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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Hot damn! You're mostly right Mr. March. I thought that the nose area of the VF-11D had been lengthened, but I didn't catch any of the other details! Thank you for pointing those out, I never noticed the other changes! This is why I love hanging out here. I keep getting surprised when people point out things I've missed. Thanks for not only describing the differences between the 11C and 11D, but actually showing them!
  2. Mr March, have you come across any official line-art of how the VF-11D's heatshield comes out? It's so bulky, I can't figure out how it would be possible to have it come out like the normal VF-11B/C heatshield. Similarly have you found any VF-4 transformation diagrams for transformation into battroid, besides what is in the Macross Design Works book? I've always been bothered trying to figure out what goes where from that one diagram, in particular how the nose-cone slides back over that fin under the cockpit that folds into the nose. I don't really want to think about where the landing gear would go, since there's already so little room to work with on the VF-4... I just realized when looking through the Macross Design Works that the VF-1 Armored Gerwalk looks like a terran valkyrie conversion to the glaug.
  3. I'd prefer a PVC statue, there's something that makes it look more skin-like than resin can, in my eyes.
  4. Now that was the most unique description I have ever heard of a protodevlin ever!
  5. Keep your eyes open, it's popular so they will eventually reissue it. I advise you to stay patient and wait until a pre-order opens up on HLJ or a different shop you trust (I advise against Hobby Search).
  6. LOL I hadn't checked out the humor section yet. I love the Patrol Valkyrie, that's awesome! The eva valkyrie looks so wrong and yet so right.
  7. Well we've already got the first sign of the apocalypse. KOF XII is going to have new sprites for all their characters, dumping a number of decade old sprites. Those pictures of the SFII remake look weird to me. Something just feels off in them, although they look so clean...
  8. M0 episode 2 makes me feel sorry for the cannon fodder pilot that Roy has a conversation with. I also felt sorry for the destroid pilots in one of the later episodes. Man they tried hard. I believe that all destroid pilots should get an honorable mention for greatness, as Space War I was brutal on the not-so mobile destroids, which were properly named.
  9. The smart gun never bothered me really, as I saw the drumg magazine on the side and figured it held a lot of ammo. What bothered me on the pulse rifle was that it was supposed to be 10mm, and somehow that small thin clip was supposed to hold 98 rounds of ammunition in it (and it first started bothering me around 10 years old after I started learning about guns). I always laughed when I saw that pulse rifles spitting out shells when they were firing "caseless" ammunition. I love Aliens though, as the things I mentioned are just nitpicking. AvP2 should have had colonial marines.
  10. Holy crap, awesome! I have to check out the new and improved entries later. addition: checked it out, awesome stuff!
  11. LOL. I second JBO's declaration that Gamlin be issued the title of honorary Cannon Fodder for his crime.
  12. Well I don't mind if the YF-19 has babies. I'd love a modern YF-19 Joke Machine, if it were possible. A YF-21 Joke Machine would rock too. I just hope that Yamato has some awesome trick to make the shoulders disappear in fighter mode, as they do in the lineart...
  13. Yeah, but Hikaru doesn't quite count as he had a full name, background, character development, and survived every time of being shot down.
  14. It would be short-term "win" and a longterm loss if Graham were to spill the beans due to a second rupture with Yamato. We'd get maybe a year or two worth of info that isn't set in stone. Then after that, nothing. Nada. Zip. And no possibility of ever being able to reconnect with Yamato as they would no longer trust Graham. That isn't to mention any legal matters if Graham has had to sign any legal work promising not to divulge info without authorization. I want that YF-21 so badly. I look at my YF-19 on my desk and tell myself: "She's lonely and needs a companion."
  15. That kicked @$$.
  16. I love the red skull insignia on the Hikaru 1J, it just goes so well with the red stripes.
  17. Truly a heartwarming story. It's awesome when they start young.
  18. Man I hope it's not surprise because they're going to release a M7 civilian VF-1 clown valkyrie. Surprise because Yamato changed their mind and are going to do a VF-4 would be welcome news.
  19. You might want to take the pic out of your signature sircastico, as we are not allowed to have images in our sigs on this forum. That is one hell of a transforming toy collection D Unit! Wow!
  20. If you dare do such a thing, heat up a metal spike or something and poke holes in it to simulate entry-wounds from laser/beam weapon hits. I couldn't bring myself to do such a thing though...
  21. Well if the joke news announcement looked too real, Yamato might get wind of it, get pissed at Graham again and then no new info for anyone period.
  22. Well away from news on what's coming, I'm hoping Yamato will give Graham the okay to let us see the rejected YF-19 prototype toys, to see what the previous designs looked like before they settled with the one we have now. I'm really curious to see what the problems were that caused them to reject those previous designs.
  23. I didn't buy it. Even if I am sumdumgai. When is wonderfest by the way? I'm looking forward to seeing the new figures in the works at various companies (maybe even that Minmay figure!).
  24. Nice haul, Eternal D! I bet the baggage checkers went ape-s**t when passing the luggage through the x-ray machine.
  25. Agreed, TheLoneWolf. Even though we have next to no new info at all, we still get a small bit that we would not have gotten from the magazines. 2008 and 2009 are going to be full of surprises and expensive years. That in itself is already very valuable information, because now we know we better start saving up! Besides, just because Graham can't tell us anything yet, doesn't mean he won't be able to tell us anything until the magazine scans come out. And, he has been able to give us little tidbits here and there, like letting us know the YF-21 is sleek and beautiful...
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