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Everything posted by Sumdumgai
Uhm, the top manga picture is from a shojo series called "Gals!" ADV is releasing the anime, but it doesn't matter since ADV sucks anyway. Don't buy it, unless you like retarded kogals who are so frigging annoying that you want to murder them. The author writes about retarded things, writes like an animal, and forces her mom to be her assistant. In every book, she writes a detailed list of kogal stuff she's bought for herself, since the previous book. My poor fiancée has to translate this crap for the French release. Behold the less glamorous sides of manga. Look at that series with your own discretion, but prepare to feel utter contempt and disgust for this series.
Graham IS the spoon. edit: Belated, congratulations on your kid Graham!
The Hot Anime Cosplay Chicks Thread
Sumdumgai replied to bake_art's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I don't suppose anyone took a picture of the Samurai Spirits cosplay group at Anime Expo 2000 (the one at Disneyland Hotel)? I saw some Japanese chick cosplaying as Shizumaru Hisame from Samurai Spirits 3 and 4... (at least I think it was a chick, it's hard to tell with some of the Japanese cosplayers...) But, unfortunately I didn't have a camera, and I've never been able to find pics at the AX review pages... Thank you mods, I've still got terrible nightmares from the Man-Faye... -
I would, if it would do anythinng. But, honestly would this article cause much sympathy? "Nerd gets package crushed, Chronopost refuses to reimburse closet otaku" As for going to law enforcement or anything, they'd probably kick me out of their station. "Hi, Chronopost is giving me the shaft. They broke my expensive toy and won't pay me back." We were looking for some customer protection associations, but they charge a membership fee of €25-45 to do anything. So, now it's time to bring out my true American spirit, and bitch at them till there's no tomorrow! My fiançée was going to go over to the office that's screwing us, but they're at the airport and not open to the public (they just destroy the packages at the airport... ). When I get more news I'll post an update here. (Should I just update by editing a post, so I don't keep bumping this thread?)
update: Chronopost refuses to give me a paper saying they damaged my package, even though they admitted over the phone to having damaged it. Their reason, "it's a foreign package, it's none of our business." Even when my fiançée explained to them that it wouldn't be them that pays, but EMS in Japan, they said that it doesn't concern them since it's an EMS package. And a bigger bullshit thing, is that they said that they didn't go through proper procedure when they put in their status page that my package was damaged. They didn't have someone inspect it, they claim. Therefore they don't know if it was really damaged... So now we're supposed to call their agency at the airport, where we're probably gonna be told "it's none of our business". This is such bullshit, I'm about ready to explode!!! I mean, they don't have to pay us a single cent! All they have to do is give us a freaking piece of paper, saying "yes, we damaged the package", and EMS in Japan would refund us the money. I'm feel like going to the Chronopost agencies that have been giving me the shaft, and taking a crowbar to their legs! So here's a tip, any French people reading this (or anyone planning to send anything to France). NEVER use Chronopost! Use DHL or someone else. At least DHL hasn't shafted me yet...
Hell yeah! With no HG involvement! Hallelujiah if that happens! I'm just hoping that they haven't scrapped the YF-19 fast-packs. Although a 1/48 scale would be very welcome, despite the size... *wink-wink, hint-hint, knudge-knudge* And, I would be thrilled if they re-sculpted the VF-11 and YF-21. With some good sculptors, and not the tards who did the VF-0!! A VF-4 would really kick-ass too!
Or do what I did with mine: -Watch Macross stuff over and over during meals, so she gets exposed to Macross. -Talk about Macross all the time -Guilt her for all the money she spends on her hobbies and interests -Convince her to get some valkyries (start small like with a Banpresto, or a 1/60) Some problems with my method: -it might make her too interested and she starts claiming the new stuff that arrives (my fiançée claimed my new 1/48 Miria as hers when it first arrived) -gets depressed because she couldn't learn to transform the valkyries, because she managed to get through childhood without being exposed to transforming stuff (that includes transformers!) -starts grabbing the CMs Fokker figure screaming, "MINE!!!!!!" -it could cause her to become allergic to Macross (didn't happen to me thankfully)
"YesAsia" shucks it long, and shucks it haaard. I tried ordering that Witches CD from that rabbit-cat animation a while back in the Other forums. First they kept bothering me to pay them, when I already paid them and got a reciept on the ifrst day. Then they cancelled my order, because they claimed I didn't pay them. By that time, it had been over a week, and when they finally realised I had paid them (after having to send them the email receipt), they were out of the CD and some other crap I ordered. When they run out of stuff and you've paid, they DO NOT refund you. Instead they tell you that you have credit at their store for future purchases. I feel seriously like I've been getting shafted a lot lately... And to be somewhat on subject, the cms Misa figure rocks. Did you know that if you pull off the lower half of her body you can see her panties? She has a wierd dress... just try it, for those of you who own it.
