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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Anyone think that Ranka was going to be used as a pilot in the Vajra mothership like the way Sara Nome was used by the APHOS in Macross Zero? Both were contained in an egg shaped container that was transparent green and filled with liquid. Both were communicated with: Sara by the APHOS, Ranka by the Queen or ship. And, both were able to see things displayed from inside: Sara able to see Kaduns, Ranka able to see the Frontier Fleet battle. The similarities popped into my head after taking a peak at Macross Zero episode 5 again. More protoculture technology perhaps?
  2. Bobby is going to get Alto. Alto's fate was sealed the moment Bobby put makeup on him. Seriously though, Sheryl.
  3. Alto has a lot of raw talent. Not as good as Max Jenius, but he's got a better track record than Hikaru Ichijo. As for the Vajra being defeated easier, I view it as more powerful ammunition and missiles being used, since the standard stuff wasn't up to cracking those shells. I also think that we'll see the Vajra come back meaner than ever, or the Galaxy Fleet will wind up being enemies, or we're going to run into something else that'll make the Vajra look tame, or a mix of three, or something completely different. Dr. Mao can waaaalk!
  4. Now that I think about it, what the hell is the VB-6 Koenig Monster supposed to do if the pilot wants to fire the cannons in gerwalk mode while in space? I mean what if there's no frigate or other large ship for it to stand and brace itself on? Does the pilot fire anyway and go spinning and flipping around from the recoil?
  5. About Gallia IV: Hey, where's the cream filling?! I keep listening to Maya Sakamoto's part of Aimo. I really hope that there's a full version of that sung by her on the next soundtrack, just like I hope the SMS anthem sung by Ranka from one of the previous episode eyecatches will be on there. I like how Alto is very different from Basara. Rather than "make peace and love" it's "the only good bug, is a dead bug". I don't envy Alto or Mihail when Ozma gets a hold of them to have a little talking to about Ranka. Now that I think about it, do the Cheyenne IIs stay stationed constantly in those holders on the Macross Quarter? If so do the pilots have to do a little space walk to relieve the previous shift pilot from duty?
  6. Ozma was still out leading Skull Squadron. Alto headed back to base to drop off Sheryl and get those Armor Packs, plus he got those nifty reaction warheads.
  7. I noticed that too, and jokingly said that she just wore that for talking to Ozma and changed into her concert outfit before hopping in the VF-25 with Mihail.
  8. I forgot to mention that I felt relieved that they dropped the dome on the City Section before the SHTF. It sucked to be the poor people that got blown out of that gaping hull breach.
  9. My guess is that the whole cockpit and canopy will be able to be pressed down, allowing the heatshield to slide up and over the canopy, similar to how the heatshield is stored in the lineart. There was a lot of discussion on this before the announcement. I think we had some diagrams of ideas floating around on this board somewhere... The heatshield, shoulder transformation, vertical stabilizers being hidden, and gunpod mount have been foremost on my mind for this baby.
  10. I was confused. Why would the pink haired one speak on screen and get no credit, when the red haired one and gets credit? It boggled my mind. In this old magazine scan their names are the other way around, and that's what I had been using for the longest time to differentiate them. Pink = Raramia, red = Nene. The Compendium, Official site, and another magazine article has them as Pink = Nene, and red = Raramia. But looking back at episode 9 when "Pink" went "onee-sama" and runs up to hide behind Kuran Kuran when Mihail is beating up Alto, she's credited as Nene. "Red/Raramia" never spoke in episode 9. You guys are right. The credits threw me off since we didn't see the character speak. I'll make sure to check the Compendium and Official site next time before I open my big mouth.
  11. Can you not read? I wrote "macronized Kuran Kuran". As in the adult, blue haired, busty pilot that is tall enough to slap a VF-25 battroid upside the head. You know, her true form, that as we all know, is an adult woman. That you automatically thought I wanted micronized Kuran Kuran makes you the creepy one.
  12. Not the first time and certainly not the last time I've been told that. I don't see what's so creepy with enjoying cast-offable figures. There are certainly enough figures of gals in skimpy clothing and suggestive poses. And we are on a forum section where everyone collects expensive toys. A number of people would consider our owning toys to be creepy. A Sheryl figure with blonde hair would be very welcome too. I don't like Sheryl with purple hair, it looks wrong. Though when she was wearing that red dress it was less wrong. I'm not a big fan of Ranka's appearance either. She's cute, but still makes me think of a dog with the way her hair is... Reminds me of dog ears.
  13. Nice catch SuperHobo. I wonder what that cross shape in the arm is going to be used for... Fast Pack attachment point maybe?
  14. Correct the Destroid Monster required a crew of three. We saw it in SDF Macross, and then there were those three old guys piloting their Monster in Macross 7...
  15. Wait a second. Alto is gonna turn female, have babies pop out of her back, and turn into a gremlin?
  16. Actually the VA-3 is from Macross Dynamite 7. The design was changed a bit for use in Macross VFX2, but it is originally from the Macross 7 OVA series. That VF-9 looks good. I hate the VF-9 design, but it looks good in 3D I have to admit.
  17. I'd like a macronized Kuran Kuran with the same features as the Queen's Blade figures. Removeable clothing. Which AlphaxOmega participated on at least one figure with Megahouse for Queens Blade. This micronized Kuran Kuran is cute. But I'd worry about figure sag with support being under only one foot with such a balancing act going on.
  18. I'd say the single most powerful weapon seen in Macross were the Protodevlin. Capable of wiping out entire fleets and we've seen one destroy an entire planet (and take out another protodevlin). For non-bio weapons, yeah, I'd pretty much agree that the dimension eater is probably the most powerful single weapon we've seen.
  19. Well if they had decided to make it take place in the 1950s I have to admit I would have been very surprised.
  20. I hope they get the vertical stabilizers to stay hidden away. The 1/72 I have on my desk keeps having those stabilizers pop out of the legs a bit. I do wonder how the gunpod will store on the new 1/60, since the handle on it is a bit irregular compared to the other traditional gunpods we've seen (this one has a handguard incorporated in front of the grip). As for the VF-11B size being corrected by Kawamori because he feels he made the stat size too small originally, I'm fine with it. Especially when the VF-11B being bigger is supported by its appearance in Macross Plus.
  21. Awesome! A paper airplane turned into a mechanical aircraft! That flip out sword looks to be very effective on the yellow vajra. That thing looks like it would to much more damage than the VF-25's knife, on mecha, on vajra, and on zentraedi... On the other hand with the knife, you're less limited in attack motions since it's not fixed to the arm. To me the VF-27 is a SV-51 combined with a VF-4 with some touches of the YF-21/VF-22. addition: I went back and watched the "next time" at the end of episode 13. It looks like the VF-171 is using the VF-17 stealth gunpod. If you go frame by frame as the VF-171 takes out the red vajra with its gunpod, you can see most of the gunpod all the way to the collapsible buttstock. All the details look right, I just didn't notice the forward side grip.
  22. Mr. March you hit it dead on. I also immediately thought of the VF-4 when the forward guns on the outboard engines of the VF-27 came out.
  23. There was an incident some years ago when someone released either some pictures or some information on releases to come that we didn't know about. Graham had nothing to do with it, but Yamato saw and got pissed at Graham. Yamato stopped giving him info for a while. It wasn't until somewhat recently that Yamato started communicating with Graham again. Though he hasn't been able to give us as much advanced info as before. This is going off of foggy memory, so I'm sure someone that remembers better can fill in the details. I keep looking at my old 1/72 VF-11B, then I look to the 1/60 YF-19, and then I imagine what could be with the new 1/60 VF-11B. It's a very pleasant thought.
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