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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. It's pimp energy, Mihail is going to be the next Gendo from Evangelion Redeath.
  2. So about that panty-snatching little green critter... I liked seeing the VF-1A up closer and more detailed. Makes me wonder if it's real or if it's a model like the big X-wing at Disneyland.
  3. I never noticed the Lum "LOVE" head on Max's VF-1A. Awesome! I love Macross, but not to the point that I'd drop that much on a cell even if I did have that kind of money.
  4. The answer to dreamweaver's question of designs can be found in the large "Robotech and HG Licence Debates" thread that's pinned (and locked). IIRC HG has the SDF Macross TV series, meaning whatever is contained in that series. Intellectual rights, the ability to continue the Macross story, and all that good stuff remain in the hands of Big West. Good riddance if they can't use the designs from Macross.
  5. Damn, that sucks. RIP. He made watching movies awesome!
  6. I believe that that scene was for dramatic effect since he had already transformed the VF-11 into battroid mode, and it would make no sense for the heatshield to open up like that. During the scene Guld is losing control. I interpret it as Guld is seeing this, and we're seeing what Guld is seeing. What he's seeing isn't what's actually happening, and doesn't have to make sense because he's not exactly mentally stable. Does that make any sense?
  7. Maybe Sheryl will actually shoot to kill the Vajra and the VF-27s. "Listen to my song! ... OR DIE!"
  8. "Jap" is a racial slur, and I've had the unpleasant experience of being called that numerous times while growing up (as I've been called the Chinese and Vietnamese racial slurs as well). It may not be as mainstream of a racial slur as the "N" word, but it still exists, is still used, and is still offensive. So don't use that word. And back onto the subject of episode 8, I forgot to vote in the poll! It was a fun episode. It could have turned out bad, but it was fun.
  9. The prototype for the VF-19 was the YF-19, as the YF-21 was the prototype that was eventually revamped and adopted as the VF-22. As far back as when the 11 was a prototype it was under the designation YF-11. According to the Macross Compendium chronology, development of the YF/VF-17 began in 2026. Development of the YF-19 and YF-21 began in 2034, with the VF-17's first flight the following year. Out of curiosity why do you think the 18 and 20 are earlier prototypes for the 19 and 21?
  10. I thought the VF-19A Excalibur looked fine in the Macross VFX2 opening. I wonder if we'll see any 19s in Frontier, whether it be from another fleet using some, or one being the commanding unit of a squadron somewhere. As for a toy version of the VF-19 being remade by Bandai. I don't think they can afford to make one as thick and chunky as the last ones they made.
  11. Well if you click on "more info" it gives a list of anime used in the order they were used. Can't help you on the original file tobi54, as I've never had it, I only ever saw this on youtube.
  12. Damn, there I go possibly jumping the gun. I mistook the VF-25s flying in front of the VB-6 as VF-11s. DOH! I should have noticed the colors and Lucca's RVF-25 with the extra bits in fighter mode.
  13. I remember Manga video releasing it back in the 90s, but I never picked it up. Then I think another company picked it up for a bit, forgot which one.
  14. I saw the whole onsen thing as innocent. If it wasn't innocent, I'm sure that Elma's Dad would have turned Basara into a red smear on the rocks. MD7 brought us the VA-3 (meh), VF-5000 (woo!), VF-22 Gamlin color scheme (awesome!), and the VF-19P (very interesting). Plus we got the awesome song that is Angel Voice. I just wish that when Mari Ijima had sung it that she had done the "woah woah woah" part or some variation. I overall liked MD7, though I felt it wasn't vital to watch in the grand scheme of things Macross (easy skip for just the story).
  15. If it's a special operations fighter that's still brand new and top secret, knowledge of its existence might not be that common even amongst high ranking officers in other fleets. If the Galaxy fleet has NUNS, if that is where the VF-27 came from, and if those NUNS markings are real and its a NUNS fighter, then someone high up in the command of Galaxy NUNS had a hand in its adoption and deployment. And the VF-27 does have a special ops feel to it like the VF-22. Damn, imagine if that thing had Super Packs to add on, the extra boost and weapons that could provide. I see what you mean about the SV-51 transformation feels like a refinement or development of the 19-type transformation.
  16. If they're going through the effort to make models for all the past valkyries, they can show up in Frontier whether it be through old videos, flashbacks of scenes from previous series... Mmmmm, and that means we'll be seeing the VF-11 again. That valkyrie looked absolutely beautiful in the opening of Macross VFX2.
  17. Well, the 19kai has more in common with the body of the 19F/S, it kind of looks like the 19A, but it's just in the general shape. If you study the differences, there's no way that a 19A could be used to make a VF-19kai. It would require basically doing a new sculpt from scratch to get the transformation to work properly. Hey, if the VF-25 sells well, maybe Bandai will make a Macross Quarter. I just hope that they do a fantastic job on the 25 and keep improving on the design, sculpt, and transformation.
  18. Nice custom you got there Macross Man! And have I ever mentioned that your avatar always makes me stare at it a while before cracking up laughing?
  19. If it's about models you should probably ask in the modeling section of the forum. If it's about Macross toys, this is the section to ask in. Reference for valkyries can be found on Mr. March's Macross Mecha Manual
  20. "First Attacked" kicked @$$ on so many levels that it was awecore.
  21. Looks like concept art for the full armor that Ozma uses. Although he doesn't appear to have a super gunpod like the VF-11 Protect Armor came with, or like in this possible concept art.
  22. I didn't notice the italics, doh! I wonder if they even tested the prototype YF-24 on Eden, and who/where the VF-171 prototypes were tested by/at.
  23. Just think of the competition! Bandai Macross Frontier 1/60 VF-171, Bandai Macross 7 1/60 VF-17, Yamato Macross VFX2 VF-17. I want a VF-17-ish valkyrie, and I won't settle for the M7 1/65 scale one.
  24. Based upon reviews, I'd definitely go with GNU over revoltech, due to the higher posability of the GNUs not having the fixed spread leg pose (something that bothered me since my first/only revoltech). Plus GNU has a VF-11 and doesn't have the exposed ball joints in the shoulders that make battroids look funny as revoltechs.
  25. I'll eventually pick up at least one 1/60, more depending on color schemes. But I'm not getting rid of my 1/48s.
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