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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. It's not because of her hair that I think that Ranka could be a distant relative of Sheryl, but because of the effect she seems to have on the Vajra, and because we don't know anything about her biological family except that they're dead now.
  2. I was among the supporters of the idea of everything being in 1/48 scale, but lots of people pissed and moaned that the YF-19 and YF-21 would be too big. Since the VF-0, YF-19, SV-51, and YF-21 are being done in 1/60 scale, with the VF-1s being redone in 1/60, just stick with 1/60. Imagine doing the MKII Monster in 1/48 though! It would be awesome huge! And, yes, 505thAirborne, the new 1/60 scale VF-1s will be close to the same size as the old 1/60 scale valkyries, because they are in the same scale and they're supposed to be the same valkyrie. So even though the 1/60 VF-1 will be smaller than the VF-0, SV-51, YF-19, and YF-21, those valks are all normally larger than the VF-1 anyway.
  3. Before real world planes we need these valkyries: VF-4 VF-11 VF-14 VF-17 VF-22 VF-3000 VF-5000
  4. Not quite Myth Cloth, but I forgot to mention (I think?) that I picked up a few of those chibi big-head Saint Seiya trading figures. At Random I got Leo Aioria. Then I went out of the way to get an opened box of Shun-Hades, and Garuda Aiacos. They look like freaks, but they make me laugh.
  5. Thanks for the links Fit for Natalie. I've been waiting for an Anakin with ball jointed shoulders, elbows, knees, and ankles (hips optional). And I'd prefer that his clothes be non-soft-goods, exception for a cloak or the lower part of the tunic. I find the figures look funky with too much soft-goods.
  6. Who thinks that somehow Ranka is going to be a distant relative of Sheryl? And have Nome blood in her.
  7. Don't forget the hotness that is Emilia.
  8. My 1/48 VF-1A Max has some mild yellowing. Makes me sad. Oh well, I'll just consider it to be weathering.
  9. I think I'm done on the Star Wars figures unless a super-articulated Anakin comes out, or they bring out some great looking new Clonetrooper schemes.
  10. Okay I may have to pick up Aioria sometime. Mu doesn't really matter to me because the original figure still looks fantastic, and I prefer him with a ponytail over free hair.
  11. I think there's a thread on the Tread in the Other anime section of the forum.
  12. ADV partners with HG, therefore no money from me (they sucked before anyway, but that made it worse). Is Animeigo even still around?
  13. Armorless, vanilla for me. I'm digging Mikhail and Luca's VF-25s, as well as Ozma's minus the armor kit. I've never really been a fan of red/black/white.
  14. Alto is everyone's b**ch! We all know it.
  15. I wonder how Mikhail's gunpod works in fighter and gerwalk. Is it still capable of full-auto fire or does he have to rely on other weapons systems if enemies get close.
  16. Macross can work outside of Japan. Look at all the people who still watch that Roblowtech crap. As mentioned in other threads by other people, Bandai could always drop the name "Macross" from it and call it something else like "Megaroad Frontier" or "Megalord Frontier".
  17. Now that, Chowser, is a beautiful picture to show scaled mecha in this line.
  18. Well the D-stance should be standing up with straighter legs, because that pose probably emphasizes the curves on the legs more than they would be in a more upright pose like the Q-rau and Yamato YF-21. It is quite curved regardless.
  19. Liked the music, liked the character design of some of the characters (I love Mikimoto, but he doesn't always design characters I like), hated the mecha, the characters, and the story.
  20. Now that I think about it, her face reminds me of Shinji Ikari from Evangelion.
  21. Holy Froating Head, that is one hell of a collection!
  22. AAAAAH! D-stance has clown feet! The only thing I don't like is how large the belly-plates are in battroid mode, but that can't be helped. I really like what Yamato's managed to achieve in the YF-21.
  23. It's a shame they're not switching Bond's gun to the new Walther PPS, which looks like the evolved form of the PPK that Bond used to use.
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