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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Awe man, awesome! That brings back memories of unleashing my 1/48 VF-1A Max from its packaging. Awesome valk choice. And congratulations!
  2. If it comes with a pilot, I wonder if he'll fit in a VF-1... or if a VF-1 pilot will fit in an X-wing... hmmmm...
  3. ADV, Viz, or Mangle. Although I can't think of a single title I've bought from Geneon in a loooong time.
  4. Uhm, I think you catch it in the area where you fought the creepy spider-ish crossbow long armed long tongued guy. At night though when you have to go back through that area. If it's not there, then it was definitely in an area filled with boobytraps. If it wasn't the area you fought freak-man, then it was the area after you get out of some bunker-ish place. It's hilly with booby-traps, and flying squirrels. Just to be sure you should check out one of the faqs on gamefaqs.
  5. Or use Nobuteru Yuki and keep him from being uber-stylistic like he was with Escaflowne (although the movie was much better character design-wise). More importantly, make sure to have a good animation team. The character design is worth jack if the animation team can't bring it to life. I have high hopes for Macross Frontier. I'm hoping it'll be more of a Macross Plus than a Macross 7. I kind of miss having the valkyries be non-3DCG. Although the little bit in M0 had me disappointed, since I was used to what they put out in M+. I'm kind of glad it's going to be a little while so that should toys be made, we'll be able to get everything Yamato puts out from now until then.
  6. A gunpod lighter would be cheesy yet cool.
  7. ruskiiVFaussie, that banking YF-19 scares the crap out of me. Even though it's not mine, I keep thinking "OMG IT'S GONNA FALL! NOOOOOOoooooooooo......." That pose is awesome, even if it scares me. addition: is your Hikaru pilot in the 1S Hikaru Strike valkyrie turning his head to look at the camera? Or is it just me?
  8. If Yamato were to pump out different designs and schemes faster, supply would exceed the amount of money we have to spend. I mean we have SV-51 Nora, 25th Anniversary VF-1S and YF-19, the YF-21... And we still don't know what Graham's signature was talking about! addition: A VF-17D would be a definite buy for me.
  9. You are correct sir. The valkyries in VFX2 are: VF-1X (A cannon fodder) VF-1X (S Roy scheme with fast packs) VF-1X (J I think?) GBP VA-3M Invader VF-11B Thunderbolt Ravens Scheme VF-11B Protect Armor with BFG VF-17D Nightmare (with what looks like purple highlights or blue it's hard to tell from the poster I have that came with the game) VF-19A Excalibur Ravens scheme VF-22 Sturmvogel II in the purple-people-eater color with white highlithts, red markings on the cowl, a red canopy, red visor, and blue gunpod.
  10. Why do you say that? The differences between the YF-21 and VF-22 aren't as great as the YF-19/VF-19A to the VF-19F/P/S/kai. In the past Yamato was going to release the 21 with fast packs with an alternate face and canopy (which they wound up not doing). It probably wouldn't cost that much extra to make new belly plates for a VF-22, regardless of whether it be as an original release VF-22, or as extras with the YF-21. Besides, the very base of the belly plates are the same shape, the difference is the area where the gunpods store. It's not like they'd have to re-engineer the valkyrie like they would with a M7 VF-19 series or VF-11kai. Yamato did also release the VF-19A Excalibur (which improved on the YF-19), and the VB-6 Koenig Monster.
  11. I'm out of batteries for the digital camera, and I'm not willing to risk messing up the spine of my book to scan the pages. Other than the face, the cockpit, and the belly plates, the only difference I noticed are the markings on the head cowl. Max and Miria's VF-22s have different markings, and I can't remember for Gamlin or the VFX2 Ravens version.
  12. Wicked Ace, I can't remember anymore. Argh! I want her to pilot a VF-22 anyway! That would be awesome if Yamato included alternate belly plates and an alternate face. I doubt they'd do it, but that would rock. They could do the same if they released a Ravens VF-22S, include a YF-21 face and belly plates for those who'd like a 21 in that color scheme. I love your idea Wicked Ace!
  13. I thought Max's blue was too light colored, and Miria's should have been a darker red. But, that's just me. Besides a cockpit and face change, the belly plates would need a redesign, since the belly plates are larger to accommodate internal storage of the gunpods on the VF-22. Although the differences are small, I think that the 22 just looks meaner than the 21. If Yamato does make the VFX2 Ravens VF-22S, I hope that they include a female gummie pilot figure so you can have Suzie Newtlet be the pilot (that goes for any VFX2 version valkyries).
