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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. If bandai does some Myth Cloth figures of the Saint Seiya Lost Canvas characters with faces in the style of that artist, I will be very happy and buy them, even the Gold Saints I have from the original series. Definitely need a Yuzuriha figure.
  2. Can't support Bandai unless they put out, and if they put out crap then they don't get my support. And their history of putting out for Macross has led to some of us not having a happy-go-lucky kittens-and-bunnies outlook on the situation. Bandai's Saint Seiya Saint Cloth Myth figures are pure awesome. I don't state that they don't have the know how, or the ability. I am just fearful they will continue to not care about Macross or put out M7 quality and quantity stuff and otherwise sit on the license because they can.
  3. Well I'm excited about TOS characters revisited. Besides we may see some Starfleet Academy stuff. If that Enterprise in the teaser is what the new Enterprise is going to look like, I'm pleased from what they've shown. That Enterprise is sufficient to me. I was actually worried that they may go with an exact version of TOS Enterprise in CG like the Enterprise Defiant in the mirror two-parter episodes (I haven't seen TOS remastered). They decided it didn't look right for a movie before, hence the refit Enterprise in TMP. Apparently Master Replicas will be bringing out stuff from the movie, although they haven't said what yet. I must admit to being curious.
  4. lol true, back in the TOS days they were paid. Kirk talks about Scotty earning his wages for the week. Picard says they've eliminated money. And command switched to red.
  5. I'm still going to see Cloverfield for the teaser (want to watch that movie anyway). This is something I want to see on the big screen and not on my monitor. I can't wait for a trailer with some film footage of the cast and all.
  6. 1/60 VF-11B Thunderbolt (pretty sure this baby is coming) 1/60 VF-4G Lightning III 1/60 VF-22 Sturmvogel II 1/60 VF-17D Nightmare 1/60 VF-14 Vampire 1/60 VF-5000 1/60 VF-0D (with no QC or engineering problems)
  7. I hate Crystal Saint and even more so than him, the Steel Saints. I do admit that Bandai did do a fantastic job on Crystal Saint's myth cloth figure from the pics I did see. I just don't like the character. Like the seiyuu, but not the character.
  8. I prefer Basara to Hibiki, at least Basara can sing sing sing.
  9. Since the VF-0B seems to be Hasegawa only so far, would they have the rights to the 0B? The reason I pose that question is because I remember it being discussed that the project supernova orange and supernova blue color schemes belonged to Hasegawa. Well, hell, if Yamato pulls out a VF-0D with no problems and has a good color scheme... I'm in.
  10. In that case, in addition to Hurin, hats off to: "blame" >EXO< , "gubaba avatar" azreal, "Mr. munch munch mmmmm" Dangard Ace, "airplane guru" David Hingtgen, "Sith Lord" Graham, "weapons specialist" JsARCLIGHT, mechamaniac "with the ever pointing monkey", MilkManX "equiped with Optimus Prime avatar", "the original Skull Focker" Roy Focker, and the "ever elusive" Shawn. Thank you to all the mods for your efforts. And putting up with us nuts.
  11. Don't forget that SDF:M is where it all started: "warera rori konda" Shammy/Sammy in SDF:M. skip M+. Mylene and Elma in M7 and M& Dynamite. Mao in M0 (with a flashback of Sara before she grew up into the machete wielding b**ch machine). Ranka seems to fit the category. Toss in Ruka/Luka, and you have the male counterpart.
  12. With all the new Yamato stuff coming out and a new TV series coming out, it's no wonder that there's a large influx of members. And Hurin has been doing a fantastic job of taking care of spammers. Hats off to the unabashedly contrarian one!
  13. Oh, and I don't consider Macross II canon. If I could I would deny its existence. That was one VHS tape I could have spent on something else... May Macross never focus on a self-righteous news reporter as main character ever again!