As you can see from my avatar I like Mao. Hopefully my DVD will be arriving soon. And If this package gets messed up by DHL, I'll beat their legs with something hard with spikes... Stupid chronopost...
Does any of them have anything with Minmay, Miria, Mylene, or Ishtar?
Woah if that's true, then Toynami's current president is a dick! I thought it was rather slimy that he sold out and jumped in bed with HG after the Macross Plus toys got screwed over.
correction for me: 1/48= 4 1/60= 3 1/72= 1 total= 8 Good luck with asking your boss! edited out needless quote
Update time! The guy who sent me the package finally got back to me. EMS in Japan got back to him saying they can't do anything for now because: (drumroll) CHRONOPOST CLAIMS THE PACKAGE WAS DELIVERED WITHOUT PROBLEM! Yep! Chronopost claims there was no damage done to the package! If any of you saw some dark storm clouds and heard thunder, it was me screaming "god damnit" in the language of Mordor... In any case, I have to go complain to chronopost again and try to get them to admit to EMS in Japan that they did "damage" my package. This is a real pisser because of this picture I'm posting. It says "packing damaged repacked by chronopost" all over the packaging tape in English and in French... If that isn't proof, I don't know would would be constituted as proof! I'm going to have to start sharpening a pitchfork and get a torch ready... This is really pissing me off! ANGRY!!! edit: It's not the senders fault, he's a good guy. edit2: Update: Since my French isn't so great and I would wind up degenerating into a lot of cursing, my fiançée phoned Chronopost for me, where she had to talk to eight different people to try to get them to do something. In the end they sid that they will tell EMS that the package was damaged. I think this little drama will continue on a bit longer... Back to waiting to see what will happen. I'm itching to take Miria out of her tomb, but I'm refraining from doing so in case I need to take more pictures and stuff...
Solid hair version. Some of the characters look funny when you can see through their hair and see part of the non-clear head or body... Mao looks odd with clear hair...
I gotta agree. The announcement cam out last year around the same time as the Q-rau. And now the Q-Rau is almost on it's second incarnation. Remember when someone from Toybox said that they were going to retool the whole thing because he prototype was built exactly at 1/60 scale and usually it would be built at twice the size? Can you imagine how big that prototype would be at 1/30 scale??? Well I think it's gone the way of the YF19. I've still got my fingers crossed on the YF-19. Although, I must admit to losing hope fast... A variable monster's cool, but damn I wanted to see that giant footrest be made!
The arms look a bit stubby in gerwalk mode... Is it just my impression?
Why the MAUVE ( from YUKIKAZE) would beat the VF 0
Sumdumgai replied to sktchrtst2002's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Brazilian Beer, Antartica brand. For soda, Guarana, Antartica brand (followed by Barqs rootbeer). I like this smiley: And I find versus threads funny (like who would win, Hulk or Hector? Doh Hector is Hulk!). -
You can call me slant-eyes if you want to! Seriously does it really matter? No matter how much you conform to political correctness you're bound to offend someone. Stop trying to be perfect- oh wait too much Fight Club again... Uhm, yellow-skins? Actually I'm more of a diseased pale, but hey whatever. Isn't this rather political anyway?
Alpha pics newer ones this time confirm july?
Sumdumgai replied to eyesonme78's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
edit: it got moved -
Well so far the shopping service guy has gone to EMS in Japan for reimbursement, since Chronopost claims that it's the responsibility of the sender to file for reimbursement. I sent him some pictures I took of the box and of the Q-rau. Chronopost is full of crap, since the Q-rau was obviously repackaged in France. If it was destroyed in Japan they would have repacked it there with EMS stuff, EMS tape, EMS envelope, and there would be stuff in Japanese and English. My package was repacked into a cheap quality box that was too small for the Q-rau box (resulting in a bad fit and further crushing of the Q-rau since the Q-rau box was put in with the top of the box forced down on it like an overfilled suitcase). Not only that but it's covered with Chronopost packaging tape saying "packing damaged repacked by chronopost". Hell, they cut off the EMS address form from the original box so I can see that the original box was destroyed, and it was placed into a plastic envelope saying Chronopost. Jeez, that sucks about th amp! I know nothing about amps and guitars, but I gotta say that it sounds pretty damned expensive. Having to pack against a four foot drop!? Oh yeah, Chronopost is a shipping company in Europe. I'm not certain if it's French based or what, but let's just say that due to the mindset and politics here in France, you don't get the best or friendliest customer service... I'm not going to go into details since it strays into being political, but a simple example would be of mindset (exagurrated but oh well). US: "The customer is always right" France: "The employee is always right, screw the customer" In any case the shipping service guy is waiting to hear back from EMS. I still haven't taken the Q-rau from the box, and I haven't been able to pull Miria out of her tomb. I'm keeping everything the way I found it when I opened it in case he needs me to take more pictures. Thanks for the sympathy guys! I'll post again when I get more info on what's going on.
