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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Use a cash or card holster: "Time to do some damage..." While I do have a wallet... It rarely has any money in it. Thank you online shopping!
  2. Damn, I was hoping that Escape from Earth wouldn't drop off the face of the earth... I was looking forward to seeing Kurt Russel play Snake one more time. Oh well... Maybe he'll play Big Boss in the MGS movie. I wonder what John Carpenter thinks about this.
  3. Sumdumgai

    Lead Paint?

    I was going to jokingly say: "Hey does this mean magnets will stick to the lead paint?" But forgot that lead isn't magnetic. The shooting range I used to go to would check to see if you had steel core bullets by using a magnet. Coated lead bullets and plain lead ones didn't react at all. The steel core ones, *clang*, magnet gets stuck to it. I'm not to worried about my valks. I don't lick them often... *slurp*
  4. Take my vote away from low vis and put it on camo. I didn't read the first post, I thought this was about VF-1 valks, not the GBP armor for them! I like that military camo look to the GBP the most.
  5. Woah, it Yamato puts out a SV-51 repaint like Dobber's, I'll have to reconsider skipping the 51... Dobber's camo 51 looks so good, it makes me want a camo SV-51 despite not liking the SV-51.
  6. I'm not that familiar with the D'stance, although I know that it's been referred to a lot. I see what you mean with looking at step 6. Up until you pointed it out, I was thinking that maybe that portion of the arm that has the shoulder pad, folds up against the "part with a triangle on it" after it rotates to have the triangle facing down, and the shoulder pad slides down over that area. But now that you point out step 6, you're right it does look like it moved somewhere, since you don't really see any evidence of the part with the triangle on it... Dang it, I can't help but try to puzzle out these transformations. David- sorry I should have clarified when I wrote that. I know it's not just the nacelles, but the whole back half, I misworded it. Thanks for the links to the instruction book scans! I was puzzling over how the 1/72 21 did it, and forgot that those toy reviews had pics of the instruction book.
  7. Well, I never noticed that little part of the diagram before ( just like I never noticed the whole back half of the 21 moved up when transforming into gerwalk and battroid). I'm surprised that Yamato managed to pull of the YF-19 double-elbow joint. I haven't really read major amounts of complaining about elbow breakages. If Yamato can pull of the SV-51 with relatively few problems, and no major problems, I'll feel much more optimistic about any complexities involving the new 21 toy. I'm not even going to bother wrapping my mind around how the 21 can store all its body parts in that thin frame, and STILL have room for a butt-load of micro-missiles. My brain fries on that one. edit: for clarification that it's not just the nacelles, but the whole back half that moves. Thanks David for making sure I understood that part of the transformation! I appreciate it.
  8. 1. dunno 2. dunno 3. You should try contacting toynami and ask for replacement parts (like mabe replacement arms if you can switch those out? since you said you can't do the hands easily). IIRC, some of the guys that were having problems with the Toynami 1/100 scale VF-1s stands breaking, were able to get replacements from Toynami. So give it a shot. edit: for clarification
  9. Actually, after having stared at the transformation sequence on pg90 of th Design Works, I noticed something. If you look in the top right of the page, at step 4A (between the fighter mode with the bays swinging down to expose the legs, and the am and leg swinging out with the arrows, to the left), it shows where the shoulder is transparently through the wing. It looks like it's got the round part pointed towards the interior of the plane. Now I've been stumped on how it goes from smooth side fighter to having that round shoulder with the three dots appear. If you look at step 3 of the transformation, the arm is coming free from where it's stored in fighter mode. Look carefully at the little triangle next to the intake. That whole area rotates as the arm swings out. In the diagram to the left of 4a, it looks like the connection to the upper-arm folds up against that area with the triangle, and the round shoulder pad slips over them both (see step 5). It's like the shoulder pad acts as a shell to cover the two parts there. I'm seriously not expecting the YF-21 toy to have the arms transform like that. Especially since it does have anime magic involved. I can't figure a way to have the shoulder pads stored in that little space under the wing, and have the arms seamlessly form that smooth side in fighter mode. But if you have the design works, get a good luck at pg90's transformation diagrams.
