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Everything posted by Sumdumgai

  1. Good points! It's also political correctness that screws up people. And that's about as political as this will get from me! Weak person saves the day with a deck of cards. Kids need better cartoons, like Strongbad! Do you use your powers for good, or for awesome?
  2. Okay, at the end of Alien 3, that was supposed to be Weyland right? Uhm, damn he's one well preserved guy, because Alien took place like 50 years after Alien. And we don't know how many years Alien is supposed to be in the future sooooooo....
  3. Vaan: "Hi my name is Vaan, and I am really a guy. No really, I'm not a flast chested chick. Seriously, I'm not a flat chested muscular chick." Balfear: "Hey Fran, if I do yah, does it count as beastiality? Or only half since you're humanoid? And hey Vaan, can I do yah too? Since like it would be politically correct for us to be a gay couple... I mean all the girls would like some hardcore raunchy yaoi." IX was the last FF game I could enjoy. Other than IX, anything after VII really wasn't FF for me. And whoever thought up the gunblade idea needs to be shot. Combining a pistol and a sword is just retarded. At least Square did something good in doing remakes of FFI and FFII.
  4. It's made in France by a French group of sick otakus. Hell, they're pretty famous even in Japan from what I hear. They even got put intp some anime as a little wink from Japan, in the form of a poster on the wall of some character's room (no, I don't know which anime). You could try to find their website, I think they list stuff like that. But then again you'd have to be able to read French. Or run it through a translation thing, since a large number of people here probably can't understand French. I haven't watched any of their stuff. I got scared after watching some other fanmade videos... Although Resident Debile was pretty cool...
  5. Sumdumgai

