badly...
  22. Oh, it's the older 0A. I've actually been wondering how everyone's 0A-Shins are holding up. I haven't bought a replacement arm yet. I'm thinking about trying to fix the shoulder and maybe sand down the ball joint or something. Argh, it's been bugging me all day! I really like the VF-0A CF. It's currently my favorite valk that I own, despite the broken shoulder.
  23. Just freaking wonderful. I check out my VF-0A to see how the stressmark in the right shoulder is and lo and behold... The stressmark became a bigass crack. I'm extremely unpleased. Even more so that it sounds like if the retards at HLJ manage to process an order for a replacement shoulder, I'm going to get something that will break again. This sucks. Grrr...
  24. I like the new skin.
  25. I want a VF-4. I'm lazy and didn't feel like finishing what I started so all the details on a real box aren't there. And the "4" I had to do and I can't replicate that metallic look, hence the suckage. In any case, me needs VF-4. edit: yeah, it had to have some new color scheme for the box. The colors are way to loud.
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