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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I'm with you on favoring the VFX2 Ravens VF-19A Excalibur over the 19F/S models. Although I dislike the color scheme of the VF-19P, I think that it looks the best after the 19 Prototype and 19A. I hated how the VF-11s weren't just cannon fodder, but were just exploding devices with wings. It was like the universe hating the VF-11 after seeing it be so awesome in the first episode of M+. And the Pink Peckers almost made me bust my gut from laughing with disbelief.
  2. General Galaxy's advertising campaign for Project Super Nova: "The YF-21. Strong enough for a man, sexy enough for a woman. No, it does not have nipple cannons."
  3. If bandai gave the valkyrie chunky-monkeys the treatment they gave to the Saint Seiya Chunky-Monkey figures, then I'd be as good as sold! Especially if the price was more affordable than Yamato. If Bandai really put dedication into updated Macross and Macross 7 Valkyries, I think they could easily rival Yamato and put them at competitive prices. I'd definitely be in on a bandai take of the VF-1 (updated), VF-11C, VF-17, VF-22, and VF-5000 if done well. Not that I expect Bandai to do such a thing.
  4. Well, I love the Q-rau, so it's very easy for me to like the YF-21 as it's the Q-rau in the form of a valkyrie. With a badass fighter mode to boot.
  5. It would probably have to be a lot of people voting for it, and not only that but have a lot who are serious about buying one as opposed to "that would be cool". If Yamato manages to pull off a first release YF-21 with NO problems, I'd take the risk of picking up a first release 1/60 VF-4. If they keep up with their current track record, I'd wait for a second release with fixes, depending on the problems.
  6. Well starting with the VF-1A Max, the nosecone received internal rails to slide along two tabs on the radar area to better secure the nosecone. The wing flaps only allow downwards movement and are supposed to be more secure and less likely to fall off than on the 1A Hikaru and 1S Focker. Dunno other than that, since the only other one I have is the Miria 1J with Fast Packs. I don't notice any improvements over the 1A Max and 1A Low Vis v1.
  7. I don't like the M7 TV series 19s. The giant wing roots, itty-bitty wings, and all the other changes make me go: "bleagh". While the 19kai is closer somewhat in appearance to the prototype, the head is a big turn-off and I hate the tiny shield. The speaker pod system, and bright colors go without saying. I do like the 19P from M7 Dynamite though. It has the best parts of the prototype and 19kai. Best valkyries were the VF-14s, VF-17s, VF-22s, and VF-5000s.
  8. If Yamato hadn't done valkyrie toys... I'd be buying everything I am now, minus the valkyries. That means scantily clad anime/manga/videogame figures, Saint Cloth Myth figures, and Star Wars stuff (about done on the Star Wars stuff though). I'll damned well complain about Yamato and their shortcomings until they get things right a good deal of the time. Just because they're the only place that puts out the VF-0, SV-51, YF-19, and YF-21, doesn't mean I'm going to shut up about QC issues and engineering problems. I complain in the hopes that Yamato will listen to all of us complain when something went wrong that needs fixing or shouldn't have gone wrong in the first place.
  9. A vocal minority of which I am one, wants Yamato to do the VF-4 Lightning III. I in particular would like it in 1/60 scale to keep it in scale with the current releases. I don't care if it's the FB2012 or MDMVFX version. I just want one. I hated the Macross II valkyries. I don't have any interest in them, but I wouldn't wish for them to be not made, since I know there are some people that like the MII valkyries.
  10. I got my YF-19+FD+FPs off of Tam at Twin Moons for $227.99+8.25% tax. I didn't have to pay shipping because he let me come pick it up. I didn't have to worry about my 19 being destroyed in the mail, lost, or stolen, since I went to pick it up in person. Then again, it would help if you lived in So. Cal. Otherwise I go through HLJ. If Kevin revives Valkyrie Exchange, I know I'll be buying from him again.
  11. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Better it be shipping from Japan to other countries, than the US to other countries. Damned loss of ground/boat shipping out of the US. I'd probably put a 1/60 Monster under my desk as a foot-rest.
  12. The Low Vis v1 doesn't have a black nose tip... If it's a typo, I know what you mean about the v2, it would look much better without that black nose tip.
  13. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Maybe it's about the Minmay figure.
  14. AFOS = not as powerful as EVIL series. AFOS got messed up by reaction warheads. EVIL series stuff doesn't get effected by reaction weaponry, and can shrug off Macross Cannon blasts.
  15. Mog those pics remind me of this pic of Max and Miria's valks.
  16. Max isn't the best pilot to compare a main character pilot to. Of course Gamlin isn't as good as Max, Max is a genius at flying, knocking up Miria, and staying looking young. Hikaru got shot down pretty often. Gamlin could kick the crap out of Hikaru in a valkyrie if we look at how many times both have been shot down. Gamlin is a pretty able pilot, and one of Miria's former students at that. Being trained by Miria has to count for something. I point out that Gamlin is the military representative main character, not THE MAIN character.
