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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Get a Tomahawk to turn it into a little an Unmanned Sentry Vehicle, equiped with little guns and mini-missiles. It would serve as a test for if a Monster is released, then you could turn that into an USV with some big guns. I'm not a big destroid fan, but I can't help but drool a little each time I see pics of this Tomahawk...
  2. VF-11 is still my overall favorite. It's the first valkyrie we see being used to kick @$$ since the VF-1. I love the design in all three modes, and I love the canards on it that become part of the upper torso in battroid mode. It looks cool that way. Plus, despite the designations, it still has the classic cyclops eye head. It looks good with fast packs too. Runners up: 2nd+3rd: tie between YF-19/VF-19A and YF-21/VF-22 4th: VF-25 5th: VF-4 6th+7th: tie between VF-1 and VF-0
  3. These are what I think are going to be the improvements over the 1/72 VF-11B: Fighter Mode -mostly plastic like all releases since the 1/48 VF-1, with metal in the necessary areas -appearance on par with current releases -fighter mode priority appearance, so thinner legs like the YF-19 and the new VF-1 -tighter fit in fighter mode with no major gaps and everything locking together flushly -finer details (panel lines and all that) -detailed cockpit -tilting pilot seat (unless the landing gear takes up too much space) -proper landing gear hatches -leg landing gear being like the YF-21 rear landing gear (folds/swivels to store) -no shoulder bars (spoiled the appearance in all modes of the 1/72) -updated feet with more detail -detailed intakes with removable covers -ballistic shield attaches and detaches like the YF-19, but fitted much better than on the 1/72 (that thing still pops off today) -large vertical stabilizers -gunpod will store in the traditional manner, attached between the arms in fighter mode Transformation, Gerwalk, Battroid -feet will come out like current releases, won't start fully extended like on the 1/72 -vertical stabilizers will somehow fit into the legs without big slits being apparent, and they'll stay secure when stored (unlike the 1/72 where they tend to flop out). My guess is that the sides of the legs will be hatches that allow the stabilizers to swing in, then close around the stabilizers hinges. -double jointed knees like the VF-0 to do those great gerwalk poses. -extendable knees, like the YF-19 for better gerwalk posing. -knee guards lower to allow leg swiveling for better stances and that awesome A-stance in gerwalk -improved shoulder transformation sequence so that the shoulder bar is removed, and so that the backpack and wings don't have to be set so far back in gerwalk (the backpack and wings are set back a shoulders length due to the transformation process on the 1/72) -improved shoulder/arm design to allow for a freer range of movement -double jointed elbows -hand hiding staying relatively the same, the flip-out method -larger hands, like what Yamato has done for the 1/60 version 2 VF-1 -gunpod will still have an extendable buttstock and flip out bayonet -gunpod will have removeable over-the-barrel magazine -there will probably be an internally hidden hinge like the YF-19, for the transformation into battroid, where the neck breaks and the forward section w/canards folds down to become the torso. -leg fast packs will attach by magnets -backpack fast pack boosters will attach with the aide of attachment points that insert into the backpack thrusters of the VF-11, and the use of magnets. -it will come with an adapter for the launch arm or it will come with a special stand What will be most interesting will be to see how Yamato solves the shoulder transformation on the VF-11B. They did what I thought would be impossible on the YF-21 and got that sleek fighter mode with hidden shoulders. I'm sure they'll be able to pull off a new trick for this one (hopefully a sturdy trick). Seeing how they improve and adapt the transformation in toy form will be quite the treat, since this has been one of my long time favorite valkyries. While I love my 1/72 VF-11B dearly for various reasons, I always knew that it could be done better. I'm quite pleased that the YF-19 and YF-21 were remade first, so that the VF-11B could be worked on with even more experience under Yamato's belt. I'm game for another Macross Plus scheme VF-11B. I would love a low visibility VF-11B. Max, Miria, and Moamiria would be interesting. I love the VFX Ravens scheme. I'd skip on the M7 VF-11C schemes, I don't like pink on the VF-11. The gunpod on the VF-11C isn't bad. A full armor set with XS-06 gunpod for the VF-11 from VFX2 would be hard to pass up on...
  4. If the VF-0 design was ripped off to become the veritech in the movie, there would probably be a lawsuit.
  5. Well depending on how this sells, Yamato will release more destroids. Let us not forget that they had a prototype 1/60 MKII Monster way back when... Of course it never went into production and instead we got a 1/100 Koenig Monster. This Tomahawk looks niiiiice.
  6. I love the VF-11B for seeing Isamu kicking @$$ in Macross Plus with it. I like that it's a successor to the VF-1, it's a cannon fodder type valkyrie and a hero one as well without having a color scheme change. And, well, I just plain old love how it looks. It looks nice with and without the fast packs, it has a big beefy gunpod (not as much as the GNU depicts it), and it's one of the few valkyries I like in gerwalk mode. The VF-11C on the other hand makes me sad. Don't even get into the subject of The Pink Peckers...
