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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Well it makes more sense that the lasers would be able to be used as a last ditch weapon or a supplemental weapon, rather than a "the goggles, they do nothing" blinding type of thing.
  2. Sumdumgai

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Only SV-51 I'll get is a Dobber's scheme. This CF is far too light brown. It looks like it's trying to pass itself as a YF-19 in color.
  3. Yeah, I was going to mention the VF-3000 and VF-5000. There could also have been a number of other designations in use, like the VA or VB series. With the amount of valkyries that were made between SDF Macross and Macross 7, I think it would be weird if creation slowed down to a crawl between M7 and MF. Yes, it is just speculation and assumption, but I would think they would have have a number of cheap, easily built variable fighters being designed for colonies, long range fleets, and specialized roles. The only big VF-1 link I see other than the colors of the Hikaru-scheme, are the sweeping wings. Eugimon and Mr March have already nailed the big differences and where they can be tracked to.
  4. Well Dante, if they settle down on a planet that's hospitable, they'll probably need variable fighters capable of operating in an Earth-like atmosphere. It is a long range colony fleet, looking for a place to settle down on, if they're anything like the Megaroad or New Macross colony fleets.
  5. Who's willing to bet against me? That Saotome is going to either: A) have a voice actress. or B) be voiced by a voice actor who plays very girly-looking-guy roles like: Sakurai Takahiro (Cloud Strife, Suzaku), Suzumura Kenichi (Zack Fair, Kudo Shin, Shiro Kamui), Yamaguchi Kappei (some guy in Gravitation), Seki Tomokazu (Van Fanel, Shiro Kamui, another guy in Gravitation), Koyasu Takehito (Gamlin though he's not that type, Hotohori, also was in Gravitation, Kiryu Touga), or Midorikawa Hikaru (Tamahome, Mikagami Tokiya, Icarus/Toma). I really doubt he's going to have a really deep voice. I'm expecting something soft or nasally, and brooding. I can't wait to see better pics of the VF-25 and to see that transformation. additional stuff after seeing cyde01's post, which he posted while I was still writing: The X-36 looks like a Ghost fighter. Kawamori was jokingly saying that the Russians were taking inspiration from the YF-19 by doing the SU-47. And I agree that those designs aren't all that workable for a valkyrie more advanced and groundbreaking than the YF-21, or unconventional than the YF-19 forward swept wings without looking too... well weird.
  6. So who thinks this Nome girl is a descendant of Mao Nome? I mean Macross Zero gives us a story that was classified info in the Macross timeline for decades after the story of Macross Zero. Then we get Macross Frontier and have a girl with the last name "Nome". I'm hoping that the mysterious enemy aren't Shin and Sara's inbred hippy stoner descendants.
  7. I'm liking the little bit of that flight helmet Ozma is holding. Much more like M0 than the M7 helmets from the bit that's shown. The VF-25 in dark grey and orange is interesting. That battroid mode really reminds me of the SV-51 and the YF-19, as does the uber long nose (51 style). Man, I can't wait to see the VF-25 in action. Here's to hoping they won't be treated like M7 VF-11s.
  8. Oh dizman, thank you for your avatar it made me remember a non-Macross mecha I dislike. Besides gundams, I dislike the Metal Gears. Armless freaks. So easily taken down by one man that catches monkeys in between important missions. I wasn't too fond of the Scherazard in Escaflowne, although Escaflowne itself and the Alseides units were interesting. The liquid metal weaponry was pretty cool.
  9. On the plus side it was a bloodless, goreless transformation! The idle thought of what a human would look like transforming into a fighter mode creeped me out. Curse my overly active imagination! (not really, I like my imagination, it just disturbs me sometimes ).
  10. I'd take a VF-11 over a VF-1 any day. Sure you lose a forward facing laser in fighter, but you can shoot down stuff behind and above you. It's got almost all the same add-ons as the VF-1 too. Fast packs, protect armor, two-seat version, and a radar version. All it lacks are command versions (J/S) and strike packs. Plus it has the ballistic shield and reloadable gunpod. I will risk the pitchforks and torches to proclaim that I think the VF-11 design is more beautiful than the classic VF-1. I know, "heresy", but it must be said!
  11. Damn the VF-25 has some pointed knee-guards in battroid! Awesome design though. Not a leap ahead, but something comfortable and familiar, while still progressing. I like it. Character designs look alright. Nothing spectacular, nothing horrible. The guy with blue hair and long ponytail makes me fearful we'll get another Shin-type character.