Heh, at least my poor Q-rau will stand for something. GO BATTLEPOD! Remember the Q-rau! I'm just thankful that it was the Q-rau that got totaled instead of the two Low Viz valks I got through the same guy last time.
Unfortunately EMS once it ships out of Japan to France goes through chronopost... The original package from experience dealing with the sender and with what was left of the original packaging, was probably a very thick cardboard box, including cardboard inserts to protect the contents, and a BUTT-load of newspaper. The guy usually uses that cool fabricy japanese tape that's really difficult to tear, and is like stronger than duct tape. I've recieved two low viz valks from him in the past and they were fine, packaged extremely well. This guy packages stuff extremely well. I believe that from the listing Ghadrack gave, chronopost did 1 through 4, and then some... Yes, Exo, I believe it's time to redon my old signature... edit: FIVE POINT PALM-EXPLODING HEART TECHNIQUE!!! SUPER SECRET NINJA TRICKS!!!!
When I first opened up the package I was like :"Holy crap! Was my package in the Charles de Gaulle airport ceiling collapse?!" Fed Ex sucks here, they hire tards too. At the place my fiançée works at, they had a Fed Ex guy come, and they explained to him over the phone that he had to press a button next to the door to enter the building. The moron had to come back three times before the monkey learned to press the button to open the door... It wasn't that the sender didn't package it good. I've gone through him for stuff before and everything arrived in perfect condition in the past. Hell, he's the guy I got my two low viz valks from. He packages on par with Kevin at Valkyrie exchange. Anubis probably hit it on the head. The way the Q-rau box is crushed, it looks like it got run over. Then they backed up over the package to make sure they got everything. This is the second incident in having trouble with getting the Q-rau. The first was I preordered from Hobbysearch. But, they accidentally sent me the 1/48 VF-1J Miria with fast packs. I didn't mind keeping it since it would be a bitch to send it back and ask them to send the right one. So I then ordered the Q-rau from a deputy shopper in Japan. Then today the package didn't arrive, it got dumped at the Post office because Chronopost couldnt get into the apartment complex (the door codes were on the destroyed box so it wasn't included on the repackaged box). Then the post office was closed and the workers were out in front on strike. Then I came back later and picked it up once they were done striking. Then you saw the results... I'm wondering if me having the Q-rau just wasn't meant to be... I'll end up posting what happens once I find out, since all this crap just happened today. Thanks anyway for the sympathy. If you think that the Q-rau looks bad in the pics, believe me the pictures don't do this justice. I can't even sell the parts as spare parts, there are too many parts which are damaged.
Thanks Gunnerx, this just happened today so I'm still trying to contact the sender to see if he can get a refund. Here's a second pic (crushed top). Back to scrubbing heatshields... edit: The real big kicker is that when my fiançée called Chronopost to ask for reimbursement, when she said that the item was completely destroyed, the woman said "oh! You must be Ms. Breuillac!" There are how many people working at this company, and they knew it was my package (sent to her name because the tard postmen can't read past the first name on our mailbox). They must like pass a steamroller over a certain number of packages just to piss people off of puprose... I don't use UPS in France because they're a bunch of tards that can't type in the door codes when they have them...
I'm so friggin pissed right now. This is the second mishap I've had in trying to get a Q-rau. I got it from a shopping service that I trust and know to be good. Unfortunately the tards at Chronopost utterly destroyed the box, and as a result they decided to repackage my Q-rau. And this is the state it arrived to me in. You might not be able to see well so here is a list of damages. Left leg split with major stress marks and numerous fractures Right knee missle thingy cracked Broken in half at the waist (like in here are the legs and waist, here is the torso) backpack broken off backpack with stressmarks and cracks all over smashed head, with the covering ripped in two left shoulder closing thingy torn off severed left arm with a missing finger Hell, Miria's Q-rau in the movie wasn't in this bad of a shape even after she had her brawl with Max and lost; HELL! It looks like it got trampled by a herd of rabid MKII Monsters!!!! Tossers suck man. Chronopost sucks. And the bitch I called to complain said that even though they had to repackage it, I have to get the sender of the package to ask for reimbursement. If this is too off topic or any annoying thing, mods you can delete this.