  7. I don't see the F-35 being adopted as a Veritech. Even in Robotech all their transformable flying mecha have been twin-engine craft. I think? Besides the F-22 is more well known now.
  8. "Ecoute ma chanson." = "Listen to my song." = "Atashi no uta o kike." French English Japanese That's what's written under Sheryl's signature.
  9. So far I find Alto to be far less of a douchebag than Hikaru was in Macross. Here in Frontier Alto is set up with the option to try to settle some stuff with his family (IT'S A TRAP!), go fly the free skies of a planet by going with Sheryl, or meeting Ranka for some surprise. I don't blame Alto for choosing to go with Sheryl to fly freely in a sky without a dome limiting everything. I think that when you get that once in a lifetime shot at fulfilling a lifelong dream, grab it with both hands and go for it. Alto could have called Ranka rather than letting her run to that hill to meet Mr. Ladyhunter left to tell her "sorry Alto's not coming". So that part sucked. But still, Alto is nowhere near as bad as Hikaru. The way that Hikaru stood up a date with Misa all day so he could date Minmay was horrible. Then he comes after making her wait a whole day, wraps a scarf around her, lies to her about what kept him, and then she sees he's wearing a scarf made by Minmay. That he wrapped around her. Alto could have handled things better, but so far he's not bungling things as bad as our original hero.
  10. I wonder how they're doing to do the heatshield... Integrated, as in hidden in fighter mode, yet capable of being brought out in battroid without having to remove pieces? Canopy switch like the original 1/60 VF-1? Separate piece that goes over the canopy like the original release 1/72 VF-11B? I'm curious to see how they'll handle the vertical stabilizers and their method of storage in the legs when transforming. The gunpod needs to be a balanced size and not ungodly oversized like the GNU VF-11B gunpod. I forsee that the gunpod will have a removable magazine like the GU-15 gunpod toy.
  11. Those valkyries by Studio Half-Eye are models. I believe they're expensive and hard to find. The VF-5000 has a design and transformation that is reminiscent of the YF/VF-19. In particular the torso area and the way it folds over in battroid, and the rear area of the fighter looks similar in composition to the 19. I don't think that this model is a conversion, but I could be wrong. It's funny because I can see that it had an influence in the VF-25 design as well, with the location of the head in fighter mode. -edit: thanks for the clarification Graham!
  12. I watched a little bit of Orguss subtitled way back when but never finished it because the place I was renting the tapes from didn't have anything past video 3. I loved Orguss 02. I loved the music in the dubbed version, and blew multiple blood vessels when I finally acquired the soundtrack after a ten year search, only to discover that the music in the dub replaced everything that was in the original Japanese. And I didn't like the original music on the cd soundtrack. And Orguss 02 beats Macross II for me hands down. Manning is an awesome douchebag.
  13. OH HELL YES! Yamato should be able to do it without the shoulder bars now. I hope it's as beautiful as the 19 and 21 have turned out to be.
  14. Those Nyan Nyan girl figures are an easy pass. Besides as ruskiiVFaussie said they'll kill you in your sleep!
  15. Oh nose! Another VF-1A variant! UN Spacy Kite on the heatshield! Damn this Tomohawk looks awesome. If I were really into destroids I'd be drooling. As it is I'm in awe of the awesomeness.
  16. As a disgruntled owner of a VF-0A with disintegrated shoulders, I recommend getting the VF-0S Focker with Ghost Booster, as it will have the fixed arms that won't crumble.
  17. IIRC Toycom was the US Branch of Yamato, fifbeat. They were going to release Macross Plus 1/72 scale toys. The VF-11B, YF-19, and YF-21 as shown in that poster. Toycom got hit with a cease and desist letter from HG, because HG claimed they owned all things Macross. Toycom's President wanted to make stuff from Macross really bad. Toycom's President signed an agreement with HG that Toycom couldn't make anything Macross. Toycom's President jumped ship and started up Toynami and partnered with HG to make MPC Veritechs. Toycom eventually shut down and re-opened as Yamato USA. People that pre-ordered the Macross Plus toys got screwed by HG. So did the people that were waiting to pick up them up locally in the US once they had come out. So there are a number of people that are still very bitter and pissed about that whole cluster-f$%^. This can all be researched in the HG License debate thread, I'm just going off of memory. The way Hollywood is, I don't think we need to worry about seeing a VF-1 or Macross, since they'll be completely redesigned into something that doesn't even resemble the original.
  18. Tobey Maguire will play a emo hero, whether it be Rick Hunter or whoever else. Maybe he'll play Dana Sterling (did I remember her name right?).
