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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Congrats on your new valkyrie! It's like Christmas when you're a kid and what you got was better than what you were expecting, isn't it?
  2. Holy crap a 560mm tall Sagittarius object! Daaaaaaamn. That's cool, but I don't want one. Oh man oh man I WILL get that Surplice Capricorn Shura. I like the surplice design more than the Gold Cloth. An appendix Capricorn Shura would be great, I still am not that pleased with the original head.
  3. I liked the Hunter Killer tanks. Maybe the human resistance can trip the giant headless terminators with some concrete pillars rolling along, or with some metal cables or rope! Terminator motorcycle.... oooooookay. I hope Bale can save this movie from itself, because most of those designs don't make sense. Hopefully we'll see some T-600s and they'll look properly not-convincingly human with rubber skin.
  4. The wings not connecting in the back in battroid is normal even in the lineart. The wings fold and the rear edges rest against the central body in the back. While the lineart has the wings ending before the extendable gerwalk joint, it's not possible on the toy otherwise the wings in fighter mode would be too stubby (more anime magic). Headlaser length is pretty much spot on with the lineart, it's damned long. Nice catch on the fast-pack fighter mode VF-11 not looking so squished and stubby, kaiohtheforsaken!
  5. The question as to what is next after this... Well there still isn't a VF-0D. Big IF, if Yamato has the license still for VFX2, then they arguably can make the VF-11 Protect Armor, the VF-17, the VA-3, and the hijacked Battle 13. Battle 13 I don't think is very likely. Who knows what else they can do, considering that they made the fixed modes 1/200 VF-9 as part of their trading figure sets. Want to see more pictures.
  6. Because they put in enough effort to get it done, but not enough to make it blow-your-pants-off fantastic. It looks good, but you ask yourself "what were they thinking?"
  7. Graham already said a long time ago that the heatshield is integrated. So no worries about replaceable canopy/heatshields like on the 1/60 VF-1 V1.
  8. The canopy on my YF-21 stays open too, even opening it up in battroid mode. Sounds like yours is loose Sharpnel.
  9. Bring on Asuka! Not really digging the horns-plate glued to EVA-02's forhead.
  10. Been looking at the pics versus the lineart a lot. I think they did alright. I'd rather the cockpit be a nice size, rather than be cramped and tiny to make battroid look good. Also glad the nose isn't longer, or we'd have a needle-dick battroid on our hands like the 1/60 VF-1 V1. The wings don't tuck as well as lineart battroid, but considering everything it's not exactly possible. And if you look at the lineart there should be a part covering the wings slightly that disappears in the lineart. Also taking into account Graham saying that the picture looked squished which made the proportions look off. I like it. Hope the QC and engineering is good. Also hope we get some Protect Armor for this baby!
  11. Any pics of the mystery piece?
  12. Since the Super Packs group together after being ejected, I wonder if the Armored Packs do the same thing, for possible collection after battle and re-use.
  13. They make the packaging for the Battle Frontier be Island 1. So you get a monster of a box with a much smaller toy inside it. The Japanese way! Overpacking!
  14. Don't forget that Kawamori retconned the size of the VF-11 to be larger than the data originally given (larger than VF-1 size). Very curious to see a non-squished picture of it in all modes, and also curious to see what method they used for the heatshield...
  15. Holy crap didn't know about Shura coming out in January! I haven't been keeping up on these. Damn he looks awesome!
  16. Bit stumpy towards the front in fighter, a bit chunky in battroid. I'll have to see more pics. It's not turning out as well as I was expecting after the 19 and 21, but the essence of it is there. What would probably help is some panel lining to break up all that grey (not expecting any). Part of the thickness of the main body is probably to accommodate the landing gear, much like the gullet on the YF-19. The fast packs look much better than on the old version. The gunpod seems a bit on the thin side, but I'm thankful it's not ungodly massive like on the GN-U. Glad to see no more shoulder bars. Interesting to note the two part heatshield, and the ejectable/removable cockpit like in Macross 7. I wasn't really expecting that to be featured at all.
  17. I'm hopeful it'll look good.
  18. I'd wait to see how the VF-1S Ichijo turns out, to make sure that the shoulder hinge is fixed well on that release. If it turns out to be rock solid, then it's all up to which design you enjoy more. The VF-1 is classic, but the VF-0 is an awesome variation. Both can get their respective fast packs, but the VF-1 is more likely to get the GBP treatment, and the VF-0 doesn't have the Reactive Armor. In terms of proportions the VF-0 is more likely to be closer to the proportions of the lineart as the VF-0 had a cg model in Macross Zero, whereas animation and lineart in SDF Macross and DRYL was still hand drawn.
  19. I'll skip the usual, but that sniper rifle should have a longer barrel and heat-venting thingies.
  20. Looks way better than the 1/60 even with the gap in fighter mode. I like it.
  21. 1) ruskiiVFaussie is correct on the VF-0(A). The old VF-0S without ghost boosters was not good either. The VF-0S with Ghost Boosters is absolutely safe. The VF-0A Shin with ghost boosters is a crapshoot as some had fixed shoulders, some didn't. 1st release stand-alone YF-19s just like ruskiivFaussie said. I must add that the 25th Anniversary YF-19 has the fixed landing gear and gunpod. It's not lineart accurate as they made compromises to try to make it look good in all modes. Thus it's got a solid fighter mode with a slight gullet (some people throw up over it, other's aren't bothered), a nice gerwalk, and a thin battroid unlike the thick legged lineart. I think it captures the essence of the YF-19. Do note that the chest does not have a locking mechanism. I can't say much on a personal basis for the 1/60 VF-1 v2 as I do not own one yet. The VF-1S tends to suffer from a cracked shoulder hinge. Not sure about the VF-1A Hikaru. The 1/48 scale is fantastic, except the shoulders hang low in fighter mode like a scrotum. And the backpack hinge is prone to breaking when there is too much pressure exerted on it. 2) A number of people completely repaint and customize these toys. I don't so I can't say how easy it is to do. 3) No idea.
  22. Interesting. I hope they get the quarter looking good.
  23. Now what would excite people more? The Macross Quarter? The Battle Frontier? The VF-171? The VF-27? The VB-6 Koenig Monster? Or a Q-rea?
  24. For a Focker scheme VF-11 you'd have to check out Macross VFX2 for playstation, ruskiiVFaussie, as it's the color scheme of the VFX-Ravens' VF-11s. Very eager to see how the VF-11 looks.
  25. A number of us are arguing Bandai's failings, but a number of others are deflecting Bandai's failings by attempting to switch the topic to Yamato's failings. Yamato isn't the topic, the 1/60 inaccurate fatty VF-25 DX is the topic. The whole argument of "if it looks as good as a model it must break easy" is lame. If anyone could pull off a good looking accurate toy that isn't brittle, Bandai could.
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