  14. In case any stress marks were to ever show up, they'd probably look less bad on the normal YF-19, versus the black 25th Anniversary. Stress marks will really show up on black. It's really up to you what you like better. Don't go with what may be rarer or worth more down the line (unless you're the type that sells your stuff off later, I'm a pack rat). Go with your gut instinct on which you prefer more. Either way the 19 is a beauty.
  15. -1/48 VF-1 = can't go wrong with it. Go with your favorite color scheme or character. Just make sure to be careful if you're using fast packs on it because of the backpack hinge. Fast packs or not, make sure to never force it, not even a little bit. It's a very delicate piece. Never try to use that tab to push it up and lock it in place. Not as nice looking in fighter mode as the VF-0, since the shoulders and arms hang low in the VF-1 toy, whereas the VF-0 has it nice and tucker away. But you won't have the shoulders disintegrating on you with the VF-1. -1/60 VF-1 : Not as good as the 1/48 VF-1. Lots of die-cast makes it really heavy, particularly the legs, which tend to be loose at the hips. Doesn't lock together or pose as well as the 1/48. Less detail, and it's Yamato's first attempt at the VF-1. -/72 Macross Plus valkyries: VF-11, VF-11 with fast packs, YF-19, YF-21, YF-21 with fast packs. These are older, chunkier, and are Yamato's first attempts at valkyries, predating their 1/60 VF-1. Not great display pieces anymore unless it's for nostalgia, or they don't have a redone version in the works (VF-11). There was a repaint VF-19A Excalibur from Macross VFX2, a playstation game, it has stronger knee joints at the sacrifice of not being able to bend them forwards much for gerwalk. -1/60 Macross Zero VF-0S and VF-0A Cannon Fodder: as eugimon said, broken shoulders. Also some get broken elbows or upper arms. -1/60 Macross Zero VF-0A Shin type with Ghost Booster: supposedly improved shoulders and arms. Search for the Macross World poll to see a general idea of how many problems have occured in Macross Worlders' Shin VF-0As. -1/60 Macross Pluss YF-19: 1st release had a crooked gunpod in fighter mode and the landing gears didn't cant outwards. -1/60 YF-19 with Fold Boost and Fast Packs: I just bought one. The gunpod is nice and straight, the landing gear cants outwards. Mine has a loose left swivel joint in the leg, but not everyones does. It's a beauty. -1/60 Macross Zero SV-51: I dunno, I don't have one. Lots of them have two of the same wing hinges though.
  16. Black with grey stripes. White with black stripes. Minmay Guard white and blue, with school-girl Minmay painted on the back. Black with gold stripes. VFX2 Ravens scheme as the VF-22S.
  17. Also make sure the shoulder fastpacks are set propely in the leg. I was having some troubles with it until I realized I didn't have the shoulder fast packs set up properly. The point that wolfx brought up is the other problem I had. Making sure that the legs are in the correct position.
  18. I forgot to put up Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Fantastic animation, decent voice actors (especially D and Meyer Link), great music, and a nice story. Although it's a fandub, I'm going to have to say "Evangelion Re:Death".
  19. I recall reading that some people have trouble with their 19 holding together with fast packs. Oddly enough, mine holds together a slight bit better with fast packs. Hot damn I love this toy! addition: I wish it locked together as tightly and securely as the 1/48 VF-1. Less room for error with the complex transformation the 19 has, so if there's something even slightly off, it shows more.
  20. I thought I might have to do that, thanks for the tip PsYcHoDyNaMix.
  21. Now that is a damned fine collection Scream Man! Shaka looks so much better with the Appendix head.
  22. Does anyone know how to tighten up the swivel joints in the legs above the knees? My YF-19's left swivel joint is really loose, and it really annoys me. The right leg is nice and tight. I tried tightening the screw above that joint but it did nothing.
  23. In no particular order: Saint Seiya (best part is the Hades Arc Sanctuary Chapter) Death Note Azumanga Daioh GITSSAC Cowboy Bebop after top 5: Escaflowne TV series and particularly the movie Revolutionary Girl Utena the movie Rurouni Kenshin OVA series 1 Patlabor the Movie 1 Evangelion Record of Lodoss War OVA Martian Successor Nadesico Super Atragon Urusei Yatsura the Movie 2: Beautiful Dreamer Jin-Roh Perfect Blue
  24. 1/48 VF-1A Max is a good choice. It was my first 1/48. If you like transforming toys, the YF-19 will blow your mind at how it transforms (the SV-51 probably more so). Avoid picking up Toynami's MPC Veritechs, stick with Yamato's valkyries. They're incomparable.
  25. But, the VF-0 has intake covers...
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