  19. Wait this movie came out already? I must have forgotten about it. Damn, this really does sound like something I'll skip even if I could watch it for free.
  20. The closest to the Jetfire is the VF-1S valkyrie. I advise skipping the original 1/60 scale VF-1S Focker as it doesn't look that good compared to the more recent versions, the die-cast legs lose paint easily and the hip joints get pretty loose causing it to fall in battroid. You also have to completely detach the legs from the body to transform it into battroid (lots of arguments on whether or not that was perfect transformation or not). A number of people LOVE the 1/55 scale valkyries made by Bandai. They are affectionately nicknamed "chunky monkeys", due to their thick parts. They're very very durable, are good designs from the 80s, and are very simple to transform. The gunpod cannot store underneath in fighter mode and won't attach to the arm unless you use a clip that it comes with. Heatshield is something you have to attach I believe (I own a bootleg from the 80s, it didn't come with a heatshield). Posability is very limited due to the design of the toy (legs can only go back and forth). It's a great starter toy, especially for those that feel nostalgic. I believe the 1/55 VF-1S Focker is available, but I haven't kept track on the Bandai reissues. The 1/48 VF-1S by Yamato, is fantastic. I own a VF-1A (same body, different head and paint scheme). The only parts that aren't plastic are the pins/screws, landing gear parts, and the T-bar that is used in transformation to battroid. Despite its size, it's light and has pretty good posability. Comes with: -a pilot figure -integrated heatshield (stores inside in fighter and gerwalk, comes out during transformation to battroid) -collapsible gunpod that stores underneath the VF-1 in fighter mode and can stay attached to the arm in battroid -missiles -intake covers for transformation to battroid If you like the look of the VF-0S (what Roy used before the VF-1S in the Macross timeline), Yamato made it in 1/60 scale. Be sure to pick up the version that comes with a Ghost Booster, as it has vital fixes that you won't necessarily get on the other VF-0 releases. In addition to coming with everything that the 1/48 VF-1 has, it has a cleaner fighter mode that allows for the arms and shoulders to store without bulging out like the 1/48 VF-1. It has an improved transformation sequence over the VF-1 (they have similar transformations, the VF-0 toy has an improved transformation for attaching the legs). The pilot seat rotates with pilot figure for transformation into battroid. The 1/60 scale VF-1S version 2 is coming out soon. It has even more posability than the previous VF-1 and VF-0 releases (double jointed elbows). It has a transformation that is revised with a VF-0 type nose hatch for leg connectability in battroid mode, and the nose slides along rails to make the nose section in battroid mode shorter (like the VF-0). The arms and shoulders now stow correctly in fighter mode and no longer hang low. The legs are thinner now, the hands are larger (people thought the hands on previous releases were too small), and there are a number of added details that the previous versions didn't have. It's not out yet, so no advice on what version to get, since we don't know of any possible quality control problems or things that aren't quite right but will be fixed on future versions. However, it should be noted that QC has been pretty high lately, and it sounds like there are relatively few problems with the current YF-21 valkyrie toy that's been released. Check out the macrossworld toy gallery to look at the different VF-1s available, read the reviews using the search function here in the forums, and decide what you like best from there. -addition: the difference between Super and Strike is that Super is the two rocket packs, Strike is the one with the double-barreled cannon that replaces the tip of one rocket pack. Amongst many places that sell the Macross toys, one that comes off the top of my head is Hobbylink Japan. I don't know if Tam at Twin Moons Anime is selling any 1/55 Bandai VF-1 toys, I bought stuff from him before and he was a great guy. Very friendly. Otherwise you might want to check and see if Kevin at the Valkyrie Exchange is doing anything with the Bandai 1/55 valkyrie toys, as I believe he's gotten back into selling some Macross toys on a limited basis (he's a great guy, I bought a number of valkyries from him before he shut down for a bit.). Don't forget to check through our "For Sale and Trade" sub-forum for the "Straightshooters list" and "Blacklist" to see what places/people are good and which ones to avoid. Avoid Hobbysearch, they're on the blacklist.
  21. So is that a full barrier we see deployed in episode 7 of Macross Frontier? When that vajra gunship blasts a large asteroid and the Macross Quarter comes flying through the debris enveloped by some kind of energy barrier.
  22. I wonder about the VF-16 as well. I recall reading somewhere that it was a delta-wing, but I may just be confusing it with the VF-11MAXL info. Speaking of which I wonder what the normal VF-11MAXL looked like before they added sound-speaker-boobs, and a woman face... The VF-16 engines are definitely more powerful than the engines on the standard VF-11, since the VF-16 engines can get the valkyrie into space without boosters attached.
  23. Considering that the song is about carrots being nutritious and good for you, I'd go towards "carrots love you, yeah!". It would be weird to be doing this whole song and dance routine singing about Ranka loving everyone.
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