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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Depends on the time period. TOS era through to around Star Trek VI (including the time period of young Kirk and co. in Star Trek XI), I'd go with the Federation. It's pretty clear-cut who are the enemies. Not too technical yet, so you can still solve problems creatively without having to know what the phase inducer modified to various frequencies does to the photon control which -blah blah blah blah. It's not like Vulcans are wide-spread in Starfleet during this time period. During this period, the Federation is probably the least uncomfortable area to live in. TNG-VOY, I'd rather be off on my own somewhere with my own home and ship, renewable power supply, cloaking device, holodeck, and replicator. Away from Starfleet, the Klingons (they smell funny), Romulans, Cardassians, Ferengi (buttheads), Bajorans, Vulcans, Orions, and most especially the Borg (aka Zombies in Outer Space).
  2. I would probably use it as a foot-rest at my computer. Every so often I'll look down and grin, then go back to doing stuff on the computer. I have my Bandai Fire valkyrie under my desk and regularly rest my feet on it when I sit in a more normal position. Then again that's because I'm still rejoicing over my Yamato 1/60 YF-19, with the not so great looking chunker on display under my feet. Don't worry I don't intend to try to sell it (especially to you guys). It's mine, and I keep it to remind me of the times when Macross stuff was hard to come by and didn't look so great.
  3. It's so funny I almost started crying!
  4. Guess Yamato is testing the waters before they decide on releasing the Monster...
  5. Interesting. Wonder where they're going to go with Cameron getting blown up and all. Sarah is going to have a traumatic flashback when Cameron's endoskeleton rises from the fiery wreck and looks at her and John: "They left me a tight gift".
  6. Weathering looks interesting. I wonder if it'll smudge off with handling like the low vis v1 (no, I won't let go of mine, so there! ). Not a must have for me. I prefer my stuff to be pristine. Whether that be prop replicas or toys. And twoducks... My brain bleeds after having watched that. It's omgwtfmeteo!
  7. Saint Seiya is a big license that jump started the doujinshi industry into the momentum of being what it is today, not to mention is popular the world over (excluding the US since it was picked up like two decades too late). They created the Myth Cloth line due to the anime series being brought back and continued, and that there would be adult collectors who weren't satisfied with their old chunky monkies. The Myth Cloth line is pure awesome. Although don't expect to put them in dynamic poses, that die cast armor is heavy! And they've progressed to the point that it's almost all die cast. Dunno the other licenses you mentioned, except Godzilla who is the baddest giant monster ever. Forgot my point already here. I'll just make it that Saint Seiya is awesome. Well, even as Yamato was busy proving that Macross was a license that could make some money, Bandai did jack. Over the years Bandai could have put out a VF-17 and a VF-22 (certain sellers). The VF-17 they have pretty much exclusive rights to, since it's in Macross 7, and Yamato is having issues with the VFX2 license. Re-issuing isn't the same as bringing something new to the table. At least for me. So they don't get credit for reissuing the classic chunky monkey. Though Bandai can do fantastic things with die cast, I too worry about weight issues, and problems with paint after repeated transformations. I do NOT want a 1/60 scale VF-25 doing a flip off my desk with 99% die cast content in battroid mode
  8. Ievan Polka Miku Ievan Polka Miku is stuck in my brain Kurutto, Odotte Miku catchy, I think the lyrics are Portuguese for the first song I must admit to be sorely tempted in getting a Nendoroid Miku. The two blond ones are twins. Rin and Ren. One's a girl, and one's a boy. They're the newest vocaloid pack. While they're cute characters, when it comes to singing... Sharon Apple they are not.
  9. Bandai has the Macross 7 license and has had it sewn up tighter than a fly's ass (meaning bend over if you want to get the license). That's why Yamato never made Macross 7 toys.
