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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I'd buy the stealth if it had an A head. I love the colors, but I like the A head over all the other models of VF-1.
  2. Mmmmmmmmmmm, Emilia... Need nice fixed-pose cast off figure done by fantastic sculptor and a reputable company known for quality.
  3. The new ones are pretty straightforward and no-nonsense, just an evolution of the old rules. It's good overall. And, I think that this part should be underlined in Section II: staying on topic: "The staff reserves the right to delete and/or lock topics that are deemed to be off-topic at their sole discretion." I remember there've been some pretty angry members who would go into the feedback section and throw a hissy fit because of their thread being deleted or locked. There've been some members who go about it calmly in a level-headed manner, but the self-righteous ones always spring to mind. It just seems like it would be better to have it underlined, so that you won't miss it when reading through or going back through the rules.
  4. I like Ron Perlman. I liked the first movie. I'm in for a second one.
  5. I've preferred the KOF series over SF, but my interest in it has been dwindling more and more as it progresses. Ah the golden age of 96, 97, and 98. I did prefer the Capcom animation though when they did Capcom vs. SNK, even if I hated them neutering the SNK characters. I've always specialized in Ken, so seeing him make a come back is welcome. I really hope Sakura is in it, I absolutely loved playing as her. Cammy would be welcome too, pleasant to look at and very fun to play with. If it looks anywhere near as nice as Guilty Gear I'll be a happy camper. Man, I really hope they implement running.
  6. If it's the scene where Myung just left Eden and Isamu was torture testing the 19 and almost smearing ground crew with his fly-bys, then it's what Mr. March pointed out as looking like a VA/VF-14 in the VA-14 thread in the Movies and TV series section. I agree it looks more like a VF-14, especially after azrael pointed out that the VA-14 is supposed to be bulkier. Back on track: -ask if Yamato can improve communication with their factories in China and check production samples before they okay a release so they don't have any more crooked gunpod incidents. -ask if Yamato is considering doing more Macross female figures if their 25th Anniversary Minmay does well (Miria, Misa).
  7. I'm willing to bet that the white aircraft isn't an early 19 mockup, but rather any one of the other variable fighters that's listed on the Macross Compendium without a readable entry. Like a VF-16 or one of the other ones.
  8. Could you tell us where? If that's true, than HOT DAMN! we can get the 17 through the M+ license! Hell, after what Mr. March pointed out in the VA-14 thread, if there's enough interest Yamato could to a VA/VF-14. addition: Lonely Soldier Boy, the VF-14 is what the Fz-109 Elgersoln is based off of. You can see it in "Spiritia Dreaming" episode of M7+. It also appeared as a flyable VF in Macross M3, for which Kawamori finished the design. Look up "VF-14 Vampire" on yahoo images and it'll come up. The VA-14 looks closer to the Fz-109 than the VF-14 in Macross M3, it has that bulkier look to it in battroid.
  9. It does look like a VA-14 doesn't it. I want to know what that white one to the left is. It has an interesting design.
  10. Holy crap! I hope it's better than SFIII, while the cel animation was beautiful, I felt the gameplay was somewhat lacking with the whole choose your super move thing. I prefer to have a choice out of two or three, more is even better. And I HATED, emphasis on "hate", the music in SFIII. While I love 2D fighting games, if they can do a 3d one right, I won't mind. I just couldn't play KOF Maximum Impact, I couldn't bring myself to do it, it just looked so wrong. This trailer was awesome. Much better than the crap that was Street Fighter Generations.
  11. 1st place: 1/48 VF-1 2nd place: 1/60 YF-19 Unless you meant "VF-1 Valkyrie", in which case: 1st: Yamato 1/48 VF-1 2nd: Yamato 1/60 VF-1 3rd: Takatoku/Bandai/Joons (bootleg) 1/55 VF-1
  12. No problem Mr March. I went back to rewatch that M7+ episode to make sure I remembered right that it was the VF-14, when they actually said it.
  13. I like Max Factory, Megahouse, Solid Theater (at least their Jingai Makyo figure), and Good Smile Company. I'm not a big fan of Alter or Atelier-Sai. Yamato hasn't made a lot of figures I'm interested in. A nicely sized, well sculpted and well painted Miria figure would be awesome. A DYRL Miria Q-rau revoltech would be so awesome. It lends itself to that joint system pretty well, I think.
  14. Well I do remember some complaints that the 1/48's cockpit is overly bulbous, which it is somewhat bulbous, especially when considering line-art and how later toys came out. I don't really have a problem with it, but I can see where others might.
  15. Damn, the VA-14 is an interesting design, it's too bad it isn't in the SKMDW book or the Macross Mecha Designs book. The variable black bird. If I ever run across any high resolution scans of the VA-14 I'll be sure to send them to you. addition: After Episode 32 in M7+, they are VF-14s. You hear over the radio "bui efu jyu yon hasshin"/"VF-14 launching" when the VF-14s are launching from the ships.
  16. I'd prefer larger scale fixed-pose figures with cast-off clothing. Minmay, Miria, Misa, Emilia... I would definitely be interested in a Revoltech Q-rau.
  17. Nice sketches, you have some skills. What kind of tablet are you using?
  18. A shot in the dark because I don't own it, but it might be in the Shoji Kawamori Design Works book. It has a sample of every valkyrie in fighter mode including the VF-0 and SV-51, except the VA-14. However in the few sample pages I have saved, it shows the rough sketches and concept designs of other valkyries, so it could be there.
  19. I thought that in M7 they wondered if the Fz-109 was an evolution of the VF-4 and wondered in the Varuta fleet was descendents of the Megaroad 01 Emigration fleet that had disappeared. There was the rumor in M7 that Basara was Minmay and Hikaru's love child that they must have dumped on some planet, but it was disproved. Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay already had the spotlight. SDFM, DYRL, and FB2012. We don't need to continue with their characters until death. Which they may already be dead, having been swallowed by a black hole and all...
  20. It still bothers me that those frauleine figures can't hold their arms straight out from their body, side-ways. They look fantastic, but that lack of poseability in the shoulders just kills it for me.
  21. That's a nice appendix. He looks so much better than the original head sculpt! I definitely have to pick one up.
  22. Considering that Kawamori is a very big aviation buff, and part of the story is based off of the YF-22 vs YF-23 project, it wouldn't surprise me in the least that it's as David Hingtgen wrote. When he put it like that it made sense. The 21 has a much better payload and firepower over the 19. The 19 has one gunpod, two lasers that have limited range of fire in battroid (since they're mounted on the sides of the hip), and weapons bays in the legs that carry missiles and chaff/flares. The 21 has two non-reloadable gunpods, two forward and rear facing lasers that are mounted in the arms in battroid and gerwalk, and weapons bay in the back of the battroid/top of the fighter near the air intakes. The 22 has four more missile ports added onto it, located on the belly plates, and that's not even including the ability to carry two reaction warheads internally.
  23. Considering that the 21 was way more experimental and ground breaking (not to mention most likely bank breaking), it doesn't come as a big surprise to me that the 19 was chosen as the winner of project Super Nova. The 19 was way more traditional. The 21 definitely had enough potential and good points for UN Spacy to refine the YF-21 No.1 with conventional controls and redub it the VF-22.
  24. I want a Miria revoltech figure, complete with knife.
  25. Well if there is enough vocal support for a VF-4, they might reconsider. I mean, they made the VB-6 Koenig Monster. As long as the VF-4 isn't a floppy underdetailed mess, I'd buy it. Hell, I'd probably buy a few of them over time and actually get off my butt and try doing some customs.
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