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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I'm just being a smarty-pants, don't mind me. That thought had occurred to me, as well as the possibility that it didn't get plugged in right. It's certainly looking better than its fatty big brother in any case.
  2. If you watch the Triangular opening, when the VF-25F poses at the end with everyone and the Macross Quarter is in the background, you can clearly see three hardpoints on the wing.
  3. If that's the case, so much for durability.
  4. It's an evolved chunky monkey, but it's still a chunky monkey. Those model kit VF-25s are looking pretty badass on the other hand. Hell, I would have bought a scaled up toy based on the model kit even if I had to assemble it, as long as the main markings were already stamped/printed on it.
  5. Holy crap those things are more massive looking than Ozma's VF-25 with Armored Packs in the anime. If they make Armored packs for the 1/60 VF-25, it's going to look like those obscenely obese people that come waddling out of McDonalds with a bag full of Big Macs. Those things are going to have a pretty damned chunky fighter mode. Addition: I see DX on the card too Kensei.
  6. I see the VF-25/VF-27 as being an evolution of the variable fighters that have come before it. VF-25 has the classic swing wings of the VF-1 and VF-11, a combination of swing bars from the VF-11 with the YF-19's torso transformation, the SV-51's nose-cone positioning and wings being places on the back, the folding crotch piece like the YF-19 (except in this case the legs are attached to it), and the ballistic shield. The VF-27 has most of the same features as the VF-25, with a different shoulder, wing, and feet design. The wings act as if fastpacks were already integrated, but also gives it a look reminiscent of the VF-4 and VF-14. I want to see the YF-24 and its transformations. I really liked what little we were shown.
  7. Despite us having seen the VF-25 launch missiles without fast packs on, the specs say that it has no missiles when it's un-armored and un-fast packed. Go figure.
  8. They'll probably skip Gilliam completely, Raramia is a redshirt with a name, but Michel will probably get a glorified death.
  9. HERESY! The VF-4 reigns supreme! Just not that flying wing thing tranformable zentraedi ugly valkyrie abomination. I hate that thing. (as in don't skip over the VF-4 to make that, if it comes out after whatever).
  10. I'll bet that in the Frontier movie Michel is going to die in his valkyrie, just like Focker in DYRL didn't die on the couch but in his valkyrie.
  11. I was saying BCS and BDI, because even with cyber brains, it's still their thoughts that are being sent as commands and they are still receiving and interpreting images, whether it be with an organic brain, a brain with cybernetic implants, or if it's a ghost in the shell. The VF-25 also bears a great resemblance to the SV-51 as it's got the same transformation system as the VF-27 with a difference in the wings and feet. I definitely agree that Brera's VF-27 really conjures the image of Nora's SV-51.
  12. That is one badass valkyrie. I love the contrast with the original light blue you left on the YF-21. It goes really good with the overall black with red highlights.
  13. Actually it probably has BCS and BDI, otherwise Brera wouldn't be able to remote pilot it to himself from a great distance. Like the YF-21 it probably has conventional controls as well, should the BCS and BDI fail, in which case it has the cockpit set up with screens like the YF-19 for a truly enveloping view of the battlefield. Probably not so great to fall back on should something happen to the BCS and BDI, but better than a simple canopy and HUD view.
  14. I agree with that. I also don't see how technology goes from what we see in Macross Frontier to what we see in Macross II. You go from the VF-25 back to VF-1 and VF-2 designations? From a NMC battle section and Macross Quarter to a Macross-ish class ship with Zentraedi gunships attached to it? If you're going to stick it into the Macross universe, I'd do like with DYRL. A fictional sequel to DYRL, because there was so much money waiting to be made that they made a short series or movie based in the future. It probably didn't do as well as studio executives had hoped. But the music stayed popular, which is why we hear it in Macross 7.
  15. On the subject of flight suits, the NUNS uniforms are similar to the original series uniforms. Particularly Cathy Glass' uniform.
  16. One of the eyecatches had Sheryl's Aimo. I can't remember which episode it was. I want the main theme eyecatch with the Big Red hopping around and crashing into the Macross Frontier logo before being swept off weeping by the mustard vajra.
  17. I knew Bandai had something against me, and now all must suffer because of it! But in the end, again, it still was Bandai's decision.
  18. Damn, a 1/60 VF-1. Yeah, that'd definitely be bigger than a coffee table. A non-splodey-shoulder VF-0D does sound great anime52k8.
  19. Ah. It is Nene. Well at least Raramia had a voice and her seiyuu got credit even if it was just for a death cry in episode 14. I didn't realize that Mina Roshan and Nene Rora were voiced by the same seiyuu, who did the voice of Suzumiya Haruhi (that series) and Konata Izumi (Lucky Star). Nor did I realize that Captain Jeffrey Wilder shared the same seiyuu as Elmo Kridanik, who did the voice of Tomitake in Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Howard Glass is voiced by the seiyuu that did the voice/grunts of Gouki/Akuma in Street Fighter Zero And Cathy Glass' seiyuu is the same one that voiced that machete wielding priestess from Macross Zero... Sara Nome.
  20. I am still absolutely certain that Bandai could have done better on designing and making this VF-25 toy though.
  21. I thought that it was Raramia that was the one that fought Alto and got shot down.
  22. Watch anything with furyo in it and listen to them call a bunch of people "nii-chan", not always someone they admire either, but also people they're going to try to intimidate.
  23. It could be that we were seeing the cockpit the way that Brera perceived it, as opposed to the way Ranka perceived it. It could also be holographic technology like you're saying schizophrenicMC. I was addressing how the pilot interfaces in my last post, without concern for how any non-cyborgs would interface or perceive things.
  24. In episode 22 during the battle at the end of the episode, Alto switches his VF-171EX into gerwalk and tries to smash Ozma's VF-25 with its legs. It was like in Macross Zero episode 3, when Nora tries the same maneuver to smash Shin's VF-0.
  25. Nice post Sqidd! Nice to get a view from someone who is interested in the VF-25 design and hasn't seen Frontier yet.
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