  17. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    eriku if your guess is right, I will thoroughly soil myself with glee as well! Especially if they do a series of them that includes non-VF-1s. A VF-11, YF-19, and YF-21 would be so awesome in chibi mode. Especially if they're more like Joke Machines, than those morpher things that Toynami put out. And I hope it's a clue and not an obscure quote too, Busted VF1A.
  18. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    Well Graham's new sig is: "Standing between greatness and a joke, I just saw perfection..................The bastards!" Soooooo... If it's Macross related, what do you guys think? The "I just saw perfection" is very encouraging. The "standing between greatness and a joke" and "the bastards", is somewhat worrying to me.
  19. Wow, you guys weren't kidding about the hands looking cheap being all the same uniform color. That pic you posted David Hingtgen really shows how much better it would have looked had they done it like that.
  20. It suddenly occurred to me that Naked Snake from MGS3 would be awesome as a Revoltech figure. Package him with his custom 1911 w/silencer, knife, M16, AK47, and the rpg. They could also do endlessly annoying camo variants released with different weapons.
  21. Happy Birthday Macross! 25 Years of good memories, awesome mecha, cool characters, and great songs.
  22. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    I was wondering the same thing TheLoneWolf. I had figured it was a done deal since we got the VFX2 VF-19A and VB-6. I would be extremely happy if it's a VF-17. I skipped on the Bandai M7 1/65 VF-17 because it was big and chunky. A Yamato one would kick a$$. A definite buy.
  23. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    With the M7 and VFX2 licenses unclear at the moment, and Graham saying that you shouldn't sell off your 1/72 VF-19As just yet, the future looks doubtful on other valkyries. I want new mecha really badly. I want a VF-4G Lightning III, a VF-11B, a VF-17D, a VF-14, a VF-22, a VF-3000, a VF-5000, and the SW-XAI and SW-XAII. From the licenses that Yamato currently has, there are these mecha and ships: TV Series/DYRL -VF-1 TV series and DYRL valkyries -MK II Monster Destroid -Defender Destroid -Tomahawk Destroid -Phalanx Destroid -Spartan Destroid -Regault -Glaug -Q-rau -Fighter Pod -Giant Space Pickle- errr Zentraedi Battlecruiser -SDF Macross Macross Plus -VF-11B+fp+booster rocket -VF-11 Drones -YF-19+fp+fd -YF-21+fp+fd -Target Drones -Ghost X-9 -VF-1J Hostage -Renegade Zentraedi Power Armor/New Zentraedi Power Armor -background ships in orbit around Earth Macross Zero -VF-0+Ghost Booster+FP -SV-51+FP -MKI Monster (OMG WTF CLAW!) -Ghost Drones -Cheyenne Destroid -Octos -AFOS (who would want the big gay floaty thing?) We've seen one enemy mecha and its repaint, Miria and Max's Q-raus. Almost had one destroid, but the MKII Monster dropped off the radar. We've seen the M0 ghost booster, and seperate release ghost. Other than that it's valkyries. The future of destroids and enemy non-transforming mecha are kind of bleak unless Yamato allows Graham to let loose on news that would surprise us all. It's practically a certainty that we'll see a VF-11B (it better be certain! NEED ONE). We've got the YF-21 on the way. We're going to get some SV-51 repaints, because there's still the CF left, and there's a chance we'll get a Dobber paint scheme. But, for new valkyrie releases we're practically done with the current licenses. We've yet to get a VF-0D Shin or CF. So until the VFX2 and M7 licensing issue is cleared up, we won't be seeing: -VT-1C Whale Hunter -VF-11B Ravens scheme -VF-11C + M7FP + Protect Armor -VF-11D Jamming Birds -VF-11kai MAXL -VF-17D/S (normal schemes and Brando/Miria scheme) -VF-17T -VF-19A Excalibur -VF-19F/S/P -VF-19kai Fire Valkyrie -VF-22S (VFX2 scheme, Max, Miria, or Gamlin) -VF-5000 (M7 or VFX2 Special Edition) -VF-14 Nightmare (M7+ version) -Pheyos Zentraedi Variable Fighter -FBz-99G -Fz-109 -VB-6 Koenig Monster -VA-3 (VFX2 or M7 Dynamite version) Of course who knows. Maybe Yamato could go and pull something like the Advanced Valkyrie program, having Kawamori do some new original variable fighter designs just to sell more toys. If the worse comes and Yamato won't be able to do M7, VFX2, VFX1, or M3 stuff, then we don't have much to look forward to other than repaints and a 1/60 VF-1 redo.
  24. Sumdumgai

    Graham's Sig

    But, Bandai has the rights to the 1/55 scale stuff. Actually, yeah, if Yamato did put out 1/55 chunk-monkeys, or went for a brand new scale, I think I would sh** myself. But not in a good way.
  25. Cool, the Nora pilot figure has boobies. She's got one up on the 1/48 Miria pilot figure. Damn that SV-51 looks good. ... ... ... Priorities, priorities, must not get!
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