  10. Let's not get this thread locked guys.
  11. Even if it's just Graham getting the juicy info, seeing the pre-production samples, and getting to handle the toys. It's not like Yamato is doing it just to spite us MW members. Graham has a contact and thanks to that he gets to see and handle all this awesome stuff. Even if he can't directly tell us things, it's those hints that are better than nothing. "The fighter mode is awesome" "Sleek sleek sleek fighter mode" "This baby looks fantastic in battroid" "Tell your wallets to bend over, because Yamato is releasing a ginormous amount of Macross things this year!" Some times you have a bunch of privileged info that fans of a series would murder each other for. Graham can give us hints, info, pics, and reports when Yamato gives the okay. Other people can't say a word about what they know due to non-disclosure agreements... And just to clear things up I am not hinting at having any juicy info that's Macross related.
  12. Yamato is looking up on the QC from what I understand. Yamato can F*** up, I am quite aware of it (VF-0A shoulder breakage, grrr). Yamato does have a history of releasing some badass valkyrie toys. Bandai can put out good stuff, and mediocre stuff. They have a history of not putting any effort into Macross. It's that history that has a number of us waiting with crossed arms and dubious looks on our faces. As Eugimon brought up, Bandai having the Macross Frontier license isn't really competition. They're releasing Macross Frontier stuff, not SDF Macross, DYRL, Macross Plus, and Macross Zero stuff. If you want a VF-25, Bandai is the only game in town. And if it sucks... Well no one else can get the license for a while. I'm not cursing Bandai. I'm going to wait and see what they put out. If the 1/60 VF-25 turns out to be a chunky monkey, I'm gonna throw up.
  13. I never want to see anything Macross at Walmart. I loathe Walmart. I wouldn't even wish Macross II stuff to be at Walmart. Robotech, whatever, but not Macross!
  14. If it were Misa or Miria, it would still be too big and expensive for a big doll with big exposed joints. But that's just for my tastes, some people like big dolls with big exposed joints and cloth clothing (cloth clothing for figures/dolls never looks right).
  15. Lawnmowing. In the crowded series, I don't think so. "what is this lawn that you speak of?" More like smart enough to toss water on the sidewalk in front of the house to clean it every day. I was expecting a figure more like the Animal Girl Series, that Ikki Tosen figure, or the Shunya Yamashita figures.
  16. Sumdumgai


    I paid $30 back around '95 for mine from Banzai Comics and Animation on Sepulveda in LA. I didn't realize it was a bootleg. Now I know. Still love my VF-1J though. I need to do maintenance on it every so often, but that baby is still holding together. Still snap my finger with the spring-loaded landing gear too. ouch.
  17. It's arguable, but that's for another thread and another section of the forum. (I'm with Lonely Soldier Boy: "It's not true")
  18. Well I'd say that what's landing is a French flight, so it'll probably be another couple of hours. And that's speaking from miserable experiences. Now will Graham post in the YF-21 thread, or will we see a brand new thread open up? (1/60 VF-11B come on! Come on!) Actually now that it's been a little while longer, I believe that Graham was silenced by the Yamato ninjas! Or will the Sith Lord triumph! FIND OUT if Graham makes another post! *dun dun dun*
  19. That Viper chick reminds me of Ash Crimson from the KOF series (I admittedly haven't kept up to date with it). SFIV isn't as bad in motion, but yeah, still find the bulkiness a bit offsetting.
  20. The 19 does not have a locking chest yet, Alain.
  21. Scream man, that is so damned awesome!
  22. Already not liking it, but at that price it's a no brainer for me. Hell no!
  23. Well it depends on what Bandai gives us as the final product. If they look pretty, but have poor articulation like the M7 toys, then there would be a damned good reason for Yamato to pick up the license down the line and make some good versions of the MF toys. Things are looking up, and I'm grinning and what I see. But I'm not going to start clapping until these come out and are reviewed.......... and a VF-171 is made well!
  24. I voted I probably wouldn't get it, but damn those pics make it tempting...
  25. Love the YF-21, but that Minmay... Well, I'll spend my money on other figures.
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