    Part 2

    Are there any characters that wear hoods or cloaks? Because, when I look at the secret figure sideways, it looks like a character figure with a cloak and hood. Or something. I thought: "Hey! Maybe it's Miria!" But, it doesn't look quite right. Maybe Max in the Meltrandi clothes? Anyone ideas?
  6. This is great news! I'm not gonna buy it because I don't like the VB6, but it's cool that they're making it! I'm just hoping to see a VF-4! In at LEAST 1/60 scale, because anything under that scale would be too damned small! I mean, it's practically the same size as a VF-1. Hmmmm... VF-3000 and VF-5000 would be nice! And a re-sculpt VF-11 and YF-21/VF-22~ I do wanna see the VB6 in Gerwalk mode though. I prefer the original Monster, but hey this is cool.
  7. Now that you mentioned it.................a conspiracy theory perhaps? Gak! Not more Yamato conspiracies! Please god no! Apparently they are worse than the freakin' Illuminati. I submit that this post was not actually made by Blaine, but in fact was a Yamato spin control specialist logged in as Blaine. Or perhaps Blaine has been one of them all along....? He's the mole? "Dammit!" :Flips open communicator/wristwatch: "Cover's blown! Operation must be terminated. Proceeding with evac as specified." :Pulls out a gun with silencer and shoots everyone in the room: :Looks around, then closes the door quietly behind him: :uses SUPER SECRET NINJA TECHNIQUES to escape the room and building: Hah! And I've reached the grassy knoll!
  8. very nice, very nice!
  9. Holy Sheeeeee-it! I'd buy that for a dollar! That is some damned good work!
  10. I tried to make a little fight sequence between a VF-1A Max and a "Meltrandi", but I happen to be a tard with software... Got a bunch of pics (not well done either) but that's about it.
  11. In Star Trek the Next Generation, there was an episode where the Enterprise and some alien ship were at a stand off, because the other ship had no shields because they had less advanced technology, but their main weapons were missiles with high yield warheads or something... And the Enterprise's shields couldn't defend against them since they were designed for high energy weapons or something like that. Don't ask what season because I'm not thaaat big of a nerd! A nuke ought to tear through a star trek starship like a M-80 strapped to a guy's- ... never mind!
  12. Voices, definitely Voices. At least for post-2012. For original Macross, DYRL. Has anyone noticed the "naughty" stuff in Idol Talk? I mean the woman's voice in the background, not Sharon singing in French with a terrible accent.
  13. Political correctness sucks. It's up to the mods and Shawn, that's that. They make the rules, they guard all the gates, they hold all the keys. There is no anomoly. There is no spoon.
  14. Ditto. KingNor's got a point, as well. We already possess near-complete air superiority in every theatre imaginable. Why increase that superiority even more when the need is not warranted at this time? The way things are looking up, it looks like the next big kind of war will be terrorism. I mean it's already starting to look like Vietnam with military forces pounding the hell out of some tiny countries with trigger-happy little guerilla troops and bomb-carriers. The F-22 wouldn't do much against a terrorist cell in Podunk Idaho, waiting to travel across country and blow up a government building, or cause an accident and release nerve gas on a freeway. It sucks to be in one of the European cities targeted by terrorism which hasn't been struck yet, let me tell you!
  15. Nor do airplanes that become giant robots, giant humans that don't crush themselves under their own weight, artificial gravity on a spaceship... They don't?! I think I'll cry with this new information... Next you'll tell me there's no such thing as Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. Max Jenius is a ninja though...
  16. I'll consider that an emotional response than an insult. Sorry, as a graduate student who studies AI/controls/mechatronics, everything that Sharon does (physical and psychological manipulation) cannot be explained, thus there is an element of "magic" if you will. But not "magic" in terms of voodoo mysticism, but rather in terms of unaccountable phenomenon. As I see it, combining the established AI-base system with the self preservation program and with all of Myung's mental past contributions ("anima spirita" or whatever you want to call it), Sharon manifested to more than just a sophisticated AI system. Whatever Kawamori & Co. were up to, they cloaked it under a blanket of technology. However, I do understand why people would rationalize it as all pure technology. The biggest unexplained phenomena for me in M+ is how Isamu could have heard Myung's quiet singing to break him free of Sharon's "hypnosis". I'd call that "magic" if anything. To support J A Dare here since I'm a psych student, the "hypnosis" thing Sharon does doesn't work in reality, because for hypnosis to work, the subject has to be willing to be hypnotised. So again, more unexplained phenomenon. Flashing holographic porn images in a valk-pilot's cockpit might distract them into crashing, but the whole hypnosis thing doesn't fly. pilot: "Hey! Miria's bu- OH CRAP!!!" (boom) As for Macross Zero, it's a different approach from the previous incarnations; and I like the fact that Kawamori and co. take a different approach each time. And, heh, I like Mao as you can see. 'cause she's tricksy and crazy!!!
  17. You might not want Evil Dead: Hail to the King, unless you're a rabid Evil Dead fan. I got it cheap, so I'm not complaining about wasting money. Awful controls though... Avoid at ALL COSTS: Dragonriders of Pern, it sucks. A lot.
  18. I like M0. It's cool. I just take it as a different aspect of Macross. Although Mao's little trick in my avatar is a really Japanese thing.
  19. KOF 2002- if you liked the arcade version, plus it has Shingo and King as hidden characters. Everybody else basically said all the other good games I know!
  20. That was pretty good! I just couldn't figure out what the music was during the beginning of the fight between the octopus and the robot. I particularly liked the ending and didn't find it to be really racist. And, no, the cops are not that small and cute here in France!
  21. Lately hes been acting like he had rabies and flipping out, yeah, nice avatar he left, can someone erase that I was wondering about that too, in the fewposts I had seen of his lately...(which was a while ago)
  22. I saw a chinese bootleg back when Excel Saga first started being released in the US. I agree with A7, this is a seriously screwed-up, but funny anime. Makes fun of the magical-girl genre, poking a lot of fun at Card Captor Sakura. If you are squeamish about hentai stuff, you may want to thnk twice, because they make fun of that too. I liked Excel Saga better, especially the last "joke" episode.
  23. Too true. Most of the guys in my High School English class could read as well as a retarded goldfish. The class would crawl by when it came to reading out loud... edit: I want a kaba-kick toy! I would have loved that as a kid! And my parents taught me not to stab myself or other people with toys. It would seem most American kids don't get taught such rudimentary things today...
  24. This is not a democracy. The mods are peace-keepers that keep everyone in line and keep the forums nice and orderly for Shawn. And for your information, Max is a NINJA!!!!!
  25. I dunno, I think it's a girl in there. Plus, that symbol at the end of "sex" looks like a combination of the male symbol and female symbol, meaning "together" (or maybe hermaphrodite, in which case this pilot is in for a surprise... ).
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