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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Thanks kreshpy and unspacy for links and youtube posting! Oh man, I have a bad feeling "atashi no uta o kike". It seems Basara's influence has leaked over into Macross Frontier somewhat. I'm loving the VF-25 more and more. The battroid mode looks much more aggressive with all the extra bits.
  2. If it's still coming out, I'd need to see pictures before committing to a pre-order or saying I'll definitely buy it. I don't have a good feeling about this.
  3. Oh hell yeah, that would win me over too.
  4. While I thought the Defiant was kind of ugly and "little", I liked it for what it was. A no nonsense warship that could take a beating and still pound the living crap out of other ships. I like it.
  5. So you have the same feeling about Ranka Lee, huh... I hope she'll be a surprise and not be annoying.
  6. Well to explain my "meh" for the Excelsior. The only starfleet ship I had as a toy as a kid was the Excelsior, and I could never find the Enterprise. I think my bitterness about it made me not like the design. Plus, I like the sleek swept back nacelles, over the brackets holding up nacelles look. I didn't like the Reliant much either. It made me think of a head attached to feet. But I like the Excelsior better than the Reliant.
  7. For me THE Enterprise is the movie constitution class refit. So movie Enterprise NCC-1701 and movie Enterprise NCC-1701-A. The other Enterprises were varying degrees of okay, not bad, to meh. NX was meh. Enterprise B was meh (as was Excelsior). Enetrprise C was not bad/not good. D and E were okay.
  8. Mistranslation. Most definitely "Kacching!/Catchiiiing!". Because of how much money they're going to be making off of the YF-21.
  9. Just wait for the lame box art. While I may love MOST of the Yamato valkyries to death, with one glaring exception due to plastic mixtures, I have to say the more recent releases' box art has been less than spectacular. I liked the 1/48 DYRL boxes, they looked awesome. The Low Vis V1 was really nice looking too. Well, the box can be the ugliest thing I've ever seen as long as it does its job of protecting the preciousness inside it, and that the said "precious" is well engineered, has excellent QC, and... and... I'm worried about how strong this baby will be until we see detailed pics of it and its transformation.
  10. I don't have any scans but from what I can see in the Design Works the wings are placed behind where the shoulders will swivel for gerwalk and battroid. The wings are set up more traditional like the VF-1, VF-3000, and VF-11, in that they swivel and become part of the back. Unlike the VF-1/3000/11, the arms are set straight back along the top of the fighter and rest on the legs. Half of the forearms are the block between the legs in fighter. When it transforms into battroid, those halves fold over and sandwich the vertical stabilizers. In any case, my guess from looking at the transformation sketches, the portion that the shoulders are attached to, probably lift a short distance like the YF-19 to gerwalk, to allow the shoulders to swivel into position, then drops back down since the shoulders are now ahead of the wingroots and out, so there's no need to hold the chest portion up at an angle like the YF-19.
  11. Wow, so many schemes for the VF-5000. Awesome. The VF-5000 in M3 in those pics that Graham posted links to, really reminds me of the Hikaru VF-1J with that red stripe. And, I forgot to add that the schemes you have up rock, Mr. March.
  12. Like the pilot, the boobs are too small. Sorry, I couldn't resist taking a dig at Mylene or her valkyrie.
  13. Star Trek VI showed the end of their cold war with the Klingons. This era should be plenty ripe for conflict.
  14. Niiiice Christmas present JsARCLIGHT!
  15. Damn, deadghost, you really love Macross. Cool!
  16. Hell yes, on a stealth. The VF-22 was made for a stealth scheme.
  17. VF-22S color scheme- nice gray color and white. YF-21 3rd Prototype - I prefer the lighter tan color in the first pic, as opposed to the actual mustard yellow.
  18. Nice catch lonely soldier boy! I have to rewatch that video very carefully again. Not that that's a bad thing. Oh yeah, and who thinks the gunpods are going to attach at least partially by magnet?
  19. Non-canon scheme: I don't know the actual name of that kind of scheme, so I'll make the MW referece... Dobber's Scheme. A number of different camo schemes would be nice.
  20. YF-21 tv commercial thread Yep, we already know about it. Thanks though.
  21. Megahouse Queen's Blade figures. Nix in particular. Not Cattleya/Cattrella, scary woman.
  22. Holy crap if triple digit designations are upgraded, improved versions of already proved VFs, then I'm going to start running around screaming WOOHOO at the top of my lungs if there turns out to be an upgraded VF-11. I noticed the color of the VF-171, but hadn't remembered that the VF-17 colors were different in Dynamite 7.
  23. I doubt the VF-171 is a trainer, unless the dogfight scenes we saw in the trailer were virtual. Trainers have a history of not having headlasers like the VT-1, and the VF-17T.
  24. For the YF-21 I'm not going to bite for a while, to make sure that there's no problems that will come up after a while (see VF-0). Now, the VF-11B, I think I'll have to bite if the cost is much lower than the YF-19 and SV-51. Hell if the cost is anywhere near the 19 or 51, I'll wait and make sure I don't find myself up the stinky creek with a broken paddle. Hot damn, that fighter mode is gorgeous!!!!
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