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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. The revoltech 19 and 21 with big balls turns me off. And by "big balls" I do mean the shoulder joints. I'll need to see more updated pics of the GNUs. The Revoltech Chun-Li on the other hand interests me...
  2. I would never put Hypnos or Thanatos in those dresses. NEVER. Only must get on that rough list is Athena, for me. Seiya depends on how the God Cloth comes out.
  3. Still waiting for them to release Amazons... Marine, Shaina, June... Yuzuriha would be awesome.
  4. Go Animeigo because ADV is a bunch of hacks (and this is in reference to their jobs on other titles, not to mention hopping in bed with HG).
  5. Any Republic that would allow Jar Jar to stand in for a Senator deserved to fall. Anyone dumb enough to have Jar Jar stand in for them as Senator deserved to die. And any Republic that felt that a vote called by Jar Jar was an intelligent idea... They got what they had coming to them
  6. Awesome! Love it!
  7. ET scares me. It doesn't help I have a little old ET toy over my desk, staring off into space... with a stump of a left arm because it broke. Sometimes I get afraid it's gonna murder me in my sleep. I have a couple of the old Indiana Jones action figures. Indiana Jones, and the arab dude with the eyepatch from Raiders.
  8. Yeah, I wanted to see Darth Vader in his armor going around slaughtering Jedi showing what a badass he had become. Using the Force for Awesome, rather than good.
  9. It wouldn't make sense to rely solely on other things to protect the battroid in hand-to-hand. Gunpods and bayonets can be taken away or broken. PPB seems to be relatively new for valkyrie use. The hands in gerwalk/battroid make the valkyrie even more versatile. If anything, the advance in technology and all that probably allows for the hands to be less bulky than in the VF-1. Mr. March sums up what I was going to write, but better and in more detail.
  10. I cringed at the big ole American flag plastered all over the screen. I don't need to see it flashed all the time. I get what you're saying vermillion. I thought there were some weird things with the trailer. The gun thing originally made me go "huh?". Guess I know why now. I'm still looking forward to this movie. I just hope Lucas doesn't ruin it, and that Shia Labouef can carry his part.
  11. Even if it is just a movie, for it to make sense it has to work within its own rules. The first movie set up that the infected are mindless raging violent people. 28 Weeks could have been done a lot better. I still liked it.
  12. trekmovie.com article Sounds like it's due to a new Paramount head, 2008's line-up being secure and 2009's line-up being kind of weak at the moment. I'm damned well disappointed. On the other hand, JJ Abrams and crew has more time to shoot principle photography, and more time to do effects. I'll patiently wait. Argh, gonna have to wait longer though. I want to see this movie so bad...
  13. I'm still watching it to see where it goes. I like Cameron.
  14. Dunno if I'll watch. I didn't like Clone Wars that much. Guess it'll be something to pass the time until Star Trek comes out.
  15. YF-19, YF-21, and VF-11B in May. At least according to the individual pages concerning those battroids. Well it's written: 2008年5月 I can't read it, but it sure as hell looks like a date.
  16. If it's KOTOR3, then I hope that they take their time this time around and don't rush the game out like the last two.
  17. Fallyna would be Miria's maiden last name. Hence why all the daughters would have Fallyna in them. So Mylene would be "Mylene Flare Fallyna Jenius".
  18. Sumdumgai


    Is not part of Macross canon. Is cool variable fighter along the lines of the VF-0 and VF-1. I remember something about a testbed for new technology based upon a tested and proven airframe (VF-1). I would love a Yamato toy of this baby and the SW-XAII
  19. Sarah Connor sure did a sh**y job of raising John to be some hero that'll be the ultimate human badass in the future. She was supposedly taking him all over, teaching him how to handle weapons, blow stuff up, hack things, and all that, and what she couldn't teach she'd have other's teach to him. If after all that time, she didn't teach him how to drive stick, she's retarded... Or the writers are retarded... I'm going with the writers are retarded.
  20. Pilot figure, two gunpods, fastpacks.
  21. Well Saint Seiya G introduced the Lynx Bronze Saint. I don't remember much since I didn't keep up with G, I can't stand Okada's art style.
  22. Nice catch on the feet. I think I see what you're talking about. Hard for me to tell since it goes by fast, and I don't pause it quick enough. Interesting development.
  23. If it plays good, I'll play it. If it feels like crap, I'll stop playing it. I hope there's more characters to come. The one new character they introduced looks like crap. And as for a second thing to mention... I don't know where any arcades are anymore, except outside of the local theater. The one big good arcade I knew of is gone.
  24. More or less. Not sure about the Hephaestus part. As for El Cid. I dunno. I'd ask the mangaka who she was basing the name on (I don't really believe that Kurumada is actually writing the story for it, despite his credits as doing so), but I can't. Teshirogi Shiyori is awesome.
  25. Ick. Everyone's overlymuscular. This is paint the point of ridiculousness. I didn't like the overly muscled takes they did in the Alpha series, but I lived with it. I didn't like Chun-Li's huge thighs and tiny head in SFIII, but I lived with it. I don't like what they've done so far with SFIV, but I'll live with it.
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