  10. I want to see a side-view of the cad art. I'm dying to see how they integrated the arms in fighter mode, and particularly the shoulders. I've never cared for the YF-21 gerwalk so for me personally it's unimportant. As long as it can stand on its own in gerwalk, without tumbling, I'll be happy.
  11. One day maybe they'll come back and re-do the entire 1/60 VF-1 line to the standards and gimmicks of the 1/48 VF-1 and the 1/60 VF-0. But hopefully it won't be anytime soon, because I don't want them going back to the VF-1s for a loooooooooong time.
  12. Holy crap, it took them how many years to put out a prototype for us to see. I sure hope for the BGC fans that it doesn't go the way of the 1/60 Destroid Monster...
  13. Nice tight ankle joint is what is needed. My Q-rau (BWAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, the one that I finally got after all the mishaps), holds various poses nicely and is able to stand up well despite the heavy upper body... And manages to stay standing despite all the times I accidentally slam my chair into my desk when I get up, or when I slam my knees into the desk while assuming a comfortable sitting position. I'm actually surprised the Q-rau doesn't tumble. Nice tight ankle, knee, and hip joints will be the key... But not so tight that the parts break because of a mix of abs and pvc plastics, mixed with overly tightly turned screws, and excessive amounts of glue. Yes, I am glaring at you from over the ocean, Chinese factory workers, and Japanese engineers.
  14. David- nope never had a YF-21 toy or kit. Never went out and got a kit since I realized I wouldn't be able to repeatedly play with a kit. I never got the 1/72 YF-21 because I was hoping that one day Yamato would come back and redo it. My patience has paid off.
  15. I'd rather get the VF-11 drones that the Ghost X-9 takes on. I didn't like the drones that the YF-21 shot down.
  16. You're right, I was looking at it funny eugimon. When I tried lining up the bottom of the thrusters with that line on the top of the leg, it lines up. I never noticed that about the sliding thrusters though. All these years and I never noticed it! Man, now I have to go looking at all the transformations of the other valkyries and see if I missed anything.
  17. I was going to jokingly say "use chewing gum", but considering that I'm going to buy a 19 sooner or later, it's something that I know will bother the crap out of me. Soooo, I won't make that joke.
  18. The back area is super short from a side-ish view in the Design Works. Page 89 in the lower-left corner (and page 90 with FP). They end right around the top of the legs/hip, before the nose tip. It all depends on the persective of the pic. The other views of the 21 make the back look much bigger and longer. I'll wait for more pics of the cad battroid before I even start getting critical. When we see a prototype is when I'll start getting really critical (if there's anything to be critical about).
  19. I bet you that the gunpods will attach by magnets. They should be releasing it with gunpods since they have the know-how to be able to put the gunpods on the 21 in fighter, whether it be by magnets or some other method. So there's no excuse to releasing it like they did the 1/72, without gunpods. I'm liking what I see from the cad in that pic of the sv-51.
  20. Dunno about the rest, but the YF-19 did not have a reinforced shield. That would be the VF-11C in M7 with protect armor.
  21. I invoke the name of David the Airplane guru. He'll know. I say VF-22, even though it's not listed. Since it's much like the YF-23 Black Widow and the F-22 Raptor. Has much more stealthy features that could be used with today's technology (vs the other options you gave), has an internal mounted gun, and has internal missile pallets, bays, whatever.
  22. Ah, k. I was mistaking those for the wonderfest exclusive VF-22s.
  23. Argh, not more retroactive changing stuff by SK! Be careful what you wish for. He might retroactively make the M+ VF-11B squadron that Isamu was in, into the Pink Pecker Squad and change the colors to varying shades of pink for the toy.
  24. Are those push-on heatshields? Because if they're integrated, I'm very interested to know what gimmick they used to make it possible.
  25. Even if it's the same size, I'll be happy with a more proportionate VF-11 with a cleaner shape in all three modes. My 1/72 VF-11B is the ugly duckling of my Yamato valkyrie collection. That valkyrie deserves a much better toy than what they originally did (which was fantastic at the time). I'm in agreement on wanting a significantly better toy. The scale doesn't matter to me as much as long as the toy turns out good (and that means durability too!).
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