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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. I liked Misa at times, I was annoyed with her at times. Ryuk, L, Near, and Light's Dad were my favorite characters. Heh, I absolutely love my Ryuk Nendoroid figure. I keep opening and closing his mouth and leaving him with his mouth in different positions of open and closed.
  2. Screw going into cryo-sleep to awake in the future. While it could be cool to see advanced technology and all that fun stuff, it could just as easily be waking up post-apocalypse and finding out: "Nooooooooo! I SLEPT TOO LONG!"- Ash Or it could be that the people of the future would view someone from the past as barbaric, dangerous, and something to be locked away or put down as a danger to society. All in all, I've got my life now in this time. I'll get to the future the natural way. I prefer to stay in now now. Not then, but now. What is happening is now now. Not going past it back then, but staying here now. Besides the future will be here soon.
  3. You can't do the 19 and 21 and not have the 11B. Patience. We will buy it, therefore they will make it.
  4. Senator vreenak says: I'm very very excited about this movie. Very excited. Very very very excited. Oh yeah.
  5. I liked Near. Mello was a freak. Okay L, Near, and Mello were all freaks, but Mello was freakiest of all!
  6. I keep inadvertently hurting misterryno's feelings about the classic chunky-monkey, in Eugimon's omega pants*. *See YF-21 thread for ridiculousness. Also with the Yamato 1/48 or old 1/60, there are Fast Pack and strike packs available, as well as the GBP-1 full armor. Hell, with the 1/48, along with the normal canon scheme, there's an urban camouflage scheme as well as a woodland color scheme
  7. Can't beat Yamato yet in the valkyrie toy department for a combination of look, awesomeness, and originality. The only light-up thing the Yamato valkyries get is the fold-booster. Other than the occasional quality control issues and an engineering issue in the VF-0, Yamatos are excellent. Until the new 1/60 VF-1 is released and met with approval, I'd say that you can't beat the 1/48 VF-1 in terms of quality when compared to other VF-1 toys. Although the original 1/55 VF-1 by takatoku and bandai is a classic and durable as hell. Just not as pretty as the new ones (not counting that toynami master-piece of crap).
  8. Huh. Never noticed that when they were still releasing the Gold Saints in France. Then again they hadn't released anything really spiky yet. I never noticed a difference between the Japanese release Capricorn Shura and the French release, other than extra stickers on the box, the figure and Cloth were the same on shininess and quality. Both had crossed eyes... But it has been a while since I bought one of the European release Myth Cloth figures.
  9. You've got an instant buy here if Yamato releases a VF-22, preferably in a dark scheme. I really wish that yamato would include an alternate faceplate, canopy, and belly plates.
  10. Only enemy mecha I'm interested in is only getting one Glaug, I have a Q-rau already, and I'll have to get a SV-51 eventually. Other than that, regults never really interested me that much.
  11. Argh, Matsuda. I wanted to write his name in the Death Note (at least the anime/manga version) and be creative.
  12. Saw parts of the live action. Thought they had horrible actors, but then again, I'm comparing it to the only other live-action adaption I've seen: GTO, which I thought was fantastic. However I never watched the anime or read the manga of GTO. I preferred the anime to the movie. Light doesn't seem like Light at all in the movie, to me. He doesn't have the same wit or intelligence. L was really creepy, he was pretty good, although he lacked any charm the manga or anime version had. Can't beat Yamaguchi Kappei's performance as L. I couldn't watch through the whole movie. I'll probably dislike the Higurashi movie if I ever get around to watching it after it comes out (still need to finish watching season 2 of the anime). here's a link to the higurashi movie page, it's in Japanese: higurashi movie
  13. Whatever branch they may have developed for exterior city-section defense, like the role Diamond Force played in the later parts of M7. And not assigned a CF color or valkyrie.
  14. I don't remember what the details were but it's going to cost closer to a Yamato valkyrie than the normal myth cloth figures. I think it's supposed to be plated in real gold, hence the high price. Sucks to hear that about your Hagen.
  15. There's the Japanese release, HK release, and international release. It's all the same minus the sticker that the Japanese ones get. Just make sure you're not getting some bootleg version that says "knights of the zodiac" on it (there were bootlegs of the 1st five bronze saints, dunno if they did Gold Saints). So far there hasn't been an appendix Capricorn Shura bust, nor a Surplice version Shura. Hopefully with the current release they fixed his eyes, because on the initial release he was cross-eyed. I wound up buying some decals off of Yahoo Japan to fix his eyes since my painting skills are lacking.
  16. Nothing is wrong with the VF-11C design (or the head). I'm just sad for it because of the role it was relegated to in Macross 7. Splodey target. That and the Pink Pecker squad... Hope that clarified what I meant. I like the color scheme of the VF-11C and the same head design as the 11B. I also like that gunpod, even if it's not as beefy and mean looking. Well danth, the VF-4 appeared in Macross Digital Mission VFX, showing off its battroid mode for the first time (love it or hate it, I love it). It also briefly appeared in the Macross 7 Trash manga, drawn by Haruhiko Mikimoto. Damn, that man can draw! Not to mention it was available for use in Macross M3, and the PS2 Macross game. I just wish it had been included in VFX2. That's another thing that pissed me off about the VA-3, it replaced the VF-4 in what turned out to be an awesome game.
  17. Maybe less based on as much as whoever "they" are, had already developed and advanced this type of technology already. Nice catch, it does seem a lot like it.
  18. Ah, okay makes more sense!
  19. I was going to say: "Maybe it has the seat tilting feature introduced in the VF-0." But upon closer inspection of the sideview picture it doesn't look like there's room to tilt that seat. Double jointed knees like the VF-0 maybe?
  20. ruskiiVFaussie, holy crap you love the VF-11B too! I wouldn't know where to put 21 VF-11s...
  21. I want a MKI Monster with ZOMGWTFCLAW! "It's for catching planes. And eating them." I do seriously want some sort of monster destroid.
  22. Sumdumgai

    PS2 Macross

    Damnit. I want to play that game with the YF-19, YF-21,VF-0, and SV-51.
  23. I love the cyclops eye headed grunt variable fighters. Love the DYRL VF-1A, the VF-11B (the 11C makes me sad), and the VF-0A. I do prefer the VF-22 with its visor over the YF-21 multi eye face thing. Hate the TV series VF-1A head though.
  24. 3 VF-11Bs when they come out. If Yamato did a 3-pack at %50 off of the price of each individual valkyrie, I would bite. But only for the VF-11.
  25. I'm under the impression that the hands fold back in like on the 1/48 VF-1. I'd also figure that the intake covers are removeable/snap in place, like everything since the 1/48 VF-1.
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