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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. David Hingtgen said that Graham was on vacation at the moment, so it might be a little bit before he can get back and answer the VF-1D question.
  2. Interesting, the upper leg joint doesn't appear on the newer picture. The part of the leg that "breaks" for gerwalk mode, that allows the leg to swing down and forward. It's very visible in the old prototype picture, but I don't see the joint seam in the new picture. The shield appears to be much thinner in the new picture.
  3. I know what you mean eugimon. I thought that the Joker did plenty of jokes in the movie, it's just that not everyone picks up on the dark humor of it all.
  4. Because it is in scale to the YF-19 and YF-21. Check out the stats on the Macross Compendium, the VF-1 Valkyrie is a small fighter. The VF-0, SV-51, YF-19, and YF-21 are much bigger. The VF-11 is being retconned to be larger than the stats in the Compendium, as Kawamori feels he made the size stats too small.
  5. Guess I might be remembering wrong again.
  6. Jake Gyllenaal could make a creepy serial killer Riddler. That would bring out more of the Detective aspects of Batman if the Riddler were more Zodiac Killer like. Just keep Jim Carrey away from returning as the Riddler, please.
  7. If that's the final version, then Bandai hasn't progressed that much in valkyrie making. It still has that massive chunky look with funky proportions. I'm really hoping that that is not the final version and is still just a prototype. If that is the final version and this is what Bandai will be releasing to Macross Frontier fans, I'll wait the necessary amount of time for the license to be up for grabs. I've waited over a decade to get a good representation of the YF-19, I can wait for a good representation of the VF-25.
  8. I thought it was stated somewhere in an earlier episode or in a Kawamori interview that all designs after the YF-24 adapted its transformation process for use since it was so efficient, or something to that effect.
  9. Voted for the VF-19A Excalibur because there are two color variants. YF-19 Alpha-one color scheme from Macross Digital Mission VFX, so the Alpha-one made it into production with the colors of the prototype. And the sky-blue VF-19A Excalibur in the Ravens Squadron. I hated the look of the VF-19F/S/kai. The VF-19P was the closest to come to looking like the prototype and first production model. VF-22 gets my vote in the 21/22 category because it can internally store the gunpods, can internally carry two reaction warheads, and I prefer the visor look of the head in battroid over the cyclops look (for once!).
  10. That's a very good summary/explanation as to why some people feel that Ranka is selfish as in "self-centered".
  11. One of the deeper voices (non-old man) sounded like the underling of the Captain of Battle 25. It took me a while to try to recognize the voice with the distortions. For a bit I thought it was maybe Otsuka Akio, but that voice didn't have the same intonation or speaking style. Kronnang Dunn just made an intriguing guess.
  12. I think that Basara is too into the music and getting people to listen to him sing to care about sex. And I'm serious on that. He doesn't seem to show interest in anyone in a romantic manner. He gets interested in Sivil, but it seemed to me more because he realized he was getting through to one of the protodevlin.
  13. 13 or 14 years ago, Gary Oldman would have played a scary Joker, and would have done it well. I was amazed to see him playing Gordon in Batman Begins. I kept expecting him to go on a psychotic rampage, or do something evil. He played Gordon well in both movies and broke my mental typecasting of that actor.
  14. We can see some CF VF-25s flying in episode 11 with fast packs. Just before Mihail launches in front of Alto.
  15. Awesome movie.
  16. It hit me that we haven't seen Ranka's little frog phone in a while. It's like her little green furry tentacle friend is replacing it. Just wait until she forgets that it's not like her phone and decides to squeeze it to turn it off when she's angry...
  17. I just noticed something while going back through earlier episodes. In episode 11, around 16:42 (on the AnimeTake raw) when Alto's looking out into space, Mihail's VF-25 comes up into view. We can clearly see the gunpod attached in the traditional manner with the grip tucked between the arms in fighter mode.
  18. Minmay in DYRL orange flight suit Misa in DYRL flight suit (shuttle scene, am I remembering this correctly?) Miria in TV series UN Spacy flight suit Miria in TV series Zentraedi flight suit Miria in DYRL Meltrandi flight suit (none in Macross Plus) Mylene in flightsuit from the end of the series Miria in TV series UN Spacy flight suit (short hair) Emiria in her Q-quilqua flight suit (none in Macross Zero) Kuran Kuran macronized in Q-rea pilot flight suit Raramia in Q-rea pilot flight suit Nene in Q-rea pilot flight suit Ranka in beige flight suit Sheryl in beige flight suit Alto- wait a second...
  19. He does have the same voice actor as Lelouch you know...
  20. In scale for the reasons that David Hingtgen wrote.
  21. Tingles, goosebumps at times, gripping the armrests on my chair, and the occasional leaping up from my chair yelling "HOLY $H1T!" or "WHAT?!" or a combination of both and "WTF?!?!?!". Macross Frontier is awesome and made of win.
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