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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. As far as I know, there is no Bandai VF-1D. What you're probably thinking of is the VF-17 (it looks kind of like the F-117 Stealth Bomber?). As for Yamato valkyries, it depends on which scale you're looking into. The 1/48 is a work of art and has much more detail than the 1/60 scale valkyrie. But, it has very little die-cast, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences. The 1/48 is much more delicate, and has a notoriously weak back-pack hing. Cool thing is that it has a built in heatshield that comes out for transforming it into battroid. Be careful with the head laser because it's really thin and fragile on the VF-1A. The 1/60 on the other hand is smaller, cheaper, and has die-cast in the legs. In order to transform it you have to pull off the legs and put it in these little plugs in the nose of the valkyrie. You also have to switch the canopy and put on the heatshield to transform it into battroid. And the 1/60 is still pretty strong. My VF-1A Max has taken a few tumbles from a shelf on my desk and it hasn't been damaged. Personally I prefer the 1/48, and believe it to be far superior to the 1/60 valkyries. But, it's more a matter of preference in your decision. Try to handle one before deciding on buying a valkyrie (that goes for any brand).
  2. I'm fine with Yamato doing it as long as they hold to the quality of the 1/48s at least. A 1/60 VF-4 with "imperfect transformation" I can accept, with removing parts and all. As long as there is a "perfect transformation" VF-4 down the line in the 1/48 scale (it's about the size of a VF-1 so no size problems there). edit: But, a 1/100 VF-4 and a VF-5000 would be DINKY! Hell, I want a re-sculpted VF-11 in 1/48 scale! It'd be about the same size as the VF-1. Toss in a re-sculpt YF-21 (and release a VF-22 while they're at it)... I'd dish out money for a VF-3000 and a VF-5000. Till that day (if ever), I will eagerly be waiting for that YF-19FP. I hope for our sakes that it won't dissapoint, because if it does dissapoint... I fear that this forum will have more bitching and hate than in the Q-rau threads!
  3. Neo, eat your heart out! She doesn't fall!
  4. Max fighting a Zentraedi girl!
  5. SDF Macross edit: Macross Do You Remember Love Macross Flashback 2012 Macross Plus Macross 7 Macross Zero (historically takes place before SDF Macross, but it's the newest series). alternate universe: Macross II (love it or hate it) Robotech= terrible hackjob that shouldn't be watched now that SDF Macross is available in the US. If you do decide to watch it, start with the first season (The Macross Saga). edit2: DOH! How could I forget, DYRL!? "A... man... and... a... wo-man? What's that? A... man... and... a wo-man!
  6. RC scares me! I just avoid his threads. My eyes and brain have ended up bleeding from the few times I saw his threads.
  7. Max is like one of them ninjas that Yamato has constantly on hand in case they think Graham has given us any unauthorized info... Max is a NINJA!!!!
  8. Heh, Edgar? Nope, he means Deadgar.
  9. Double Jeapordy with Tommy Lee Jones... No need to watch since the whole plot and everything was shown in the trailer. edit: On the subject of bringing food and drinks in the theater... I'd rather bring in a six pack of coke or beer, rather than pay $50000000000 for a watered down syrup-drink without carbonation, that's supposed to be coke.
  10. Now that is the coolest chunky-monkey I have ever seen! That is a great custom! I envy you Jvalk, that really kicks ass!
  11. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Or a Powerful Sexually Transmitted Disease...
  12. I like the song, it's purty. Not the lyrics to the English version, but I like the singing. As for the cello version, you can find that on the "Macross Plus Original Soundtrack Plus: For Fans Only" CD. It should be track 8 and is a bit longer than the other versions of Voices. The final track on the CD is the acapella version (I think that's what it's called)... The version of Voices where it is just solo singing without instruments. Heh-heh, I got an original of that CD which I'm proud to own, since it took me a lot of searching to find that one. Not a SM, not an Everanime, but an original!
  13. Nah, it should have been four times as much... Four times as much, plus a Mao-jab. Based upon the various arguments, the Q-rau sounds adequately priced to me. A bit on the expensive side, I agree. But, hell I like the sculpt, I like the machine, and I'm willing to dish out my money for it.
  14. I don't have the time, skill, or patience to do this, but I thought it would be cool to customize the new Yamato VF-0 with an Appale Genki theme. Have the little happy head replacing the skull and crossbones...
  15. confirmation from our Sith Lord?
  16. I think this sums up where this thread is going...
  17. I don't know if this place still has any, but I remember seeing one of these Jin-Roh delux figures at this place: www.echobasetoys.com I don't know if they still have it (and I saw it in person at their store last summer in the display window). I think it's made by Yamato, but I'm not certain.
  18. No personal attacks, read the faq: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=20 edit: good boy!
  19. Oh dude, that'so cool! Can it do the movie clasping hands pose? (holding both hands together while blasting holes in people)
  20. Dangard Ace wins the prize! I like how this admin manages to post stuff that at the same time remains calm, stays inoffensive, is amusing, and can pull some good stuff up from the bad!
  21. I nominate said car for award!
  22. You mean a re-sculpt right? Since they already released the VF-19A a while back. I'd like one of them too!
  23. Boys, boys... I think it's best if the arguments on opinion be taken to PM. This is quickly degrading into bad stuff. I wonder which admin will reach this thread first....
  24. Wacky picture or not, I love that one. It's terrible . [Attempting to lend some legitimacy to the post] So, what scale does the cat work out to if the valk is 1/60? Non-scale! You wouldn't believe what it costs to feed this guy! Unicron, eat your heart out! Seriously though, sorry for taking the pic off subject.
  25. Where's AgentOne to "<clap>p-aaamp us up!"?
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