  14. Sisko hit Q, Picard never did that. I love how there's so much secrecy surrounding the new movie. That they're going to such lengths to not let buttloads of spoilers get out and that they've managed to keep it as tightly sealed as it's been so far. Other than cast confirmations, there's been a lot of rumors and a few paparazzi photos, but that's about it. I like the new uniforms. They look nice.
  15. Since it would be in 1/60 scale, hopefully it'll be closer to the price of the new 1/60 VF-1s, since the VF-11 is very close to the size of a VF-1. That's a pleasant thought indeed.
  16. Sumdumgai

    PS2 Macross

    Did all I could to unlock as much as I could way back when. Yeah, it's a shame they're not in it. Hence my last post. I want to play it with those variable fighters!
  17. I think Vermillion21 is on to something.
  18. While I would have been excited about a VF-0D before, ever since my VF-0A's shoulders broke apart I've lost almost all interest in seeing a 0D. While I would assume from the lack of complaints that the new 0S and 0A with ghost-booster have the fixed shoulders, I'm not holding my breath on it. If a problem-free 0D is made, I'll reconsider getting one. Till then, the 0-line has soured things for me regarding the VF-0.
  19. Yes, Bruce Greenwood plays Captain Pike. Leonard Nimoy, Zachary Quinto, and a third person play Spock (I'm guessing the third one is going to be a kid or a baby). I read that Winona Ryder (chain smoker) was having a bad time when they decided to no longer allow smoking during work breaks to try to minimalize paparazzi photos. It seems they filmed something at Long Beach City Hall according to Trekmovie.com. The little bit of Lost I watched I liked, but I never watched Alias. Never saw Mission Impossible III either. Damnit, I can't wait for cloverfield to come out so I can watch that teaser trailer!
  20. Loved the original, loved DYRL even more, Macross Plus was pure awesome, Macross 7 was campy cheese (fun and annoying), Macross Zero was eye candy with a little story, Macross Frontier looks like a possible return to greatness.
  21. I recall the last time man-Faye made an appearance, the mods warned that the next time that unholy thing was posted a ban would be issued...
  22. That got a laugh out of me. I have great faith in the new cast and in J. J. Abrams. This movie is going to be awesome.
  23. And the gunpod that the full armor VF-11C has is a BFG. It's a really big gunpod.
  24. Isamu used a VF-11B, so it's not just cannon fodder. When we see it in M+ it's already becoming an outdated design, hence Project Supernova. I love all modes of the VF-11. It's got a sleek sexy fighter mode, a interesting gerwalk (and I normally dislike gerwalk), and a nice thin awesome battroid. I particularly love the canards on it and how they make up part of the chest in battroid. It looks like a descendant of the VF-1 with those block shoulders, and the canards looking like the stripes on the chest of the VF-1. I like it for it's difference from the 19 and 21 as well. It's a nice transition piece from the VF-1 we all know and love (except you blasphemers ), to the brand spanking new 19 and 21. Yes the VF-4 was in Macross Digital Mission VFX. The VA-3 replaced it in VFX2. I wanted to play as the VF-4, not the monstrosity that is the VA-3. Nice idea about the VF-4 through Macross 7 Trash lowviz lurker. While I'm not sick of the original color scheme of the VF-11 yet like David (can't blame you for it), I do look forward to seeing other color schemes come out for the VF-11 when it's released.
  25. I have lost all faith in USPS and all shipping companies. It's always a disaster and/or a hassle with them not delivering/package being destroyed/delivering it and having Mr. Door sign for package/package never arriving at all. Unfortunately there's not like there are stores that I can easily drive to and pick up Yamato valkyries at for a price close to what you'd pay at HLJ after shipping. I bitterly curse HG and what could have been if Toycom had not been interfered with when they were going to release the M+ 1/72 scale valkyries in the US. My usual b**ching aside, I eagerly await a VF-11B. I can't wait to see how Yamato is going to resolve the issues of the old one and make the new one all purty and awesome beyond words.
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