  12. Hate the VF-9 Cutlass. Fighter mode is meh, gerwalk is butt, and battroid is just downright bfugly. The VA-3 looks like a bug, I don't like it. I also hated that you had to use in in VFX2 and it took up the spot of the VF-4. The varuta mecha are too chunky and ugly. Macross II valkyries look wrong. VF-11kai MAXL, a VF-11 with boobs and a face is just wrong wrong wrong. The rest of the M7 kai valks. Although the VF-11D Jamming birds are cool. The Pheyos valkyrie from DMVFX and VFX2, it's a freaking flying wedge that sprouts legs and stays a wedge... with legs. Yeah, I'm going to say the VF-1 Stampede valkyrie. There's just too much stuff piled onto that poor VF-1. The VF-11 Stampede concept sketch is too much as well, totally kills the coolness of the VF-11 (although I like the VF-11 with protect armor). Not a big fan of the regault, or nousjadeul-ger. The glaug and Q-rau rock.
  13. Mr March, "don't taze me bro!" Or are you Barney posing as a guard? Ooooooh! I hated the clown VF-1 in M7. Probably the worst scheme I've ever seen. bleagh. M7 is great because it gave us Miria with short hair, Max and Miria in VF-22s, the VF-17, VF-14, VF-22, and Emilia. All the cheese and corn is forgiven for Emilia.
  14. Holy crap, all that ED-209 needs is a claw so it can catch valkyries... and eat them! Awesome display Dante!
  15. Woah, double strike-packs, now that is some serious firepower! Now if only you could do a mod for the hardpoints so they could hold gunpods like the mid-air fuel transports in M0. Have a valkyrie with two strike-packs, standard gunpod in normal position in fighter, and four extra gunpods under the wings. Now that would be flying death. Use up a gunpod's ammo? Toss it grab another off the wings. Or just fire them all to annihilate whatever is in front of you. (totally unrealistic I know)
  16. While I disliked the shape of the dreamcast controllers, I found that they were the best for fighting games. That D-pad was able to pick up my thumb movements with much more accuracy than the PS1/2 or SNES controllers. I was able to pull off a lot more moves with the dreamcast controller, that the PS1/2 controller would not pick up on for my thumb movements. PS1/2 controller is my favorite for grip shape though. Don't get me started about the dreamcast arcade controller, that internal square shaped hole made playing fighting games impossible. The dreamcast was a fighting game system. Almost every game I owned for that system was a fighting game. Too bad I never bought MvC2. I hope the energy projectiles in the new game (if it's 2D) won't be like in Capcom vs SNK 1+2, bright non-sprite energy things.
  17. Oh my, they had a life-size vesion of that kit? I remember seeing it before and being horrified by it. Valk girls are one thing, but a girl that transforms like that is just too damned creepy.
  18. Sakura as a hot University student, or as a young woman would be very welcome. Cammy needs a comeback, she's such a fun character to play as and so appealing to the eyes. Not having Chun-Li would be like not having Mai Shiranui in KOF (which they already did for both, the bastards!). Give Dan some powered up moves like in SVC Chaos, and I actually could see him being an alternate boss (bad ending ). Unblockable auto-guard super punch, I loved that in SVC CHaos.
  19. Like with murderers, it's always the silent ones that you least expect.
  20. Never accept juice from strangers.
  21. I could see Sagat as a boss. Hell, I remember screaming at the SNES with my friends when we'd try to fight our way past him to get to Bison, only to get a royal a** wooping from him. We'd take turns getting the crap beaten out of us. With the improvements he's gotten from Alpha, Sagat has a pretty impressive set of moves. I never got far in original Street Fighter, but wasn't Sagat the final boss of that game? Please no evil clone of Ryu.
  22. Street Fighter needs a new boss. Not a lame one like Gill in SF3. Rugal, Goenitz, and Orochi were tough bosses in KOF and pretty cool in their own rights. Bison was good back in SF2. In SFAlpha it started to get old for me. I was pleased that he wasn't the boss in SF3, then I got to the boss and was displeased with the red/blue man walking around in his underwear.
  23. I take M7 as a parody of other genres, the way Macross was originally intended to be before they went a more serious route. It's even a parody of Macross itself while it also advances the story. I put off watching it for years because it seemed so... retarded. But I watched it and wound up enjoying it because I didn't take it seriously expecting it to be SDF Macross all over.
  24. The truth of it is that they accidentally made a working fold booster and lost their only working fold booster and YF-21 toy prototype. I kid, I kid.
  25. If I had to grab only one toy out of my collection it would most likely be the 1/60 YF-19, since I had waited so long to get it. That's if there was some emergency and I could only grab one thing form my collection of what I most affectionately call "crap". In reality all the real real important stuff would come with me, and a couple things from my collection would probably be tossed in a backpack with said important things. addition: I slept through most of the first jolt of the '89 quake as a little kid. I got dragged out of bed by my mom, completely groggy wondering why everything was shaking and making so much noise. It was after I woke up and we experienced the aftershocks that I proceeded to freak out.
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